Microsoft 365 Basics Outlook and Teams Tutorial - ID Card Make

Microsoft 365 Basics Outlook and Teams Tutorial - ID Card Make Mo Jones: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hello and welcome to our Microsoft 365 basics course. My name is Mo Jones and I'll be your instructor today. In this course, we'll show you how to get started with Microsoft 365. Now, you may be asking yourself, what is Microsoft 365? Well, in 2022, Microsoft changed the name of their flagship productivity suite from Office 365 to Microsoft 365..

Microsoft 365 Basics Outlook and Teams Tutorial

To ease you into this change, we'll be using the old and new names interchangeably for now. In this course, we'll cover some essential tools and techniques for Microsoft 365's top apps. This training is interactive. So get ready to pause the video and practice along the way. Let's get started looking to support our channel and get a great deal. Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right. Your favorite courses without a single ad interested in a specific video, purchase.

One of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more gain access to exams, certificates, and exclusive content at learn at anytime. com. More information can be found in the video description below. Let's take a look at our course overview for today. It's about collaboration and communication with Outlook and teams. So we can be more efficient when managing your Outlook mailbox. Uh, we'll talk about attaching files and an email message. And we'll transition over to teams will will use call video conferencing and screen sharing features and we'll go ahead and set up some collaborative.

Teams and topic channels so that we can get some collaboration going on as well. So at this point, what I want you to do, go ahead and open up your web browser. And if you're using Microsoft Edge, the latest version, that's the preferred browser for office online. Thank you. Go ahead and navigate to www. office. com and I'll meet you there. We'll start off with Microsoft Outlook Online, and we'll learn how to be more efficient when managing our mailbox, and we'll talk about, um, just conducting some email messages and attaching files as well..

More specifically, we'll take a look at the essentials of Outlook, such as navigating the interface. We'll conduct a message, we'll add some recipients. To use the spell checker, we'll use various message formatting. We'll go ahead and attach files. After that... We'll learn how we can track messages, recall messages, and then we'll take a look at some organizational tools, such as marking messages and organizing messages using the folder. We'll take a look at some of the calendar features, such as scheduling the meetings and printing the calendars as well..

So go back to your office. com homepage and I'll meet you there. So here I am back at my office. com homepage, and I'm going to go ahead and launch Outlook. I really like to use Outlook on the web. I just feel that it's a really nice experience, and it looks very, very modern, and we always get the latest features as well. Go ahead and launch Outlook here. And so here is my inbox. I'm going to go ahead and turn on my settings here..

So here we are. Here's Outlook. Looks really, really nice. And let's go ahead and see what we can do. How we can find or make our way around this interface here. So the first thing you'll notice is we have our app launcher window here. As always for the rest of our applications. We have our apps that are showing up here on the left panel. Then we have our search box over here as well. So And here is where we have all of our folders. So we have our favorites, we have our inbox, sent items, all the way down to groups as well..

Over here we actually have our messages. Right now it's currently divided into two sections, focused and other, which has become very, very popular. And over here on the top right, we have some more options in our profile area. that allows us to get some other things done as well. So let's go ahead and take a look at our search box first here. Okay. And so we can go ahead and we can search. We can search messages from people..

Maybe I'll type VBA here. Okay, so you can search for messages. You can search for people. You can search for documents. So really, really nice feature here um, that we can use here as well. And let's see if I were to type Zoom here in the search box. Okay, so notice it doesn't give us those options. Um, as it does here, but we do have a drop down. If we click on the drop down here, we have some more advanced features that we can use to search. And this is very, very helpful because now if we were really intent on finding.

Something, we can specify who it's from. We can specify the subject, the keywords. We can even select or search a date range as well. We can even search for attachments. So very, very nice feature here as well. That is our search box. So over here we have our navigation area. So here we're currently on our mail. So it's showing all of our mail. If we were to click on our calendar, this will pull up our calendar..

And I'll go ahead and say not now. We have people. And we get some nice little tips and help along the way here. As we're navigating different parts of our Outlook online, which is very, very useful, I think. And, um, so here they're telling me I can change my calendar color. It's a new feature. I have my contacts here if I want to. Um, I can go ahead and search for files if I want to search for files or any attachments. So these are all the attachments that have come through my inbox.

At some point or the other. And then we have some more advanced options over here. Um, here's our to do list. We want to go ahead and take a look at that. So again, just loading here. Okay. And again, we're getting some more tips and some insights here on what's new and what's improved. Okay. So pretty cool. So we can always go through these tutorials if we want to. But for now, I just want to go back here and I want to focus on my, on my mail..

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    So I'll go back. - ID Card Make

    Alright, so I'll go back to my mailbox here. Okay, so these are the navigation pane here. We took a look at some of these options here. And so here are our folders. I'll go back and turn on my settings here. Alrighty. Okay. And so here's our inbox, our sent items, any drafts that we may have. So these are our favorites. I can collapse my favorites if I want to, and just focus on my inbox..

    Here's some junk mail, drafts, sent items. Um, notes is a really cool feature. I don't have any notes in here, but I like using the, um, the notes feature. As well for my for my other account. This is my training account. I really like using it for my personal account here. Then we have our conversation history and things of that nature here as well. So I can either collapse all of my folders and just focus on my favorites if I want to. In this case, I'll go ahead and open up my folders to keep things just uniform here..

    And if I open up my inbox, I can see all of my messages here. Over in the top right, Uh, we can meet now so we can open up a meeting very, very quickly here, and we have some other options over here that we can use Skype, OneNote. Here is my day. We'll take a look at this a little later. So go ahead and launch your Outlook. Go ahead and just take a look around. More importantly, go ahead and click on the different items here on your.

    Navigation pane and come right back. Let's jump right in. Let's go ahead and compose a message. So right here we have our new message. Icon, we can click on here and we'll go ahead and compose a new message here. And so notice it opens right here for me, right within the window. And that's perfectly fine. If I want to pop it out into a separate window right here on the top right, I.

    Can click on this icon and this will pop it out into another window for me. But I'm pretty okay with the way it is right now. And again, I really like the interface here. Because one of the things that you'll, you'll notice is that we don't have a heavy ribbon tab here at the bottom. We have all the basics that we need to go ahead and conduct a message. So I'll go ahead and send a message here. Maybe I'll just say,.

    Okay, so I'll just say mike at nomail. com. All right. So I can CC someone. So CC stands for carbon copy. And so the person will get a copy of the message, but they're not, they're not necessarily the. Um, the primary recipient here. So I'll say Cindy, eh, no mail, and then finally we have BCC, which stands for blind carbon copy. And so when you blind carbon copy someone, um, their email addresses is.

    Hidden from the rest of the recipients. So this is useful if you need to send out. A mass message to a lot of people that maybe they don't really know each other and you want to protect their identity. So you'll use BCC. So maybe I'll say joe at nomail. com. So there are a few parts to a message. So we have the recipients. We have the subject. and we have the body. So for here I'll just say training.

    And I'll say please register for the upcoming session. Okay, so pretty basic here as well. So we have our recipients, we have our subject. And we have our body for our message here. Now when you're writing messages, you want to keep things pretty concise. No more than three lines at a time, just as a rule of thumb. Because, uh, if you open your email and you see a really long message, You, you are less inclined to sit down and actually read it and pay attention to it. But if something is very short, concise to the point, you can read it really quickly.

    And either respond or be on your way. Okay. And so we can do a few things here. So let's talk about some different formatting that we can apply here. We've already added our recipients. We've already added our subject. And so maybe I'll go ahead and drop in a bulleted list here, or even a numerical list if I want to. All right, I can actually put in a table. I can insert a table in here if I want to. And so it's just a matter of deciding what I want to do. Of course, I can go ahead and add a picture as well..

    I think I'll keep it simple here. Maybe I will insert a small table.

    And I'll just do, maybe I'll have a... The name of the course and the date, and I'll put a few options here. Okay, so I have this 2x4 table, and I'll put the date here, I'll press tab, and I'll put the name of the course. Then right here I can just put in a few dates, maybe 5 5, we'll go down, 5 12, so we'll do every 7 days here..

    19. And here maybe I'll put Excel, and I'll put Word, and I'll go ahead and put PowerPoint. So nice little table, easy to read, straight to the point here. Then if I want to I can go ahead and add any other, maybe I can drop in an image in here if I want to. I have various emojis that I can add here, which is what I really like about the web client. We really have. Access to all of these emojis, people, animals and nature, food and drink,.

    Travel and places, objects, symbols. So we have the entire gallery here, which is pretty cool. Okay, and so we have some autocomplete that's kind of helping us along the way here. If we make any kind of grammatical errors, it will help us out. I'm going to go ahead and pop this out actually. So I'll open in a new window and here we go. Okay, so here, here we have it. Now, if you want to, we can send this message right away. We can attach, right? And so because we're online, we can browse this computer for a file..

    We can search a cloud location or we can use some suggestions here as well. Maybe I'll, maybe I'll insert this, uh, This PowerPoint, this PDF here, we'll go ahead and attach that. Okay, so very nice option. You can attach it from various locations. You even have the option to upload and share as well. So very nice options there. Okay. So just moving right along here, I'll make some space after my table..

    And again, if I wanted to go ahead and insert a bulleted list, I can go ahead and do so. I have, um, all of the font commands that we learned earlier in this course, they're all available here. As you can see, bold is control B, italicize is control I. And so we can add all these different types of formatting here. as well. Um, so to show the formatting options, I click on this A. If I click away from it, it gives me just my basic formatting here. So if you need some more tools, go ahead and click on the small icon right here, Advanced Formatting..

    And you'll get the entire list of options here, um, that you can use. If you click on More Formatting Options on the end here, Um, you have some that are maybe kind of hidden here, so we can remove, remove formatting. If we applied some formatting that we don't like, we can use our little eraser here and remove it. And we can undo, so we can press control Z to undo or we can click on the icon here to undo something that we did here as well. So we're getting some help as we're kind of moving along, uh, this presentation here..

    Now, our spell checker is kind of built in here, so if I make any typos along the way, it will give me some corrections. So maybe I'll say, make sure to, let's see, okay. So it recognizes any words that I type incorrectly, and so I can go ahead and click here, and it will give me some options here. And I can say sign up instead. And so that gives us our options there for our spell checker. And we're good to go. If we want to, we can add a signature..

    If we click up here on the top, we have more options here. Notice how the draft is saving automatically for me. I can insert a signature here if I want to. I can go ahead and set the importance as high, normal, or low. And again, I have the accessibility checker. I can go ahead and use that as well. Maybe I'll make the font a little bigger here. Maybe I'll make this, uh, 14 instead. And I'll italicize this and bold this. Because this is important here. Maybe I'll highlight it as well..

    Give it a yellow, yellow highlight. And from there I can go ahead and send my message. I can send it right away. Or I can decide to send it at a later time. So I can say send at a later time. Maybe it's the end of the day. I don't want to bother anyone after work. I can send it first thing in the morning. Okay, so I can do that. I'm going to go ahead and send that. So go ahead and open up a message and Use the formatting tools. You can insert a picture, a table, but go ahead and play around with each of these individual tools here..

    You can drop in a list, a bulleted list, a numbered list, and come right back. Welcome back. Well, one of the biggest issues that we all face is keeping ourselves organized with our inbox. And before we know it, our inbox can kind of get out of control. And so we want to be able to implement some kind of some kind of controls here. One of the things that we can do is we can go ahead and use the folder structure right within our Our inbox here, and we can try to get ourselves organized here so we can create a folder, right, just by clicking on a new folder here..

    So let's go ahead and set up a folder or two so we can manage some of our messages. And we also have the filter option here. As well. And so this will actually help us to really be able to kind of drill down to what we're looking for and manage. So let's talk about that here a little bit. I'll go ahead and click on my filter. Right here. And so notice I have two layers here. I can filter where I can see all of my messages. If I just want to see all of my unread messages, I can choose unread. Maybe I'll do that..

    And it shows me all of my unread messages here. I can go ahead and clear that filter if I want to. And if I click on that filter again, I can just say to me, uh, and then we have flagged. We'll talk about flagging in just a moment here. Uh, if we're mentioned, if there's any mentions here, I don't think I have any mentions here. Okay. So this is a really big thing now. Um, if you used the at mention for someone, um, they'll get notified as well. So I'll go ahead and clear that. And so typically one of the biggest items is looking for unread mail, right?.

    So you can always choose to show all of your unread mail. And then you can also, um, choose the attachments option. This will show you all of the messages that you have that includes an attachment. So I'll go ahead and clear that. Now once you've selected one of these filters, you have additional sort options here as well. So this is the second layer. So right now we're sorting by date. And then the third layer is the sort order. So we can sort newest on top or the oldest on top..

    We can sort from a particular person. We can sort by size. We can sort by importance. And we can also go ahead and sort by subject. I'll go ahead and click on importance here, so I want to see all of my mail and I want to go ahead and sort it by importance instead of date. So when I click here, it kind of looks through my, you know, through my inbox here and it tries to determine what's important to me and what is not. So right here we have all the options here. So maybe I'll put the lowest on the top..

    Let's see what it does here. I'm really moving things around here too much. Okay. So the filter is one way to just really get organized here as well. I'm going to reset my filter. I'll put that back to all. I want to sort by date. And I'll just make sure that it's sorted newest and top. Very good. Alright, so we have different options here as well. So if you want to go ahead and pause the video at this point and take a look at some of the filtering options. Uh, that's perfectly fine. Okay, so what I want to do at this point, I want to go ahead and create a folder..

    So I'll click right here where it says create new folder. Right here. And maybe I'll call this my A folder, right? Or A1. So this signifies that, hey, these, my most important messages, I want them to appear in A1. Right here. So, now let's see what we can do with this folder here. If I click on A1. Um, obviously I have nothing in there. Okay. I can add it to my favorites. In this case it will show up here at the very top. I'll do that. Go ahead and add that to my favorites..

    So it can show up up here. And for the time being I'll just go ahead and minimize my folders here. So I can just keep things in view. I'll go back to my inbox here. And um, I'll go ahead and take a look at one of my messages here. So here is a message. From myself, right? And notice as I just mouse over, I have some options right here, so I can either delete the message, right? Have some options. I can mark as read. I can go ahead and flag this message, right? Or I can keep this message at the top of my folder..

    Well, what's flagging all about? Let's go ahead and click on flag here. Okay, and so now this message is flagged. So flagging a message is kind of step one of kind of, uh, just kind of labeling your important messages here. So I'll go ahead and maybe I will go ahead and flag this one here as well. Okay, so now those two that are flagged. And so now what that is, what that allows me to do, if I click on my filter, I can show all of my flag messages. So these are messages. I put a flag on it because they're very important..

    I want to be able to come back to them a little later here as well. So that's what that's for. So now if I have them flagged, well, I can do some other things with them as well. So let's go ahead and we'll keep it simple here. I'll go ahead and open up this message. I seem to be getting a lot of messages from Mo Jones. So maybe I want to go ahead and take it a step further here, and maybe I can categorize this. So I can mark this message. I already marked it by flagging it. And now that I've called it into my flag filter, I can go.

    Ahead and add a category to it. So maybe this will be a red category to kind of symbolize that it's important. So that's another way that I can mark it here. So now it's a red category. So if I go back to my inbox. And if I, uh, so currently I'm looking at my flagged males, I can see I have this red category here as well. So I have my red category. I'll go back into that message. So I can flag it. I can add a category if I want to. We can also, um, create a new category, or we can manage our current categories..

    So if you click on manage categories, we'll see this extensive list here, but, um, here we can go ahead and edit. For example, the red, I can go ahead and edit this and I can give this another name. Maybe I can say urgent and I can save this or like this and click on save. And there we go. All right. So just some different ways that we can go about getting ourselves organized here. So this is urgent. And at this point, remember that A1 folder that I created here. I can go ahead and make use of that..

    Also, notice how my urgent flag is showing up right here in my favorites. I did save it as favorite, so it's showing up here. So I can do that, but I can also go ahead and take it a step further. And I can say move to. So I can go ahead and move this email. Now that I've flagged it, I can visually see that it's important. And I can say, Hey, let me go ahead and move this to, to a one. So I can go ahead and move that to a one. Okay. So if I click on my a one folder, here's my message that I flagged.

    And that I marked as urgent. It's showing up in a one and under my urgent category, I can see all of my messages here as well. So just different ways, just review. We flagged the message first so that we can kind of filter and isolate it. Take a look at all of our flagged messages. And once they were flagged, we can go in here and make some decisions in terms of what we want to do here. Now, here's another one that I flagged. Um, I don't have a category assigned to it yet..

    I'll go ahead and open this and this time I'll take a look at the move to instead of moving it to a one. What if I want all messages from this person to go over here, then I'll do that. I'll say move all messages from this person, go ahead and move it to my A1 folder, and I'll go ahead and click okay. And just like that, it moved it, moved all of my messages from that particular sender into my A1 folder..

    So if I click on A1, here are all those messages from my other account. And so it's just a really nice way to go ahead and manage your mailbox. You can manage by using the filter. You can manage by flagging a message. You can manage by adding a category to a message once you've opened it. And you can also go ahead and take it a step further by moving messages to a folder that you created. So go ahead and pause the video, create a folder, flag a few messages, assign.

    A category to them, and if you want to, go ahead and set up that rule that moves all the messages into that folder that you created, and come right back. Welcome back. Well, hopefully you were able to take advantage of some of those managing tools here. Now, there are two things that we did not talk about, and that was tracking messages, and also just recalling and resending messages. Now, for the Office Online, these commands, they behave a little.

    Differently, and they're not... available for all accounts that are on Outlook. And so let's go ahead and take a look here. For example, message tracking, this feature is not available for all accounts. But, um, if you do want to turn on what's called a read receipt, so read receipt, you can pretty much track to see if a message was read by a recipient. You can also get a delivery receipt to let you know that the message was was actually delivered. So when you're composing your message, if you click on the, on the more options,.

    You'll get this menu, and you can choose where it says show message options, and once you do that, you'll have the message options window here show up, that will allow you To be able to request either a read receipt or a delivery receipt. Now, in terms of the message recall, um, what you can do, we can set up what's called an undo send. So an undo send is a feature..

    Where basically after you send a message, you'll see a undo button and you basically can customize that to delay the message up to 10 seconds. So if you click on your settings menu on your, on your Outlook and navigate to the mail section. And within the mail section, go ahead and navigate to the compose and reply portion. And you'll scroll down to where it says undo send. And right here it tells you exactly what it does..

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