Tableau Business Intelligence Expert Tutorial - ID Card Make

Tableau Business Intelligence Expert Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hi, everyone. My name is Trish Connor Cato. This course is for any user who has prior Tableau experience. With so many competing technologies, Tableau has emerged as a powerful favorite in the world of business intelligence. This course will take your Tableau skills to the next level by teaching you best practices along with the most sought after dashboard designs..

Tableau Business Intelligence Expert Tutorial

You're about to embark upon an intense but amusing journey that will provide you with an arsenal of innovative techniques. Your new tool set will help you reuse your current Tableau worksheets and to create new ones for the purpose of including those worksheets on dashboards that you will be proud to share. Users will enjoy interacting with your dashboards for the purpose of getting deep analytical information from them and they will be impressed with their flexibility. Most important, the class will overview various business scenarios that translate.

Into different types of dashboards and you will leave with that understanding. By the end of the course, you should be able to create effective dashboards on your own, and you will also walk away with class files that help you get a head start. In each module, we'll work with a specific data set and build visualizations to be used on our dashboards. In the seventh module, we'll be using the FIFA 19 player rank data set. We'll learn how to create parameter based calculations before covering graphs and tooltips..

We'll learn about folders and work with floating items on our dashboard. Module 8 will see us using a 120 year Olympics data set. We'll learn about TopX items and rank graph before sorting through parameters. And showing and hiding filters on a dashboard. Looking to support our channel and get a great deal. Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right. Your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more?.

Gain access to exams, certificates and exclusive content at LearnItAnytime. com. More information can be found in the video description below. In Module 7, we'll be analyzing the FIFA 19 Player Rank dataset by creating parameter based calculations, graphs and tooltips, folders, and floating items in dashboards. So we're going to start this module in our folder where you've placed.

The files for the video description. And I'm in the FIFA 19 player rankings folder. And so the file that we're going to use that has our data is that comma separated Excel file named KL. The rest of these files are image files and we need to copy them into our Tableau repository, my shapes folder. So I'm going to just select all of the files and uncheck the KL file. And then I'm going to move them over to my shapes..

And I copied them because I want to keep all the files that we're using for every module. in their original folders. So once we do that, we can switch back to Tableau. And now let's go ahead and go to text file, navigate to your FIFA folder and grab the KL file to get the data in Tableau. So we're going to do a little bit of cleaning of this data right here on the data grid..

The first column doesn't even have a name, it's just called F1. And that is like a row count column. So we're going to hide that column, we don't need to use it for anything. And the second thing is we want to find the column called joined. And we want to add a filter to that joined column to get rid of some nulls that it has in it. We're also going to filter another column called preferred foot for the same reason..

So I'm going to go up to filters and add, and I'm going to add joined first, and it's going to be a year filter, and then I'm going to exclude the null values. And then I'm going to add the preferred foot filter and do the same, exclude the null values. And now we're good to go. And we could go to our first sheet..

So we've used parameters and their calculations earlier in this course, but we're going to be creating parameter based calculations now to start this module. So the first thing we're going to do is, so we don't have to do them individually, we're going to do some formatting on this sheet. And then we'll be able to copy it for the most part, you know, kind of like we've been doing with dashboards to have kind of a blank template of sorts with the formatting on it. So what we're going to do is we're going to go to format.

And we'll start with shading. And for the worksheet, we're going to do the last gray one in the second column. And this one, so that's the shading we want there. Then we're going to go up to the font icon and for the font on the worksheet. We're going to change it to 10 point. I'm going to make it orange and bold, but you can choose whatever color you want or leave it black..

And for the title, I'm going to do the same thing. I'm going to make it bold and orange, and then we can close format. Now, what we want to do is we want to copy this sheet. So we have that blank template waiting for us. And go back to the original sheet one, and we'll get started with this visualization. So the first thing we're gonna do, and in this data type it has a lot of things. There's a lot of abbreviated football stats. I'm not a soccer person, so I may say something wrong at some.

    Point, but I think we'll be okay. It also has body type. - ID Card Make

    The club, the club logo. If I go back to data source view, I'll show you this because they have the club logo and they also have a player's photo logo, but these links don't work. They're not like active links. So we have a bunch of information here, including the flag, the height, jersey number, when they joined the club. Which club they were loaned from, their name, nationality, position,.

    Preferred foot, all kinds of information. And then they have a whole bunch of measures, which are measuring football related things like dribbling. So anyway, for this first one, we're going to drag name. To the filter shelf and we have a lot of names in here So as you look at the bottom, there's like over 15, 000 values in the name column And so what we're gonna do is We're.

    Gonna filter For the top 15 players based on their international reputation. So we're going to go to the top tab, select the option front button in front of by field. We're going to change our 10 to 15. And underneath that where it says acceleration, we're going to choose international reputation and we're going to click okay. And now we are going to drag the name field to Rose..

    So you're seeing the top 15 by name and I literally have to get rid of that row banding. So I'm going to just go back to format shading. And I'm going to say None to row banding for both the pane and the header. And we can close Format again. And now we're going to create the first of two parameters. So I'm going to go to the drop down at the top of the Data pane and create a parameter..

    And this parameter, we're going to name it Select Row Heading. We want a data type of string, and the allowable values is going to be a list, and we're going to click to add, and the first value is nationality, and the second one is preferred foot. And we can click OK at the bottom. And then we're going to immediately create our second parameter..

    And this one is going to be named Select Column Heading. It's also going to have a string data type. And we're gonna have a list. And the list is going to have as the first value, height. The second one is weight. And the last one is body type. And we're going to click OK..

    So now we're going to create a calculated field, two of them, that refer to our parameters. And we're going to be using the case function, which is similar to an if then else if function. end structure. So we're going to go ahead and create the first calculated field. And this calculated field is going to be called row category. And we're going to go ahead and grab the case. function,.

    And we're going to reference our parameter here. So it's going to be select row heading, and then we're going to press enter. We're going to select the when function and in single quotes, we're going to type nationality. Then we're going to grab the then function and grab the nationality field, enter. We're going to do when again. And this time, preferred foot is in single quotes, then the preferred foot field. Enter. We're gonna add an else statement, and we're just gonna do two single quotes..

    And then enter, and we have to type in end statement. So what this is saying is when a user selects nationality in the select row heading parameter, then it's going to display the nationality field. When they select preferred foot, then it will display the preferred foot field, or else, Won't display anything. So that's what we have there. Now, we're gonna go ahead and click OK on this one..

    So we have that row category and we're gonna right click and copy it.

    And then right click anywhere and paste. So it'll be less typing for us. So on the Row Category 1, we're gonna right click and edit it. And we're gonna name it to Column Category. And get rid of the 1 at the end of the name. In the Case Statement, you can double click Select Row Heading..

    Type SELECT. and grab column heading there. In the first when statement, you can double click nationality. It leaves the single quotes and we're going to type height. And then double click the nationality field, start typing height, and grab the height field. The next one we're going to select preferred foot and leave the single quotes. And we're going to type weight and then swap out the preferred.

    Foot field for the weight field. Now after weight you're going to press enter because we have to do another when then line for this one. So we're going to grab our when function. Single quote, and this one is going to be body type, then go ahead and grab the body type field. And we can go ahead and click OK. So it saved us a little bit of typing from having to start from scratch..

    So we have our row and column category fields, and our select row heading and select column heading parameters. Right click on your select row heading parameter and show the parameter and do the same for the column heading parameter. And this would be a good time to save our file and I'm just going to name it FIFA. Now we're going to drag row category To rows to the right of name, and we're.

    Going to drag column category to columns. Let's drag nationality to color on the marks card. So you'll see that we get our color legend, of course, on the right. And we're going to go down and find the international reputation measure. And we want that measure. We're going to drag it to detail on the marks card..

    And then we're going to change it from Sum to Max. So I'm going to right click on it, hover over Measure, and choose Maximum. And I think I want to make the worksheets a little bit lighter, so I'm going to just go to Format. And go to Shading again. And for the worksheet, I'm going to choose the one above the one that we selected earlier. It's a little bit lighter. And I can see it a little bit more clearly. Now since we had already copied the sheet, I'm going to go to the Copy and do the same thing..

    So I don't forget about it when we start building that sheet. And then I'm going to go back to Sheet 1 and close the Format pane. I'm going to go ahead and hide the field labels for columns. And if you'd like, you can go ahead and change your nationality colors. I'm going to leave them the way they are on mine for now. And we're going to go ahead and name this sheet Top 15 Players By International, and I'm abbreviating that, Reputation, and it's going to.

    Be called at the end, Interactive. I'll do a dash and then Interactive. And so now we can test our parameters. So, if I go to the dropdown for Select Row Heading, and choose Preferred Foot, You'll see that it changed it from nationality to preferred foot. And then if I go to, I'm going to change it back to nationality, and I'm going to go to select column heading, and I'm going to do body type. So we can see by the columns that there's lean, normal, and stocky body types..

    So, our parameters seem to be working well, and we can go ahead and save. So you'll see on this one, several of the players have multiple nationalities, and you'll notice the nationalities are countries, right? So that means that they've played on different countries teams. And over time, their body type has changed. So that's what that's showing right now on this one. Let's go ahead and go to our next blank sheet. And let's make a copy of it. Just so we'll have another copy there..

    And then go back to the first copy and let's name this sheet. I'm going to use the hashtag for number, number of players by country. So let's look in our data pane and the nationality field is a text field and because it contains countries, we want to assign it a geographic role and then we could use it on a map. So I'm going to right click on it. Hover over geographic role and I'm going to give it the.

    Geographic role of country region. So it just has the globe icon instead of ABC in front of it now. And I'm going to just drag it. I'm not going to drop it in the mark shelf or in columns or rows. I'm going to just drag it and drop it into the view and it automatically gives me a symbol map. Now, of course, in the bottom, you'll notice we have six unknown. Let's click on that. And let's first look at edit locations. So we have some that are unrecognized..

    We don't have any data for these locations. So we're going to click OK. We're going to click on 6 unknown again and filter the data so it does it for us automatically, excluding those unrecognized countries. Now we're going to create a calculated field because we want to get the count of names and we're going to name it count of names. And the calculation is really simple. It's just going to be count..

    And then the name field. And we're gonna click OK. We're gonna grab that measure. And we're gonna add it to detail. And I'm gonna copy it from the mocks card by holding down CTRL. And I'm gonna drag it to color. And then let's go to Show Me. And we can have a filled map now, so let's do that selection,.

    And now it's a filled map versus a symbol map. In the marks card, let's change the mark from automatic to density, so we make it into a density map. For something like this, density might be best. When we hover over any of the density marks in the tooltip, we're just seeing the nationality and the count of names. And we want to make the tooltip a little bit better. So let's click on tooltip in the marks card..

    And instead of the label nationality, we're going to change the label to country. The name of the field is nationality. For the count of names. label, and I'm keeping the colons there. I'm going to change it to hashtag of players. And then I'm going to select country, the label and the field. I'm going to make it 11 point bold. And you know what color I'm going to choose and click..

    Okay. So now when I hover, it's a little bit more prominent. Let's go to map and add a background map. You can pick which one you want to add. I'm going to go with my satellite. I'm going to go to color. And change my color to density, let's see, which one do I want? I want a density one. So I'm going to choose density orange light..

    And I'm going to make it more intense. And then I'm going to go back to the map menu and choose background layers. What I'd like to see are the country, region, borders, and names, as well as water labels. So remember with the water labels, you kind of have to zoom in on the map and then you'll start seeing. the bodies of water labels. And we can go ahead and save..

    So if you look down at my sheet tabs, I have a total of four copies of that blank sheet template that we're using. And I just named them copy one through four. It just makes it easier for me to know which one to navigate to. Cause sometimes when you keep copying the same one, the name gets like Kind of funky at the end. So I'm gonna go to copy one and we are going to drag the measure names field to filters, and we're going to select none. There are only three measures that we're interested in..

    So do a check in front of ball control. And then the next one is going to be shot power and then strength and click, okay. And we're not going to show that filter. Now what we're going to do is we're going to drag the body type field. To columns, and we're also going to drag measure names. To columns after body type and we just need to drag measure values field to rows Now we want to use the same filter that we used on the first sheet the top 15 players.

    By International reputation filter. So instead of creating it all over again, we're going to just do a global filter Let's go to that first sheet the top 15 player sheet Right click on the filter, apply to worksheets, selected worksheets, and we're going to check copy one. Now notice the other three copies are dimmed out. We can't get to them because they're blank sheets. Once you have something on them, you can add a global filter to them as well..

    We're going to click okay and go back to copy one. And we see we have that name filter there. And it has the corresponding sheets symbol in front of it. So now on the marks card, we're going to change our marks from automatic to shape. And then we're going to drag measure names to shape on the marks card. And then we're going to click on shape. Now, mine came up automatically with the new shapes that we put into my.

    Shape, but go ahead and click on shape and you want to go on the right to default drop down and choose my shapes. And so I use the soccer ball for ball control. I use the person kicking the ball for shot power. And then the last one for strength. I put the strong arm, which is the last one. You can kind of barely see it there. And then I did. Okay. And so I have those icons instead of the built in shapes..

    So in a situation like this, if you look at the y axis, right, the values range from 0 to 3200. There's such a gap, right? This is the highest value. out of the measures, and these are the lowest values out of the measure. So when I hover over the lowest one, it's 447. So I don't want the axis to start at zero. I want it to start at, I'll say 20 or something like that, or.

    I'll just have it start at 400. So we're going to right click on that axis and go to edit the axis. And under range, I'm going to do the option button in front of fixed, and I'm going to change the start to 400. And also at the bottom, I'm going to delete value out of the title box, and then I can close that. So the axis just makes more sense compared to the data that's showing there..

    Now we're going to name copy 1, and it's going to be strength, comma, shot power, and ball control by body type. And we can go ahead and go to copy 2 and save. Go back to your first sheet. And right click on the filter again, apply to worksheets, it's already on selected, click on that, and now check copy, oop, we can't check copy 2 yet..

    Ah, man, I get too far ahead of myself. So we're gonna cancel that, but we're gonna have to come back here and do that after we get copy 2 built. So I'll have you do it on your own after we start putting things on copy two. So we are going to put name in rows on a sheet and we want the international reputation measure in columns and we're going to change it from sum to max..

    Now you can go add that top 15 players by international reputation filter from the first sheet, also add it to copy two. So now we're going to go to show me And we're gonna choose Packed Bubbles for this one. And I'm gonna collapse Show Me. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the Analytics tab, and I wanna cluster these. So I'm gonna grab Cluster, drag it and drop it..

    And I think that what I'd like to do here for the clusters is let's get four clusters. And you can close the cluster box. Let's put this to entire view. And in the marks card, notice that clusters has been assigned to colors. That's why we have the legend on the right. I'm going to click on color and edit the colors. I'm going to do my drop down for the palette. And I'm going to select an orange palette. And I'm going to just assign the palette, so I don't have to do.

    Them individually, and click OK. So now for each one, if I look at the tooltip, I have the cluster, the name, and the max international reputation. Let's click on tooltip on the marks card. And we're going to take out clusters. We're going to highlight name, heading, and field. And I'm going to make it 11 point bold..

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