VSTO e11 - Create Custom Ribbon using XML - EditBox Read and Write - ID Card Make

VSTO e11 - Create Custom Ribbon using XML - EditBox Read and Write - ID Card Make Can't dismantle seems to be working three to six ok let's try with the new workbook as well she needs okay now let's move on to edit box and then.

VSTO e11 - Create Custom Ribbon using XML - EditBox Read and Write

The check box would be simple after that and after that I will show you some example on contextual tabs okay and then maybe we can try some more examples after that okay so going back here these.

Are the Edit box 1 2 and this history to show the total here one thing to note here is like you must have seen by now that we cannot directly refer to these controls so we have to create our own.

Objects or you can do to members or to a property that you can create ok so I'll demonstrate that now here on change this ok we can reuse this and then we'll use one more call back let's call this get.

Text this would be always small letter okay this will be added talks get text we don't need on strings for this so as soon as these two values changes we want to calculate the total this one so.

That's why we have one change event here Kovach and then we don't need it for this also okay let's load it up first and see that is because of the okay there are.

Some error in this okay no shoes so small things can cause big problems okay this is because we have noticed generated to come back in so these are the three once again so when we change.

The value here and here here or here we want to calculate the total maybe we can also add one more button here to also manually calculate maybe we can add one more button here or not maybe let's put.

It here this will be calculated total let's quickly generate the callback for this one well let's sign the calculation in a bit.

And let's create three members first up here private let's call this double number one as double you can also set a number here if you want something like this if you want.

To have a default number which can be altered again for now let's leave it as this like this you can also assign all these values on startup here okay now let's create first let's create a.

Callback this one is called get tax one change I'm good thanks this one and here just to be double and based on and what control its return here is gonna assign a value here like we did earlier.

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    So for this we have controls at the box - ID Card Make

    One two and three so if it is edit box one or two or three so this is where we're gonna assign these members that we just created now whatever values gets.

    Written there is gonna be displayed here in the text box okay so we'll set that edit box to will be returned from this and on the third one I like that and then let's quickly take care of this.

    Cannot be string so maybe we can just assign so for the change just go edit box exchange let's just do a copy this and here there is one more parameter this will be by value this name can be.

    Anything actually but the parameters can be this two own okay and here instead of return we'll say this is equal to this whatever value is return here else nothing okay so whenever whenever.

    Any value gets changed in that text box in the Edit box this this particular member or this variable will be updated with the value that is entered in the Edit box okay at that same time these.

    Values are gonna be stored here and then when the text is here then we want to it will automatically read from that member and here we can also automatically set the value for this this Plus this so 2 &.

    1 now this is gonna error if the values and thank so you can put the handler yourself and then again we have to invalidate there's mister that's a bit three okay.

    Now let's start it off so the default value that was set here being read and the change seems to be working okay now we can take care of the total as well so when the oops just give me one second.

    When this total is being click calculate total code is gonna run this code on instead of message box you can have this for now I'm gonna disable the automatic recalculation part here.

    So this is how you're gonna read and

    Write to the value okay my window is often so 22:24 okay on change has been disabled and I mean the value it's been returned to the variable but it's not.

    Automatically calculated here so this button is supposed to do that now so this is how you can create value and then write to the control okay .

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