How to quickly ruin your career. - ID Card Make

How to quickly ruin your career. - ID Card Make Here's a quick tutorial on how to not get promoted. Just follow these five steps, and you'll make sure everyone but you will move to the next level. Step 1: Stop learning. Ignore that learning is an essential part of life. Accept that you already know everything you'll ever need. Don't try out new things because why do things differently when they worked perfectly in the past? So, don't try to build new skills that could set you apart from.

How to quickly ruin your career.

Your colleagues. Make sure you never ask for feedback on your work or ways you can improve. It's just a waste of your time. You're not going to do anything with it anyway. Don't invest in your own development by taking training courses or seeking out new experiences. And needless to say, politely decline any training opportunities offered by your company. Learning is for the young ones only, and it's just going to lead to information overload at your age..

Step 2: Complain A LOT. Let's be clear about this. I'm not talking about the occasional venting about a distressing situation to get something off your chest. No, make it a habit to always see the problems instead of the solutions. The company wants to implement a new system? Complain. They're upgrading you to Windows 11? Complain. They've introduced Teams just so they can have you under surveillance 24/7? Wait for it... complain. Because in each situation, there.

Is an opportunity to find fault. Like, what's up with the fruit basket every day? It's a scheme to keep you healthy so that you can work more. Refuse to eat those fruits. Why are there only two kinds of decaf? How difficult is it to get a better selection? And what's with the horrible quality of the toilet paper? Why does it have to be yellow? Why does IT refuse to give you admin rights? Be sure to find the cloud in any silver lining, and definitely let your co-workers know about it too..

Take them down your road so they realize how bad everything is. They'll see your way eventually. And if not, well, you've been telling your boss about these irritating co-workers anyway. Step 3: Make yourself irreplaceable. Make your boss believe that only you can do your job. Keep those working files hidden. Hoard your precious knowledge, and never, I repeat, never, train a potential backup. Alienate others until you are the go-to person. The only one,.

The one and only who has the knowledge, the expertise, and experience to do your tasks right. And then when your co-workers come to you for support, complain to your boss about them. About their lack of knowledge, and that you are the only one in this company who can do the job right. And in these new meetings that are about sharing knowledge and who's working on what, never tell the truth. Throw around some complex words and mix in some abbreviations,.

And no one will question what you're working on because they'll be afraid that they're going to look stupid in front of others. Follow this, and you'll be doing the same job with the same old skills for years because you simply can't be moved. Step 4: Stay invisible. We all know someone like that, right? The boss announces a new project, and immediately, a colleague volunteers to take the lead. Don't be that person..

Stay in the shadows and continue to do the bare minimum that your irreplaceable position requires. Stay below the radar. And for those meetings and events that you have to attend: Don't say anything. Sit quietly on the side and only speak if asked, which hopefully won't happen. And if it does, confuse the crowd with abbreviations. Also, when you see problems in workflows, either ignore or just complain about them..

Don't get involved or collaborate with others to come up with better solutions. Accept that taking the initiative just ends up with more work, which is going to jeopardize your precious time. Step 5: Blame others. Never take responsibility for any mistake you make. Instead, shift the blame and explain how your co-workers screwed up. Go into as much detail as you possibly can. Taking responsibility and learning from your own mistakes is overrated. Trust that.

Owning up to some problem you created will just lead to unnecessary discussions about how to prevent it in the future. You don't want to sit in these brainstorming meetings discussing process improvements. Those sessions should happen without you because there is nothing on your side to improve. In the end, everything gets resolved anyway. There's always that annoying type of person on every team that's super motivated and fixes stuff..

So point fingers and believe in the fine art of making others responsible for all the bad things that happen. Excel at this blame game and soon they'll leave you alone. No one will involve you in any new projects. Follow these simple steps, and you'll be sure to not get promoted. But if you actually want to succeed and advance in your career, it's time to start doing the opposite. Communicate effectively, be active, take initiative, and actively seek feedback..

Come up with solutions, not problems. Take responsibility for your own actions and learn from your own mistakes. And invest in your personal development. Stay up-to-date, like we say around here at XelPlus, there's always more to learn. There's plenty of free content and online courses out there that you can take whenever it fits your schedule. Even half an hour a day can make a big difference in your career. The choice is yours. Catch you next time..

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