Create and Design Powerpoint Presentation using ChatGPT - ID Card Make

Create and Design Powerpoint Presentation using ChatGPT - ID Card Make Hi guys welcome back to PowerPoint glamor in this video today let's learn how to create an entire PowerPoint presentation using chat GPT .

Create and Design Powerpoint Presentation using ChatGPT

So this is a blank presentation so it will not uh add any text or any titles we'll use charge GPD to design the whole thing so let's go to chat DBT and this is the code that you wanna write so it.

Will say I want you to write me a VBA code for a PowerPoint presentation about the basics of digital marketing you can given any topic that you want please fill in the text with your knowledge and.

No placeholders I will need 5 slides okay so this is the text that you write in and then you hit go and then it will do its thing okay so after the code is written come.

Here and then click copy code copy the code and then head back to PowerPoint so this is a blank presentation so what you need to do now is we need to go to the VBA editor you can go to the developer.

Tab and then press Visual Basic or you can use a shortcut which is alt NF 11. then the Visual Basic editor opens up just go to insert then click on module so a new.

Module opens up and then you can paste the code here okay so after you paste the code just check if it's running or not if it has any errors just click on run.

Okay so the code ran without any errors let's head back to the presentation and see what's happening there cool so if you see the presentation has been created so this is.

The title these are the slides that it has created with with the text with it with the content as well so great so now what you can do.

Is you can go to the designer Tab and then you can give it any any design ideas that you might have so that's it that's how you create the entire presentation using chat Deputy so.

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