Tableau Data Visualization Master Tutorial - ID Card Make

Tableau Data Visualization Master Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hello everyone, I am Trish Connor Cato. Welcome to Tableau video training course. Tableau is a visual analytics platform that makes it easier for people to explore and manage data and faster to discover and share insights that can change businesses and the world. It helps people and organizations be more data driven..

Tableau Data Visualization Master Tutorial

Tableau supports data prep. analysis, governance, collaboration, and more. As a continuation of the Tableau introduction video training course, this advanced course is designed to boost the students competence when it comes to creating visualizations and creating dashboards. The course goes into considerable detail on these two subjects. And explores, among other areas, how to create a range of different charts, maps, user defined fields, as well as a host of advanced features and abilities..

We'll start by connecting to a variety of data sources. This will leave you with some great workbooks to practice on and develop on your own after this course. You'll learn how to use dashboards to get results, as well as some more advanced dashboard features. that will make it easier for users to understand and manipulate them. In module 12, we'll finally build a dashboard. And we're going to be using dashboards to get results. So the first lesson is about guided analytics with Tableau. I'll show you what all of that means..

And we've already done some of it when we were preparing for our dashboard. You'll learn how to share your results in a meeting. We're going to be doing notes and annotations on the dashboard and using external data to enrich our dashboard. And we're going to do a really cool thing on dashboards concerning dates. So guided analytics, what are guided analytics? Well, it means Several things. One thing that it does is it enables easier dashboard navigation by.

Increasing accessibility and clarity. It helps increase usability of the content you've created. And helps the audience glean valuable insights faster. Most importantly, it helps the audience transition to using visual analytics. A lot of people are still doing their analysis in like Excel. No visual analytics is in their lives. So this will be helpful to that audience. So, what do you do for guided analytics? Well, we've done some of this. You customize filter titles for clarity. You encourage action with captions..

You track filter selections with dynamic titles, which you'll learn how to do in this module. You'll drill down with filter actions. You can pack your tooltips with more details. You know, when you have a visualization and you hover over it and you see the tooltip, it automatically includes the fields that you're using in the view, but you can add to them. And then you can filter by selection, which is really cool. and it allows greater control. Let's get into it..

Okay. So let's start with guided analytics and we've already done some of those steps. So we've already customized our filter titles for clarity. We will put descriptive captions on some of our visualizations. Or some of our dashboard pages when we get there. And then the other thing that's suggested is to track filter.

Selections with dynamic titles. So, we're gonna set that up now. And then we're gonna use it on a dashboard with a companion sheet. And so, what it means is that it would be nice When you filter, if it says at the top of your screen what it's filtered for, or if it's not filtered at all. That's what we're going to set up now. And we're going to do that by creating a new sheet..

And that sheet is just going to contain one thing, what we're going to use as the title that updates dynamically. So let's name this sheet Category Title. And depending on what kind of dynamic title you'll need, you may have several sheets with different dimensions and then title that you can use on dashboards. So this is a title specifically for visualizations where you can filter by category..

And it's a weird setup, but we're going to also, we're going to grab the category field and drag it to detail on the marks card. And then we're going to change the mark shape to polygon. So you just have that blank box. sitting underneath the title. So now we're going to double click the title placeholder to open it up and you're going to select and delete sheet name placeholder from in there..

We're going to go over to insert On the toolbar and at the bottom, we're going to select category. So it puts it in as a placeholder. Now press your home key to get in front of that and press enter and then up arrow to go up to the empty line. And on this empty line, you're going to type select a category. And then at the end of the categories placeholder on the second line, you're.

Going to do a space at the end of it. And you're going to type the word Selected. And let's select all of that stuff. And change the color to orange. And also make it bold. And we're ready to click OK here. Now the second thing we're going to do is grab the category dimension and drag it to the filter shelf. And we're going to have all of them selected, which is what we want..

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    And we're going to click OK. So notice it immediately updates. - ID Card Make

    It says select a category and once we add it to filter, it says furniture, office supplies, technology selected. Pretty cool. It's dynamic. But it's going to get better because we're going to use this as a companion to another sheet. So, we're going to create a dashboard in order to do this..

    So now we are going to go ahead and create our dashboard. So we're going to use the second button. We've been using the first one to create a new sheet. We're going to use our second button. And the first thing I want you to notice here is This white area is not really filling up the gray area. So, we want it to fill it up as much as possible. On the left side, you have a dashboard tab. It's set to default. You can also create a dashboard for mobile view..

    And then you have the size. And I'm gonna change the size. Now, what I change mine to might be different than what you change yours to because of what type of monitor you have and its resolution. So, I'm gonna change my width. to 1400 and I'm going to change my height to 900 and that fills up most of that gray space for me. So now it says I have a custom size of 14 by 900. And if I click anywhere, it will collapse that. And then you have your list of sheets in the order they are in your workbook..

    So what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag. This slide bar down so I can see the last sheet and if I hover over that sheet and it's right corner It shows a little box with a diagonal arrow if I click on that box. It's gonna take me to that sheet We don't want to do that It also shows a little thumbnail of what's on the sheet, which in this case is not very much we're gonna click and hold on that sheet and we're gonna drag it and drop it and Where it.

    Says drop sheets here, and then we're going to go to the toolbar and we're going to change it from standard to fit with. Now we're going to locate the sheet we want to use with this by scrolling all the way up to the top and hover over sales by category and subcategory. We're going to grab it and notice as we drag it into the view, if I stop here, it's going to place it on the left. If I go here, it's going to place it at the top and overwrite our title. It'll place it on the right if I go here, and if I point toward the bottom, that's where it'll place it. And that's where we're gonna drop it..

    And then what we're gonna do is we're gonna put our mouse right above its title, and it changes to a double arrow. We're gonna click and hold, and drag up, and drag up until you're covering that polygon shape. That's underneath the title there. The other thing we can do is we can get rid of the visualization title. So I'm going to right click on sales by category and subcategory and choose hide title..

    So how are we going to make this filtering happen? Select your title, select a category, all selected. And if you look to the right of it, you have an X which will remove it from the dashboard. You have that go to sheet icon. And then you have a funnel that is set to use as a filter. You also have a more options drop down arrow. We want that funnel set the way it is. And then we're going to select our bar chart, and it has the same icons..

    And what you want to do on that is you don't want to use this as a filter. So you're going to hover over the funnel. That says, use as filter, you're going to click it. And now if you hover over it, it says, don't use as filter. And you can click away from all of that. So, this is how it works. Dynamic titles updating. All right. So, this is a bar chart that's showing the category and the subcategory..

    The filter is select a category, right? So, if we select any of the bars within a category, You'll see that it now says furniture is selected. If we select any bar in office supplies, office supplies selected. And if we do one in technology, it updates. And if we click away, then it's all selected again. So this leads me to believe that maybe we should name this select a sub category.

    Bar or click on a sub category bar. And so we can easily get back to that sheet by scrolling down here.

    And using that go to sheet icon, that's one way of doing it. And then all we're going to do is edit the title by double clicking it. And I'm going to choose click any subcategory bar and apply and click OK. And then when I go back to my dashboard, it says that there. So it's more specific information instead of click a category. So, and then I noticed it should say all selected..

    Well, it does say all selected if I click on that furniture selected. So that'd be fine, right? Maybe we need to modify it and make it a little bit better. So once you have a bar selected again, you can click on that bar again, or you can click in a white area to deselect everything. And this time we're going to go to the sheet from the title. So I'm going to use that to go back to that sheet..

    And I'm going to modify the title again. So category selected. I'm going to put the word the in front of the category placeholder. And then the afterward, I'm going to type the word category is selected. So we're telling them to click on a subcategory and then the category would be selected. And I'm going to put a period at the end of that one. and click OK..

    Go back to the dashboard. So now it says the all category is selected, and that's fine. When they click on a bookcase, the furniture category is selected, so on and so forth. So that's how you can track your filter selections with dynamic titles. And I think we're going to add something else to this dashboard. Let's see what would be a good companion here. In the meantime, go ahead and save your file..

    And by the way, you can select more than one bar by using your control key. So I'm going to click on a bar in the furniture category, click on another one in office supplies, and another one in technology, so you can see how. It updates and I'm going to just click in a blank area to deselect everything. Another thing I'll point out to you is in your sheet list, any sheet that you have on your dashboard will have that little blue check Mark next to it..

    And so we're going to add another sheet. To this dashboard and we have one right above the one that we have on there. It's a table, total sales by category. And so I'm going to click and hold on that one and I want it on the right side. So when it's shaded on the right side, I'm going to let it go. And of course that doesn't take up a lot of space. I'm going to go ahead and change it to fit the width and I want to put. A couple of things underneath it to fill in that blank space, right? And so one of the things that we can do, if we look on the left.

    Side on the dashboard tab at the bottom, we have objects, right? And we're going to select text and drag it on to the bottom right side. So we get our edit text dialog box. So I typed the table above shows the total sales by category. It will also filter based on your bar selections. And I'm going to do control A to select all of that text. I'm going to make it bold. I'm going to make it 12 point and we might make it even bigger. And I'm going to give it an orange color. And click OK..

    That's pretty good sizing. So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to just leave that one right there for now, and we're going to add something else. Before we add the image, let's do a few other things. We don't need the title, the sheet title, for the table on the right, Total Sales by Category. So I'm going to right click on that and choose hide title. Let's double click our dashboard sheet tab, and we're going to name it.

    Sales by category and sub category. And so notice we already have a sheet with that name. So I'm going to click okay on that message. And at the end of the name, I'm going to do a dash, and then I'm going to type the word Dashboard. Then we're going to go to the Dashboard menu. and choose show title. So we have this at the top and then we can edit the title..

    Notice it's saying sheet name in there. Well, we'll just leave it like that. So we can't have two sheets with the same name like in most programs. So now that we've done that, we're going to do some sizing here before we add our image. So I'm going to put my mouse in the middle. between the bar chart and the table. And I'm gonna click and hold and drag it to the right.

    About that much. So you can clearly see more bar than anything. That's the star of the dashboard, the bar chart. And it got rid of having all of that extra space in the table. And then we'll resize the right side after we get our image in. Now before you are gonna be able to get the image in, you need to know What directory you need to save it in. So I'm going to just show you this on my screen. You don't have to do this yet. There is a file in the video description called learnit..

    Png and you're going to want to go there and grab that file and cut it. It has to be in a specific directory and I'm going to tell you the directory that it has to be in. Now I'm going to show it to you. So it needs to be in. MyTableauRepository, and then there's a folder in your repository called Shapes. And within that folder, you need to create another folder and name it MyShapes, if you don't already have one. And then that MyShapes folder is where you want to put that LearnIt logo..

    So MyTableauRepository, Shapes, MyShape. Go ahead and pause the video until you have it there. And now we're ready to add the image. So under objects on your dashboard pane, I'm going to click and hold on image. And I want to drag it over. So it's on the lower right underneath the text box. I'm going to let it go. So now you can insert an image file, which is what we're going to do. And you're going to click on the choose button. And it should take you directly to your my shapes..

    Directory, and I'm going to just double click the LearnIt logo. And then I'm going to click center image under options. And for alt text, I'm going to say LearnIt logo, and I'm going to do okay. So now we have the little logo there and we can resize things. I'm going to put my mouse between the table. and the text box, and I'm going to drag upwards..

    I'm kind of getting rid of that blank space. And then I'm going to put my mouse between the text box and the logo and drag upward. a bit as well. So there you have it. You have your dashboard, you have your dynamic titles, you have your sales by category and subcategory dashboard title up there. And the thing is, is we can also connect the table so that it's filtered as well when we make a selection. So, go ahead and select your table..

    I selected office supplies in a table, but it doesn't matter. And on the right side of it, you want to click that filter button so you're not using it as a filter. And then in my bar chart, Anything I click, not only does the title update, well at this point, subtitle, not only does that update, but the table will update as well. So all the focus right now is on office supplies..

    And that's why it says here it will also filter based on your bar selections. So we made that happen. Alright, now I'm gonna just click away so I get my full scheme of everything back. And save your file. So we're going to create another dashboard. But before we do so, we want to copy our pie chart. So, I'm on the pie chart sheet. I'm going to hold down my control key and click on the sheet tab. And drag it to the right of itself to make a copy..

    So on the copy, the first thing we're going to do is edit the title. We can leave the word sales there, just put the word average. in front of it. And then on the marks card, we're going to change the sum of sales for the angle and for the size, both of those to averages. So I'm going to right click on the angle one, hover over measure and choose average and do the same for the size one. So instead of recreating the wheel. So the dashboard that we're going to create is going to have two pie charts..

    A histogram, and a table on it. Let's go to our sheet that says Average and Total Sales by Market Segment. And because the histogram has quantity on it, We're going to grab the quantity field and drag it to text on the mocks card. And then what we're going to do is we're going to click on it and we're going to drag it into our table. So you'll see that dashed line and it changes the whole thing..

    Well, we do want it in a table, so we're going to fix that. So just go to your show me and choose text table. And so in our text table, we have average sales sales and quantity. So we just need to update the title here. And instead of sheet name, I'm going to put average. I'm going to do a dash average total and quantity of sales..

    And actually, instead of a dash, I'm going to put a comma between average and total and click. Okay. So we have our two pie charts. We have the market segment histogram, and we have this average total and now quantity of sales. By market segment, and we're going to put those on a new dashboard. So I'm going to do my new dashboard button..

    So go ahead and customize the size of your dashboard. I'm using the same size I used on the previous one. And the first thing we're going to do is we're going to grab the market segment histogram. and drag it into the view. And then we're going to grab our first pie chart and we're going to drag that on the bottom of the view..

    The second pie chart is going to go to the right of the first one on the bottom half of the view. And then we're going to grab the one that says average and total sales by market segment table. And we're going to drag that one. I'm actually going to put it in the middle on the bottom between the two pie charts. And then what I want to do is I can decrease the size. So the market segment histogram, I'm going to put my mouse. I'm going to select that heading. I'm going to put my mouse there and drag it down so it takes up more of the view..

    Now I went and changed so, and, and you're going to need to do this because your titles on sales on the two charts are orange and too big and we want Consistency here. So, and I didn't finish modifying mine. So mine are still bold and I don't want them bold. So I'm going to go back to that sheet using the Go To Sheet for the Sales by Market Segment pie chart. I'm going to go to that sheet, double click the title. Now in your case, if it's still orange and 18 point, you're going to do CTRL A.

    To select everything, make it 11 point, get rid of the bold, and make it black. And okay. And do the same thing, since you're already out here, do the same thing on the second pie chart. We're going to select everything. We don't want it orange, we want it 11 point, not bold, and the color black. And now, let's go back to our dashboard, our second dashboard, and we can see... that the titles match. Now on our previous dashboard, we took away a lot of the titles on our.

    Visualizations, but in this case, we're going to leave them there because they're very descriptive as to what the user would be seeing. For our table, we're going to select the table and we're going to go to the toolbar and tell it to fit the width. So it looks a little bit better in there. And we want to format the overall sales. And the average sales cards. So I'm going to click on overall sales, do the drop down arrow, format..

    And I'm going to give it that light orange shading. And I'm going to do, have you do the same for the average sales one. And we should probably color the market segment legend as well. Let's see if it uh, let me format that. Yeah. So that one's selected, I can do that one as well. Just for consistency. Now we want to show the dashboard title..

    So we're going to go to dashboard show title, double click the title, get rid of that sheet name placeholder. And we're going to type market segment information and click okay. And we'll name the dashboard sheet market segment. All right, two dashboards just like that. I'm going to go ahead and close this format legends panel and save. So another part of guided analytics is packing your tool tips with details..

    So I am on the sum and profit by year line chart, dual line chart. This is going to end up on a dashboard with our what if. Line chart, and so we're going to make some modifications to it first So I want the colors to align a little bit better between the two charts So what we're going to do is we're going to go over to the measure names legend and edit the colors And we want to make profit orange and sales a darker green Because that's what's.

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