Google Workspace Basics: Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms, and Meet Tutorial - ID Card Make

Google Workspace Basics: Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms, and Meet Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hello everyone. Welcome to Google Workspace. My name is Trish Connor Cato. This course is recommended for users who want to get a quick overview of Google Workspace applications. This class is especially appropriate for individuals moving to Google Workspace from Microsoft Office. We'll dive into Google Sheets, the Google Workspace spreadsheet application..

Google Workspace Basics: Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms, and Meet Tutorial

You'll learn about its display screen, and how to input data, along with some cool shortcuts. We'll move on to creating formulas, working with functions, and using the Google Sheets functions list. Then we will format numbers and learn how to preview and print a worksheet. We'll switch our focus to creating charts and working with both the chart editor setup and customize options. We'll explore pivot tables and how to create and use named ranges before ending the module by learning how to protect sheets and ranges..

In Module 5, our focus will strictly be on using Google Docs. This is the Google Workspace word processing application. We'll learn about its display screen and then move on to changing the view of a document. Along the way, you'll learn how to insert images and page numbers. We'll use styles in our document and learn how to access the document outline. We'll end this module by collaborating with Suggesting Mode and working with comments..

Google Slides will be the focus of Module 6. Slides is the Google Workspace presentation app. After understanding its display screen, you'll learn how to enter text on a slide, and learn how to change the view of a presentation. You'll learn how to add an image to a slide, and how to add, delete, and reorder slides. We'll apply a theme to our presentation, which will make it more visually appealing, and learn how to add transitions and animations to keep the audience's interest. We'll finish this module by delivering a presentation..

And using both presenter view and audience tools. Module 7 is all about Google Forms, the form creation app in Google Workspace. After understanding its display screen, we'll create a form, add questions to it, send a form, link a form to a spreadsheet, and view form responses. We'll direct our focus to Google Meet, the Google Workspace video meeting app. You will learn how to schedule a meeting from Google Calendar and how to join a video meeting..

Of course, you will learn the Meet display screen before presenting your screen in a meeting. You'll learn how to manage meetings as well as how to change audio and video settings. We'll end by learning how to start a video meeting from Gmail. And from Google meet looking to support our channel and get a great deal. Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right, your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more?.

Gain access to exams, certificates, and exclusive content at LearnItAnytime. com. More information can be found in the video description below. In module four, we'll spend 13 lessons using Google Sheets. We'll start by understanding the Sheets display screen, and then we'll move on to inputting data. We'll create formulas, work with functions, and work with the Google Sheets function list..

We'll move on to formatting numbers before previewing and learning how to print a sheet. In Lesson 8, we will be creating a chart. And in Lesson 9, we'll be working with the chart editor setup options. When we get to Lesson 10, you'll learn about the chart editor customize options. And then we'll switch our focus to working with pivot tables and then creating and using named ranges. and protecting sheets and ranges. So I'm back in my primary account, My Drive, and the thing is, I.

Usually hang out in My Drive all day. Sometimes I have to refresh the screen, but it's worth it because from there I can get to the apps menu. Or use the new drop down to create new things. We're going to use the apps menu and we're going to go to Sheets. And from the Sheets home screen, we're going to choose Blank. So just like with the common features, you get, in this case, Untitled Spreadsheet..

It has a menu bar and a toolbar. Toolbar has some extra icons at the end, like this one has functions at the end of the toolbar. And you have the ability to format numbers from the toolbar when you're in Sheets. The file menu is pretty much the same, except that you have the availability... to import in Sheets. And so we're going to talk about the display screen and then get started working in this application. So let's focus on the upper right..

The first thing you'll see is an arrow icon, and that's when you hover over it, it's just letting you know that this new file has not been saved yet. The next icon over is to open comment history, and you'll learn about that later in the course. You have the ability to join a call here. Or if you're in a meeting, you can present this tab to the call so you can.

Share your screen from this icon here. If I do the drop down next to that icon, you can start a new meeting or use a meeting code to join a meeting. Then you have your share icon. When I hover over that, it tells me that this blank sheet. is private to only me. And then I have my account information. Now you'll notice on the right side, you have this sidebar and this allows you to gain access to other apps. So you have calendar, you have keep, which is a note taking app..

    You have tasks, you have contacts. And you have Google Maps there. - ID Card Make

    The plus sign will allow you to get some add ons. And all the way at the bottom, you have a right pointing arrow where you can hide that side panel if you're not using it. And then the left pointing arrow, you can show it again. I'm gonna go ahead and keep mine hidden for now. So everything at the top is pretty much the same. Again, there'll be differences on your menu options and on your toolbar..

    But underneath your toolbar to the left, it currently says E4. That's like the name box. It lets you know what cell is active right now, and I happen to be on cell E4. There's other uses for the name box. To the right of the name box, it's kind of set up the same as Microsoft Excel, so this This wide blank area here is your formula bar. Then you have your spreadsheet. You have your column headings, your ABCs..

    You have your row headings, your 1, 2, 3s. And at the very bottom, you have a plus sign that you can use to add a sheet. So if you want another sheet, by default when you go in, it gives you one blank sheet. You can use the plus sign to add. More sheets and next to that, there is a lined icon that says all sheets and it's just showing you sheet one, which is the only one we have in this file at this time and into the right side down at the bottom to the right of your sheet.

    One tab all the way to the right, you will see another icon And when you hover over that one, it will say open explore. I think this might be a business workspace feature, but when I click on that, it allows me to get insights instantly. So it says to see answers, formatting, and charts in a single click, try adding more data or selecting different cells in your spreadsheet. We don't have anything in the spreadsheet now, so there's nothing there..

    I'm gonna close that panel. So, we're gonna start by inputting some data. The intersection of a column and row is called a cell, so when I click here, I am now in cell A1, column A, row 1. And that's where we want to be. So, we're gonna just type in some numbers, I'll show you some cool shortcuts along the way, that will work great for training purposes. So, I'm going to type the number 10 and press enter..

    And then I'm going to click back on cell A1. And you notice in the lower right hand corner of the cell, there's a little blue box and it's a handle. When you put your mouse on the handle, it looks like a thin black cross. You're going to click and hold on the handle and drag down until you get to cell A5 and let go. So, cool way to copy something, right? We have the number 10 in A1 and we drag the handle down to A5 and it just repeated, it just copied the number 10. Now I'm going to have you do control and the letter Z, which is undo..

    So it gets rid of the duplicate tens, and we still have a ten in A1. Now, click on A2. And in cell A2, I'm gonna type the number 20 and press enter. Then, I'm gonna select cells A1 and A2. If I point my mouse to the middle of cell A1, click and hold, and just drag down one, And you'll have both of those cells selected. And right now, if you look at your name box in the upper left corner, right underneath your toolbar, you'll see that it says A1 colon A2,.

    Because I have two cells selected. The colon represents a range, and it's inclusive. So cell A1 through cell A2, including both of those cells are selected. And so with them selected, you'll notice the bottom most selected cell has the handle. You're going to put your mouse on the handle and drag down to A5 again. And because we put in two numbers instead of when we originally.

    Dragged the handle on 10 and it just copied 10, it's repeating a series. So it goes 10, which is kind of a cool shortcut to know. We're going to do control Z again to undo. And in cell A2, you can double click the cell to get into edit mode, or you can go up to the formula bar. where you see the contents of the cell. So you see the 20 up in the formula bar. And we're gonna just change that 20 to a 40..

    And now we're gonna select both of those cells again. And this time we're gonna drag the handle on the 40 cell, on A2.

    Just drag it down to row 4. So now it's putting 30, increments of 30 between each number. 10, 40, 70, 100. Which is pretty cool. And now we're going to go to cell B1, and we're going to type 130, press enter. And now we're going to type 180 in B2, and I'm going to select both of those cells..

    Drag the fill handle down to row four. And now I'm going to show you another data entry shortcut. So the first thing we want to do is we want to insert a new empty row above row one. So I can just right click on the row one header and choose insert one row above. So it shifted everything else down. In cell A1, You're going to type qtr1 and press your tab key this time. When you press tab, it takes you to the right..

    When you press enter, it takes you down one row and it enters the thing. So we have quarter one and A1. Now we really want quarters one through four and instead of typing them, I'm going to click back on A1, grab its handle, and type qtr1. and drag it over to D1. It will repeat that series for you as well. So less typing for you. In cell E1, you're going to type regional totals. And now we want a new column to the left of column A..

    So just like we did with the row, I'm going to right click on column A's header. And choose Insert 1 Column Left. So now notice Regional Totals is in F1 because it inserted a new column. It adjusts everything over to the right. In cell A2, you're going to type East and press Enter, West, Enter, North, South, and then we're going to have in A6, Quarterly Totals. And we're going to go ahead and name this file. So I'm going to go up to the rename box that says Untitled Spreadsheet,.

    And I'm going to name it 2021 Sales. By region. Click away from there. And now I just want to draw your attention to this arrow that used to say this file has not been saved. Now it says document editors can see your view history for this file. So now I'm going to show you how to create formulas. I'm going to go to cell A20, and every formula or function has to begin with the equal sign so that Sheets will know to do a calculation on what you're putting in..

    So I'm going to type an equal sign in cell A20, and then I'm going to type B2 for the cell reference. So you notice when I type B2, if you look at the actual cell, it, it's shaded. And if you look where we're typing the formula, it has the same color shading on B2. And right above that, it's showing you the value that's in that cell. which is 10..

    We're going to type a plus sign, and then we're going to type B3. It gives B3 a different color, another plus sign, B4, yet another color, and another plus sign, B5. So now at this point that we have the last one in, It's telling us the actual total, 220. So when I press enter, you'll see 220 in cell. A 20..

    So you can use your plus sign for addition, your minus sign for subtraction. You can use the asterisk for multiplication and the slash for division when you're doing formulas. I'm going to click on cell A 20 and press delete on my keyboard to get rid of That formula now, I typically use functions in sheets Formulas, you're typing a lot. They kind of lend themselves to errors Functions are like packaged formulas.

    That you can use and that's what our next topic is going to be and now we're gonna go to cell B6 and I can show you a little trick here and If you go up to your name box, you can just type B6 and press enter, and it will take you to that cell. In B6, we're going to type our equal sign, and this time, you get something different. If you look underneath where you typed the equal sign, it says tab, and then it.

    Says sum, and in parentheses, B2 colon B5. And then it gives you the result of that function, which is 220. So when we did the formula, we were too far away from the data in A20 for it to be able to detect it. When you're near the data, in this case, we have numbers right above where we're putting the function, and it's going to be able to detect. Those cells and it will give you the default sum function and that's the.

    Function that we want to use So in order to use it All we have to do is press our tab key and it puts that function in for us And if you look up at your formula bar You'll see the function, the sum function, and then in parentheses, the arguments, which are B2, the range of B2 through B5. Now the really cool thing is that we don't have to repeat that.

    Function for the other quarters. We can just drag its handle. Now we don't have any data in for quarter three and quarter four, but we're going to click on B6. And we're going to drag its handle to the right until we get to E6. And so B6 is still what's showing in the formula bar, and that's the sum of B2 through B5. If we click on C6, we'll see that it adjusted for column C. So that's the sum of C2 through C5..

    Now we have zeros for quarters three and four. But if we click on the quarter three zero, you'll see it adjusted for column D in the formula bar and the same with E six, which represents quarter four. Now that means that once we fill in the numbers. For quarters three and quarter four, the formula will automatically update to show the sum. Now let's click in cell F2, right under regional totals, and type your equal sign. So, sometimes, The farther away you are from numbers, like when we were in A20,.

    It won't give you any function help. But this time, it's able to detect that we have numbers to the left of where we are, and so it's gonna select all of the cells to the left, B2 through E2, and it has the sum function, which we can just press our tab key to tab it in. Now let's say... That you click on that cell and you type equal and it doesn't give you the suggestion. You don't have to do this. I'm going to type equal and then I'm going to type sum..

    And I'm going to just, because it wouldn't have the sum B2 through E2 there if it's not giving you a suggestion. So I'm going to just select the sum function. And then I can click and drag B2 through E2, and then press enter. So that's kinda how that works. I'm gonna select F2, and I'm gonna drag its handle all the way down to F6. So we're seeing our regional totals. So far, I have 140 for the east region, so on and so forth. And all of these formulas will update when the quarter three and quarter four numbers are filled in..

    Sheets has a functions list that you can use. And so let's go to cell G2, and we're going to go up to the Insert menu, hover over Function, and you'll see at the top they have the top five functions, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN. Then you can get a look at all functions. And then they have them broken out into category. And what I tell people is don't worry about the category. If you're looking for a function, just go to all and they're all in alphabetical order..

    Now, in our case, we want to use the average function. I can get it from the all list. Or I can, since it's one of the top five, I can get it at the top. I'm gonna select average there. So in G2, using the function list, it put in equal average, and notice right underneath it, It's giving you what's called the syntax of the function, which means you have the word average, and then the arguments in parentheses could be value one comma, value two comma, or you can click and.

    Drag a range to get your argument in. So what we're going to do is we're going to click and drag. B2 through E2, we don't want to get the total in there, just B2 through E2 and press enter to get the average. And then on my screen, it pops up suggested autofill, right? So notice it's kind of filled in the average function..

    For G3 through G6, and I want to keep that autofill so I don't have to drag the handle. So I'm gonna do the check mark on that, and then it puts those numbers in pretty permanently. And I decided we don't want it in row 6, so that last one, I'm gonna just click on that 260. And press delete on my keyboard. And then I'm gonna go to cell G1. And I'm gonna type regional..

    And I'm gonna abbreviate averages to AVGS period. Those are my regional averages. So now what I'd like you to do, in cell A7, I'm gonna have you type quarterly averages. And then in B7, I'd like you to use the average function. to calculate the average of quarter one and then you can.

    Use the handle to drag it over. to the other quarters. I'm gonna have you kind of do that one on your own. You can pause the video and do it and when you resume I'll have it done on my end. When you're done you'll see the divide by zero error and D and E7 and that's because you can't divide by zero and it uses division when it's calculating the average. So I'm gonna select D and E7, and press delete..

    Once the numbers get filled in, I can actually drag over the average function then, and not have to look at the error on the spreadsheet. And so now, if you go to cell G5, the regional average for the South, we're gonna drag its handle down to G7, and we're gonna go to cell G6, And press delete. So this way we'll get our quarterly averages totals over here as well..

    It's all going to end up being the same number if you were to fill in the rest of the data. So now what we want to do is we want to select all of the numbers that we have except our averages. So all of the numbers, and I'm even selecting the blanks in quarter three and quarter four. And this way we can format these numbers. We can format numbers from the format menu, which we're going to do. You can also do some number formatting from the toolbar..

    So on the toolbar, there's a dollar sign where you can format your numbers as currency. or as percentages, and then you can decrease or increase the decimal places. And then you have more formats there, that 1, 2, 3 button, which has a drop down, so you can see the other types of numeric formats that you have available. So toolbar. This time we'll use the menu. I'm going to go to Format, Menu..

    Hover over number and there's that same list from the drop down now on that list I want you I want you to look at currency and look at the example of where the dollar sign is placed the dollar sign is placed flush up against the left side of the number and then for accounting and it's just showing a negative there but for accounting The dollar sign is like left justified..

    I'm gonna select accounting because I prefer all of my dollar signs to be left justified, and I'm good with the two decal decimal places there. Right. And so if you wanted to, you can go back to format number and you can choose currency there and you can see how the dollar signs are flush up against the left edge of the number. For me, it's really in my situation anyway, it's a personal preference..

    I prefer accounting, so I'm going to go ahead and change mine back to accounting. So now, let's make believe that we just got our quarter three and quarter four numbers. So I'm gonna go to cell D2, and let's see. I'm gonna type 310, and then in, press enter, and in D3, I'm gonna type 340, just keeping with our trend. I'm gonna select those two, and drag the handle down to D5..

    And you'll notice that the total now populated, it's not a zero there. And in cell E2, I'm going to type 430, enter, 460, and then fill those down to E5. So now we have our totals. These totals over here updated, as did our averages, and the only thing we have to do now is grab our average function, and I'm going to just select C2 and drag it to.

    D and E2, and then your regional averages are over here to the right as well. When it comes to preview, previewing and printing a sheet, you can use your file menu and choose print at the bottom, or you can just do control and the letter P to open the print settings dialog where you'll see a preview. of your work. On the right side, it lets you know, by default, it's going to print the current sheet..

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