Combo box control in Power Apps Search, Filter, Large Data, Default values

Combo box control in Power Apps Search, Filter, Large Data, Default values Hello everyone raza here in today's video i will cover the combo box control in powerapps this control allows us to make selections from a provided list of.

Choices supports search and multiple selection capabilities it is one of the most popular controls we will look at some of its key properties.

How it is different from a drop down control how to make best use of this control look at its limitations understand how it handles large data sources and a lot more so let's check it.

Out in action the combobox control is a control that allows users to make selections from a provided.

List of choices it supports searching and multiple selections to add a combo box control.

Go to insert search for combobox and add it on the screen the items property is what defines the data for the combobox control.

Combo box control in Power Apps Search, Filter, Large Data, Default values

By default you get a table called combobox sample that has sample data for the items property i have gone ahead and entered tabular data and this data can come from a collection.

It can come from a data source as well to begin with i have added my own items property created a table that has multiple records with two key properties the.

Color and the tag the combo box is currently listing out all the color values i can make multiple selections i can remove my selections and i even have the.

Ability here to search for the options in the combo box in the properties dialog for the combobox datasource is your items property.

For the fields property here we can define the layout of the combobox control and we can define the properties related to the primary text which is the.

Selected text value that shows up in the combo box control currently it is set to my color property and then the search field which is currently also set to the color property.

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    You even have the ability to change the

    Layout and there are three different layout types that are provided for us let's change the layout of this combo box to double.

    Here i get an additional option which is the secondary text this text will show up when the user opens the combo box to make their selections in this case the secondary.

    Text is set as tag so now if i open the combo box control i will see both the primary text and the secondary text and once i make my selections.

    The selected items will only showcase the primary text the display mode property has three options edit is the default option meaning the.

    User can make changes to the values inside the combo box control view will set the combo box control in read-only mode.

    Disabled will disable the combo box control visible is to show or hide the combo box control there are various options provided in.

    Properties to change the design of the combo box wherein you can change the color the selected color the fill color and a lot more as an example the chevron color for the.

    Icon let's say i change this to purple we can see the color for that icon has changed now a combo box control allows multiple selections and searching for data within.

    Those selections in scenarios wherein you would want the user to only make single selections there is a property called allow multiple selections that can be turned.


    So the combo box control will only allow single selections you can turn off the searching feature of the combobox control as well.

    Under the advanced tab for the properties of the combo box control we have display fields these are the fields that are currently being displayed this is an array which has the names of my.

    Columns that i would like to display and search fields is the columns that i would like to search on now search fields is also an array so if you need to search on multiple.

    Columns all we have to do is plug in the name of the additional columns we would like to search on as well now you can display a maximum of two.

    Columns however for searching you can search on multiple columns related to the items property that you've provided for the combo box control now my control will search on both the.

    Color and the tag properties i'll search for the tag fire so we can see how it is showcasing the color red which has fire as a tag and if i select this it will assign the red.

    Color which is the primary text to the combobox selected value the input text placeholder property is the default text that shows up for the combo box when allow searching for the.

    Combo box is enabled in this case i have changed the text to find colors i can even add emojis in here if the allow searching property is.

    Turned off for the combo box control in that case the no selection text would be the default text that would be placed in this control the default property is a deprecated.

    Property for the combo box control always use the default selected items property if you want to set some default values for your combobox control these are the initial set of selected.

    Item or items before the user starts interacting with the control the default values that you provide has to be in line with the schema of the items property of.

    Your combobox control so in my case an item here is represented by this record that has two properties color and tag.

    So if i would like to default my combo box control let's say to the color blue for the default selected items property i will set it to that record.

    Now if i need to default on multiple properties i will need to provide tabular data we can see that the combobox control has.

    The two default values that i set which are blue and green now let's try and change the data source for the combobox control instead of having the table created.

    Directly in the app i will drive the information from a data source in my case my data source is a sharepoint list that i have connected in.

    My power app this list has information about the assets that my company has procured so for the items property of the combo box control.

    I will directly set this to my data source which is asset manager for the fields this will list out all the columns from my data source that are of type text.

    In my data source i have model which is a column of type text whereas manufacturer is a column of type choice now if i want to list them out as primary and secondary text and even.

    Search on those columns i will get the option for the text column which is model but my choice type column which is.

    Manufacturer is not even listed here so when i connect to my list since i need the manufacturer column information i would need an extra column here which.

    Gives me the manufacturer column information in the form of text so for the items property i will use add columns i will add a column called.

    Manufacturer text and the value for this would be my column manufacturer which is.

    Of type choice so i will pick its value for the combobox controls display fields i am displaying the model and right here i can also display the manufacturer text and for the search fields i will.

    Leverage the same set of columns so now it will list out both the model and the manufacturer now the fields layout only allows two.

    Columns which is primary text and secondary text and sometimes you would like to show additional properties here to make the selection for the user more easier.

    Let's say i would like to also showcase the asset type in the items property where i was adding that extra column i can leverage that same column and add additional data to.

    This for example i can concatenate the asset type asset type is also a choice column in my data source so i will use asset type dot value.

    And now the options are showcasing three pieces of information the primary text and the secondary text but the secondary text has additional metadata in it it has the manufacturer name and the asset.

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