Tableau Data Visualization Professional Tutorial - ID Card Make

Tableau Data Visualization Professional Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hello, everyone. I am Trish Connor Cato. Welcome to Tableau video training course. Tableau is a visual analytics platform that makes it easier for people to explore and manage data and faster to discover and share insights..

Tableau Data Visualization Professional Tutorial

That can change businesses and the world. It helps people and organizations be more data driven. Tableau supports data prep, analysis, governance, collaboration, and more. As a continuation of the Tableau Introduction video training course, this advanced course is designed to boost the students competence When it comes to creating visualizations and creating dashboards, the course goes into considerable detail on these two subjects and explores among other areas,.

How to create a range of different charts, maps, user defined fields, as well as a host of advanced features and abilities. We'll start by connecting to a variety of data sources. This will leave you with some great workbooks to practice on and develop on your own after this course. We'll also cover making dashboards relevant and some visual best practices that you can use throughout your Tableau career. We'll end with other ways to publish your dashboards. And how to mobilize them looking to support our channel and get a great deal..

Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right. Your favorite courses without a single ad interested in a specific video. Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more gain access to exams, certificates, and exclusive content at learn it anytime. com. More information can be found in the video description below. In module 14, we'll focus on making dashboards relevant. In the first lesson, we're going to do some string manipulation on dashboards..

In lesson two, we'll review how to correct data exports from Tableau to Excel. You have any problems, so to warn you about a situation you could perhaps run into in the future. In Lesson 3, we're going to blend data. We have two Excel files in the files for video description that we'll be using. Data Blending File 1 and Data Blending File 2. In Lesson 4, you'll learn and use some optimizing tips. for efficient, fast visualization. And in our last lesson, We're going to add an infographic to a dashboard,.

And for that, there is a shapes folder in the files for video description. You're going to want to access those shapes. And so just have that folder open when we get to less than five. At the bottom of this slide, I have a link to a website where you can grab some more infographic images. That you can play around with on your own. We're gonna use several of the ones that are in the shapes folder. But some of them we're not going to use..

We're gonna use some in this module, and some in the next module. But it'll still leave you some to play with. I've brought up a new dashboard sheet, but before I did that, I named the sheet tab for the previous one, Analyzing by Region and Customer Dash. Since there's already a sheet, as you've seen previously, with that name, you can't have two sheets with the same name. So I just added dash at the end of the sheet tab. Now, on this dashboard, before we start building it, I just want to show you something. If you go to the analysis menu, you'll notice from the dashboard, you.

Could only edit a calculated field. You can't create one. So, we want to create a calculated field for string manipulation. We'll come back to this dashboard, but in the meantime, bring up a new sheet. When we first started working with the sample SuperStore data, One of the first things we did from the data source tab is we split the customer name into customer first and customer last. Now we have a need to have them as customer name again. Also, we'd like to have the region and then the state all combined..

So we're going to actually create two calculated fields here. You can either go to analysis or to our usual drop down. And let's create a calculated field. And we're going to name this field customer name. And it's a really simple calculation. In Tableau, you use the plus sign for concatenation, and you have to concatenate in any spaces that you want between the first and the last name as well. So what we're going to do is we're going to start typing customer first,.

And then we're going to do a plus sign. And then we're going to do a single quote, space, single quote, another plus sign, and then customer last. So we're saying we want the customer first name and we want a space between it and the customer last name. Now let's see what we're having. Okay. So we can't name this customer name because that field already exists..

And. Even though we hid it, it's still in our data source. So we're gonna name this, I'm gonna just abbreviate it, to CustName. And now we can click OK. Now, we're gonna drag CustName, it's fine there..

I guess it'd be fine there right now on the row's shelf. So you can see that each customer name has a space in between the first and the last one. If we didn't do that single quote space single quote, if we just did customer first plus customer last, it would be all mushed together. And sometimes I work so fast I forget to put the space in and then I look at it and I go back in and edit the field. So we could have gone back to the data source view. An unhid customer name so that we'd be able to use it again, but wanted.

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    To show you how to concatenate. So I have one more concatenation example for you here. - ID Card Make

    We're going to put the region and the state together, and that doesn't already exist in our data set. So this is a more valid use of concatenation. So we're going to create another calculated field. And this one we're going to call region slash state. And so it's the same thing. We're going to grab the region field,.

    And I do our plus sign, and then I want to concatenate in a slash. So I'm going to do the single quote, slash, single quote, another plus sign, and then grab the state, province. field, not the group and go ahead and click okay. So the first thing we want to do is we want to grab the region state field that we just created and we want to add it to the hierarchy of location under region..

    So one thing I can do is I can click on its down arrow, hover over hierarchy, add to hierarchy. And we're going to select location. So we'll put it at the bottom of the location hierarchy and we can just drag it up so it's after region. Now let's drag region state to the filter shelf. And we're going to select all and click OK. And now we're going to right click on that filter and show the filter..

    So I'd like you to change that filter to a multiple value drop down filter. And so it should look like the one on my screen. Now we're going to find our sales field and drag it onto text. And then we want to format our sales numbers. So we want them to look like currency with two decimal places. So we're going to right click on the sum of sales pill. Go to format. Under default go to numbers. We're going to choose currency standard because I believe that.

    Comes with the two decimal places. Yes, it does. And so we can click away from there and close that format pane. So when we look at our drop down for our region state filter, we see that the region is combined with the state and they're separated by the slash. So if I wanted to, I could filter for something. I'm going to uncheck all and I'm going to filter for East New York. So here are the customers in the sales from the East region and from New York state..

    And then I'm going to go back and choose all. The other thing we want to do with that filter is we want to format it so we can give it the shading that we've been using. And we can close that format. And what we'll do is we'll name this sheet customer sales by region slash state and go ahead and save. So I've dragged that on to our waiting dashboard sheet, and now when I go to the analysis menu, I can create a calculated field from the dashboard because it's.

    Going to be attached to this sheet. When it's a blank dashboard, all you can do is edit existing calculated fields. So if I wanted to edit the calculated field, that we created called CustName. I can just access it from this list. But what I'm going to have you do is create another calculated field and call it CustomerLastAndFirst. How about that? CustomerLastAndFirst. So I'm going to have you do that on your own while I'm doing it on my side..

    So your calculation should look like mine, except the second one should be CustomerFirst. I grabbed the wrong one. And I concatenated the comma space in there. And I'm going to go ahead and choose OK. So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to this sheet from the listing of sheets on the right side. And I'm going to swap out customer name for customer last first. And it looks like we have a customer That doesn't have a first name, so now.

    We're seeing this one up at the top, it looks like it doesn't have a last name, and the first name is after the comma, so the first name is Corey Dashlock. I guess they just said it's like Madonna with just one name. So now when I go back to our dashboard, it will have updated because we made the swap at the sheet level. And we don't really need to keep this as a dashboard. So, I'm going to go over to the right side of it, go to the More Options drop down, and choose Remove from Dashboard. And we'll leave this dashboard here for future use..

    So now I'm back in sorter view because I want us to go to the sales aggregate sheet

    And we're going to modify it somewhat. So before we get into this, we're talking about correcting data exports from Tableau to Excel. So sometimes when you export to Excel as a crosstab, when you open it in Excel, the data could be out of the order that you intend it to be. And so, the reason why that happens is that Tableau will.

    Arrange it first by dimensions. Then by measures, and each of those are arranged alphabetically. So it really depends on the amount of data you have. I don't know if I can force this issue with the data, but we'll see what happens when we finish modifying this sheet and we export it. And I'll show you another tricky wicket as concerns exporting as a crosstab to Excel along the way. So the first thing we want to do on this sheet, is we want to add the sales field to rows five more times..

    And once we do that, the second one, we want to do the drop down and we want to change the measure to average. For the third one, you're going to go back to the drop down and we want the median. The fourth one, we want the count. The fifth one, we're going to go for the maximum and the last one, we're going to choose minimum..

    So and then we're going to add another field to columns and that's going to be order date and we want it in front of market segment and we'll leave it on year. So this is really not an a lot of data. I mean, we have several measures on here. We have a date. We have one dimension. We'd probably need a lot more things on here for it to mess up when it.

    Will require a correction in Excel. So now we're on the worksheet menu. We're going to hover over export and we're going to choose cross tab to Excel. So it may take a little bit to load everything into Excel. So this came over pretty clean. I forgot that we had category and color over there. So we actually have two dimensions and six measures and a date..

    And it came over really cleanly. However, it's not going to perform that way all the time and you just need to be prepared for that. So it just depends on the data load that it's processing. Now I mentioned that there's a tricky wicket when it comes to exporting to Excel as a crosstab. So let's leave this Excel book open and it may have opened in the background behind your tableau, but we're going to leave it open. And I'm going to bring up the sorter view again..

    And we'll go to, let's go to pie chart 2. And on this one we're going to go up to worksheet, export, cross tab to excel. And now, let me minimize this. Now it's gonna work. Sometimes, if you export to Excel, and you haven't saved the previous workbook, it will give you an error message. But of course, because I wanted to show you that error message that says,.

    Cannot export to Excel as a crosstab, It's usually because you have a sheet hanging out open in the background, but since I'm trying to show you that error, it's not going to happen. So you need to kind of be prepared for that as well. I'm going to close this one, and I'm not going to save it. And actually, I'm not going to save either one. So typically, if you have one that's open and hanging out there, it won't let you do another one until you save the previous one or discard it..

    So just want to prepare you for those situations. So before we get into blending data, I want you to have a little bit of an understanding of blending. So blends, unlike relationships or joins, never truly combine the data. Instead, blends query each data source independently. The results are aggregated to the appropriate level. Then the results are presented visually together in the view..

    Because of this, blends can handle different levels of detail and working with published data sources. They are also established individually on every sheet and can never be published because there is no true blended data source. Simply blended results from multiple data sources in a visualization. Data blending is particularly useful when the blend relationship, linking fields, need to vary on a sheet by sheet basis, or when combining published data sources..

    So we have those two Excel files that are in the video description that we're going to be using for this data blending file one and data blending file two. So if you haven't already grabbed them, you want to put them in whatever directory you've been using. for those files, and we're going to open both files before we actually go back to Tableau and blend the data..

    So on the left side of my screen, I have data blending file 1. I'm just going to adjust that column. And then on the right side, I have data blending file 2. So in the first one, the tab is employee data. It has the name, the employee ID, and the salary. In file 2, it also has the name and the employee ID. But in addition, it has a department ID and a bonus..

    So we're going to blend this data so that we can use fields from each file in the same visualization. You can go ahead and close both of those Excel files and bring Tableau back up. Now in Tableau, what we want to do is save Sample Superstore Live again,.

    And we're going to go to File, Close. We will be using it again. So you want to bring the first file in from Excel. So we're going to go on Connect to Microsoft Excel, and we want to grab Data Blending File 1. So, it brings us to the data source view, and we're going to go to sheet one. And the way this works is, you bring in the first file, and you drag a.

    Field from that file into the view. So we're going to drag the name field to rows. And then we're going to go to the data menu and choose new data source. And we're going to go ahead and grab the second blending file from Excel. So when we bring that in, it also brings us to data source view, and we're going to go to sheet one. So now at the top, we can see that we have two different data sources.

    Here, file one and file two. Now, the file two. Is what we're currently on, and you'll notice to the right of the name field, there is a orange link. It looks more red to me, but it's described as orange. And that means it's blending them based on the name field at this point. Now, sometimes you might see a gray link, and that would mean there's something wrong with the connection between the files..

    Or no link, which means it wasn't able to automatically detect for some reason the common file or find name in the other file for some reason. So, if that happens, if you don't have the, the orange link, you would want to go to data, edit blend relationships. And notice over here it's showing both name fields, right? It's saying the primary data source and the secondary data source. But sometimes, if that's not there, you would have to go to Custom, Add, and.

    Then you would be able to choose Name. And once you do that, and you OK, so I did it, and it's going to replace it with the same one, so I'm going to say OK. And that's only because it did map it, but if you have to map it, that's the way you would do it. And you would just OK your way out of there. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to display my Show Me pane. And I'm on the second data source. And I want to drag Bonus, I'm going to drag it right into the table..

    It's going to change the type of this. That's why I have Show Me open. I'm going to force it back into a text table. And then I'm going to go to the first data source. And now you see that we added a field from the second data source. It has the orange check Mark on it. I'm back on the first data source and we're going to just drag salary into the table and it didn't change it. It left it as a table. That's cool. And then we're going to go back to the second data source and we.

    Want to drag in department ID. and employee ID. And then we want to arrange them. So I'm going to click on the employee ID header and hold, and I'm going to just drag it over and drop it in front of bonus. Then I'm going to put department ID to the right of employee ID salary..

    I want to be after department ID. So you should have employee ID, department ID, salary, and bonus. Now take a look at Yana. Yana wasn't on both of those sheets. So she was on the department sheet, but she wasn't on the other sheet. And so we'll say that she left the company, but she wasn't removed from the sheet. So I'm going to right click on Yana and choose exclude..

    And I can collapse show me now. And let's go ahead and name that sheet Data Blending. And you can save the workbook with the same name. And then we can go to File, Close. And we're going to reopen Sample Superstore Live. So our last lesson in this module is Optimizing Tips for.

    Efficient, Fast Visualizations. And so the first tip is reduce the scope. The fewer sheets and data sources, the faster your viz will perform. You would also want to consider limiting the number of filters. Each filter in the view requires a query in order to populate the options. If you add a lot of interactive filters, It can cause the dashboard.

    To take a long time to render. Also, reduce the number of marks. More marks mean more processing power and memory to render. Keep in mind that too many data points can reduce the visual analytics value by causing information overload. To avoid this, compile related views and connect them with action filters so you can go from an overview to a more granular view as you explore the data. And you would also want to remove any unneeded dimensions from the detail shelf..

    So, let's use an optimizing tip. Let's go back to our Sales by State Map Dashboard. And I should have pointed this out earlier, the dashboard tabs have the plus sign in the box in front of them. So I'm going to go to Sales by State Dashboard. And I'd put the Sales by State cross tab as floating over in the right pane. So an optimization tip would be not to do that, right? So I'm going to select that Sales by State cross tab..

    And if you hadn't put it there, you could, you know, do this just to undo it. And I'm going to do the drop down arrow. And I'm going to remove it from the dashboard and I'm going to use a dashboard action instead to connect to that crosstab. So I'm going to go up to the dashboard menu, click on actions, and we're going to add an action. And the action is go to sheet..

    So we're going to name this sales by state crosstab. So the source sheets. This is the Sales by State Map Dashboard. And then the target sheet down here. We want to look for that sales by state crosstab. Now for this one, we could put it on a menu or we could put it on select..

    I think the menu gives you better control. And I'm going to click OK. And I'm going to click OK. So now instead of having that additional data on the dashboard, I can right click anywhere on my map. And you'll see that the sales by state crosstab is on the menu and when I click on it, it takes me to that sheet and we can go back to our sales by state dashboard because they want to.

    Do something a little bit different. And so, because we took that off and we put it on the menu, it might be a good idea to have a caption or a text box explaining that you, you know, for the end user that they can right click to get to that. So I'm going to go ahead and add a caption for that one. So I'm going to worksheet, show caption..

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