Consultant. So let's talk about that so again we're gonna look at the long-term picture we're gonna see how the current situation impacts that and then answer the question ask ourselves that how can we use that to help others I'm Avi Singh, Microsoft MVP and best-selling Power BI author and as a Power BI Consultant I have helped hundreds of companies all over the world and not.
Just that I've also helped students all over the world become successful power bi professionals through my power bi training programs now if you want to become a power bi Pro make sure the clips make sure to click subscribe and hit that Bell so you are notified whenever I go live to answer your power bi questions so let's dive into our video and we're gonna start with the.
Long-term picture and we're gonna break it down in two parts a power bi consultant is that a good idea or bad well we're gonna look at power bi and then we're gonna look at consulting side of things so let's talk about power bi now this is the famous Gartner's bi Magic Quadrant you've probably seen this now this is the pretty much the go-to standard to get the lay of the land of.
All of the bi technologies out there and this is how things stood back in 2015 and that is when power bi was officially released now you can see the yellow dot there is Microsoft and you can see it's kind of middle of the pack kind of lost in the crowd there but the rise of Microsoft and Microsoft power bi is nothing short of amazing as you you know kind of watch this journey.
So this is 2016 2017 1819 and this is the latest 2020 Microsoft has been since then the clear leader with wide gap between any of the close competitors so that is good proof on Microsoft power bi success but another proof comes from one of their competitors Google and I love looking at this and this comes from Google Trends data and you can check this out yourself and this charts the.
Meteoric rise of power bi and its popularity so power bi by all indications is certainly a big wave but here's what I would like you to realize that this wave is actually riding on much bigger waves that's what's fueling the growth and success of power bi in the marketplace right now so power bi is in writing the big wave of data the explosion in data which in turn is.
Writing another big wave the profusion of technology in our lives in everything we do now if you do realize that fact then you also realize that the key to riding a wave is to get in front of it so if you don't take anything away from this lesson understand that power bi you know the quicker the sooner you step into it start learning it or start adopting it for your business the better.
It is going to be for you so we have talked about the power bi side of things now let's switch gears and talk about the consulting side of the world now this is also another place that where the world is changing fast and change is happening and we got to acknowledge that and so this comes from the freelancing study in America and it shows us where the future is headed and as you can see.
Here it's saying that the majority of the workers will be freelancers by 2027 that's not that far away so that's where the world is headed now I'm gonna stop you here and make sure to talk about this so often when people think about consulting and jobs about this in a very black or white fashion they think that Oh either I have a full-time job or I'm a consultant but.
The reality is actually quite different in fact a lot of people are stepping into consulting as a psychic and transitioning gradually as they go along and as you can see in this graph a lot of people just you know kind of dip their toe into it get started on it and then they're doing monthly bi-weekly weekly and daily so there's a gradual transition so stop seeing this as a.
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To the other and also I want to emphasize that this knows no age barrier so across all age groups young and old are embracing this and going along with this change talking about embracing the change well those are actually the two choices in front of you whether you realize this or not so as you saw from.This data that the world is headed this way so either you go with that change and embrace that change and you know proactively gonna step in that direction or as unfortunately has happened with quite a few of my old colleagues and ex colleagues who have been working for many years sometimes decades in a company before being laid off and being.
Forced to then accept this change of now than having to explore this world of consulting all right so that hopefully gave you kind of the long-term picture from two different vantage points now let's move on and talk about the current situation so hey clearly you know this is the whole world is being impacted by this and nobody is immune and businesses all over the world.
Are definitely slowing down and of course some businesses have been ground to a standstill so this is a severe impact but I'll say that we've also seen a counter trend and what I feel is that some smart businesses are using this time this opportunity and I often say that adopting bi or power bi is like changing tires on a moving car it's very hard to.
Do when the business is running that fast but smart businesses right now are using this opportunity to slow down to focus the internal systems that processes the analytics the reporting and automation so we're seeing a little bit of an uptick there as well and also you know remote consulting is certainly doing well because pretty much that's not an.
Option that's the only way pretty much the economy and you know kind of the work force is working right now so those factors are working in favor of consulting or specifically remote power bi consulting now how this is going to evolve well nobody can kind of tell that but let's take a look at so this is the US market and this is a long-term graph so sometimes when we're caught up in an.
Event we lose the long term picture and here if you can watch the dips here you would probably I certainly remember these events and so this one was the dot-com bubble burst and the next dip here was the global financial crisis now as you can see that we did not these certainly were painful and impacted a lot of lives but we did pull through so I would say that the question to ask.
Yourself right now is that do you believe that we will has humanity as a species as a society will we overcome this current challenge as dire as it seems right now and the bigger question is do you believe that we're gonna come out of this stronger than ever now hopefully if you are looking for some inspiration around this then I would definitely recommend this video by.
Simon Sinek about not just playing the long-term game but the infinite game so here we've talked about a current situation and how it is gonna impact the world of power bi but what impact is it gonna have on the consulting side of things now this is my opinion so again the world was already moving in this direction that there was been and you know there 2027 is not that far away so.
We were already moving in this direction my belief is that the trend is only
Going to be accelerated and that's that is for two reasons the first reason that when economies contract and at when they start expanding as is inevitably going to happen they expand first by looking at consultants so part-time or full-time consultants they hire that before they hire full-time.Employees and again the world was companies were already moving in this direction anyway and of course the second big factor is that because a lot of us have been forced to work remotely I believe that now companies and people are going to be a lot more comfortable working with remote consultants and remote power bi consultants and that's gonna kind of fuel things in that.
Direction as well so that's kind of my take on the current situation but then again there are bigger questions that we are asking ourselves and that one is how do we help ourselves how do we change our lives and how do we help others but before we go there I wanted to ask you if you are interested in this topic of power bi consultant but would you like to see more videos so here are some of.
The ideas that I have now I would love it if you can leave a comment and vote for an idea so these are just labeled ABCDE so just write that in the comments say hey avi I would love to see this video or if you have ideas of your own please write that down and I'll come back and create those videos around those topics so the first topic that I was thinking was that hey a lot of.
People don't even know like how do I help a client remotely how does this remote power be a consulting thing work and what does it mean to be an independent power bi consultant what is the life like for them and then maybe you know help and I help people try to figure out then how can they answer this question that hey is this the right thing for me what are the.
Factors to consider do I have what it takes stuff like that and lastly well if I do make that choice how do I transition from a full time to you know kind of an independent power bi consultant and how can I and I hear this quite a bit it's like how can I attract clients without having to sell and you know do the hard sell so again if you would like to see any of these videos.
Vote for these ideas by leaving a comment down below so let's move on to the last part and I believe this is the most important part we're asking the bigger questions and this was a two-parter one is how do we kind of help ourselves how do we change your own life and how can we help others let's talk about the first part first and this is again as I said.
Be about becoming the best version of yourself living your best life possible now I realize that the answer to this is gonna be very subjective and only you can decide that but I have been working with a group of professionals for about two years now and helping to coach them and and and and you know grow them into successful barbiere consultants and i can share.
With you that the principles that we live by and those are three the first one is to make an impact and use your power bi skills to help others the next one is to do what we love and really because if you if you do what you love it isn't working anymore and you just get to enjoy every day of your life and lastly it freedom to create a life by our own rules.
I really believe if anything this kind situation has you know taught me is that life is too short to mess around and if you do want to live your best life possible at some point you're gonna have to go for it now if you want interested in the six figures bar be a consultant program that we're gonna link it up in the corner and in the details below you can find out more information about the.
Program and join the waitlist but let's move on to the other part which is how do we help others now this is where I must admit that I was feeling quite helpless as perhaps a lot of you were as well where I felt like I'm not a doctor I'm not a nurse and I have heard all those stories and they're working here heroic lis saving lives and putting their own their own lives on the line.
But I felt so helpless that I can't do anything and how can I help others now this is where I you know came across this idea of zone of genius so think about this think about imagine a musician what would be their job at this time what would be the best way that they can help others well that's simple by creating the most beautiful music they have ever created and that's how.
They can inspire or comfort others so think about us well what is our zone of genius if it is power bi your job is to have our company your clients create the most beautiful and powerful Peruvian models and reports help the business and you would be helping all the people involved and impacted by that business with great adversity can come great transformation.