DatePicker for Excel WorkSheet. Modern UI UX - ID Card Make

DatePicker for Excel WorkSheet. Modern UI UX - ID Card Make Hey everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is long pamai and in this video i'm gonna be giving some updates on date picker x in our prior video i've.

DatePicker for Excel WorkSheet. Modern UI UX

Shown you how to use this date picker x in uh in the user form be it 32 or 64 bit office it should work and um i've done a small update so that.

You can use this uh date picker in your uh you know worksheet as well so let me quickly jump to that i'm gonna close this so this is a basic.

Interface i've created this there are a couple way couple of ways that you can call or launch this date picker uh one is true event so one.

When you click on the cell it's gonna bring up the date picker you select and then it's gonna go back there yeah um like this for example or you can bring it.

Through the button as well you can put a calendar icon or you know like a button of your choice and then you can trigger uh to bring this up okay so basically.

Only thing that you need to be aware of is when you're launching it through this this one is easier so let's go here um so you'll see this is sample code uh this is public variable which will hold.

The address where the date is to be um you know like um the output is gonna go to okay so it passes that address.

The range address as you can see in this example we just want to fill um in the targeting right so i'm telling that um.

That my output will be in this particular address yeah and then it shows up the user form which is this and then i have not done any changes to the code so it's still the same.

If you have not seen the prior video i recommend that you see it first so that you understand how this date picker works and now so yeah when you click on this.

You just need to pass the address where you want to uh you know like date to come by uh for example let's say that i'll just select this and create another.

    Or let's say - ID Card Make

    We want to create another button um let me just create a shape something like this yeah and let's say we want the date to come in.

    Here just delete this now i can just assign a code like this and then i just need to pause uh this address.

    The 15 okay range and then you can see c cell is equal to this dot address so i'm telling that i want the date to be returned here and then you just show this user form.

    Okay so user from one dot show that's it so now when i click on here this brings up this and then want to click here it returns.

    Date here yeah so it's as simple as that but in case you want to use the events you can uh use the worksheet events so whatever sheet that you want to input the data you.

    Just go to that particular object uh let me add a couple of more sheets yeah so we let's say we want to add date here i've already added sample here so for example if the count of uh you.

    Know like if the uh the count is greater than i mean it's not equal to zero then it's gonna uh exit okay otherwise it's gonna find the intersection.

    Where you want to return a date uh basically it's gonna pop up that uh date and then it's going to take the target address so for example if you want let's try in.

    A new area so let's say that we want to bring in the date here okay in this four cells like this so um just gonna copy this.

    And now we are do right so i'll put this

    Code in that particular sheet by going here view code and then i'll paste the code there.

    Now let's see that we want date picker to show up in div d3 till d6 uh so i can just say d3 i'll just comment this.

    Line i'll just use this one so d3 oops sorry okay so from this tree to this oh six or one d3 to d6 so if the user or anyone using this code.

    Clicks on this particular area okay in this address any of this address is gonna bring up that uh you know like it's gonna save the target address.

    Whatever cell it was clicked it's going to bring up that uh store that as a output address and then i'm going to bring up this phone okay so if i click here now it brings up.

    The phone similarly here here and here okay but if i click somewhere else it's gonna not gonna do that now you can.

    Also use the other sample for example this one is for continuous range right and if your range are not continuous uh let's say you want to do it.

    Once again let's comment this out for now let's say we want to use it here and here and here yeah so you can pause this address.

    So uh it's 3 7 and 11 okay so industry seven and eleven yeah so if i click anywhere else now.

    It's gone but if i click here date picker comes up yeah okay so it is as simple as that um one thing i forgot to mention in our.

    Last video was that you can also specify the date format so if your excel is supposed to you know like take the uk date format or the usdate format you can specify it here.

    So uh basically again quick walkthrough uh when the user form loads is gonna load up all the date um and then you can you know like navigate previous months.

    Prior months you can jump to the current date for example okay you can also jump to a specific year uh 19 and.

    May something like this okay um and then when you go to this you can um you can change the date um date format first all these are related to colors.

    You can change that basically when you click on this particular uh any of these dates it's gonna go to this class and it's gonna run this code okay so.

    When this code is run um which is this it's going to return the date to this particular range whatever c cell address that we passed when we.

    Call and this is the format yeah so um pretty much that uh if you have any questions please do let me know you can start using by simply dragging.

    This to your project so let's say that you have a new file like this let's say that this is sample like this.

    Uh so now this is my project which is blank at the moment you can simply drag this form into your project okay and then uh this asphalt date picker.

    Module and the class as well okay so you need this tree into your project and then you can like with just the walkthrough you can start using bypassing the you know like in this.

    Fashion or you can pause bring up the date picker in this fashion as well okay so that will be all for this short video um.

    I'll upload the you know like the link from where you can download this as soon as possible so do check it download it and if you don't.

    Mind uh please share them with your friends so that everyone can benefit from this okay so thank you so much for watching and you do have a great day bye.

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