You can leverage these actions so let's get started with the video data operation actions in power automate are available to manipulate the data.
When you create flows i will create a new instant cloud flow so we can learn the different data operation actions if you search for data operation.
And select the data operation group this will list out all the data operation related actions in power automate the compose action.
Use the compose action to save yourself from having to enter the same data multiple times i will select compose and the only input that it expects is a.
Property called input inputs is where i can define the value for my compose action so we can pick dynamic content as input to the compose action or we can manually.
Enter data in this case i've simply typed in my name the beauty of compose is no matter what input i provide it will automatically understand the data type.
Here the compose action has a string value best practice always ensure that you rename the compose action to something meaningful so that when you want to.
Leverage its value later on in the flow you can easily remember the compose action by its title i'll call it name i will add another compose action.
This i will make it an array of numbers i will rename this to array of numbers if i was to save the flow.
And test this flow manually when the flow runs the compose action called name the output is a string.
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Whereas the second compose action which
Is an array of numbers the output here is an array the variable action and power automate let's pick initialize variable.These are strongly typed you have to define the type that you would be providing for this variable throughout the flow compose you can think of these as static.
Variables when you define its value once and it stays the same throughout the course of the flow whereas a variable is one that you can change during the run of the flow.
Here i'm initializing a variable called flag which is of type boolean and i set this to the expression false to begin with and later on in my flow.
I can use the set variable action to change the same variable to a different value let's say true i have added another compose action that.
Has a list of email addresses the join data operation this action allows us to delimit an array with the separator of your choice my compose action here will generate an.
Array of email addresses now if i want to combine the values of the email address array and delimit them for example with a semicolon the from property for the join action.
Expects an array now email addresses was my compose action that has that array of information so i'll select this and i would like to join this with a semicolon.
Let's test this out here is the output of the join action which is email addresses semicolon separated i've created another compose action that.
Holds an array of objects
Let's look at the select data operation action this action allows us to transform the shape of the objects in an array.We can add remove or rename elements in each object in an array so if i pick select the from property expects an array so let's give it the array of objects that.
I created by leveraging the compose action and from here i can start selecting the data points for which i would like to create another.
Array these are key value pairs let's say i only need an array that has the name property of this array of objects to get that i call this title as my key.
And the value i can go to expression and the expression function that will give us the context of the current item of this array.
Is called item we'll put a question mark and under square brackets under single quotes we need the name of the property for.
Whom we need the value my property here is called name so i will call it name this is case sensitive i'll click ok.
This select action will create another array but that would only include the name property values with a new key called title let's test this out let's go to select.
The input is my original array that has these objects that have multiple properties name image and data function and if we look at the output the output.
Is an array which has that key that i defined called title and the values are coming from the name property of my input array i would like to also show the data.
Function associated with it right in the title itself and to do that i will select right in the value section right after providing the item name.
I will again type in an expression which is item of data function so it will put the name and the data function.
Let's test this out my flow has run here's the output of select powerapps act power automate automation.
This is technically concatenating the name and the data function properties of my original array with select you can add remove or rename elements and change the shape of your.
Data but you cannot change the number of objects in the array to do that we have a different data operation action and that is known as filter array.
The from property expects an array i will provided the original objects array and then i can define my filter criteria.
My filter here would be item of name so i would like to filter on the name property of the array.
Let's say filter all the results what the name is equal to power apps this is case sensitive if i run this flow.
Filter array the output would be an array that only contains those objects where the name is equal to powerapps and i only had one item at my original array that matches that condition.
And the conditions here that i can define aplenty let's say filter this where the name is not equal to powerapps so the output of the filter array action.
Now would be the objects that do not include that specific name we have the create csv table and create html table data operation actions both of these expect an array and it.
Will provide either a comma separated value table or it will output an html table let's start with create csv table from.
I'll provided the output of my filter array on similar lines i will leverage the create html table action.
And provided the output of filter array let's test this flow here is the output of create csv table we can see a table that has comma separated values.
These are my keys in the array of objects and these are its values for create html table the output here is an html table that has the columns and the rows.
We also have a parse json data operation action this expects content in the form of json here i have my compose action that has an array of objects.
So for the content property of my parse json action i will provide that and schema is the schema for that json object that you have provided now the beauty here is that you don't.
Have to work to create that schema if you have the data associated with that schema like i do in this case i can copy this and for the schema property i can go to.
Generate from sample and all i need to do here is provide the sample payload for that json content that i'm providing to the parts json action.