How Celonis leveraged LinkedIn and Make to accelerate their GTM strategy

How Celonis leveraged LinkedIn and Make to accelerate their GTM strategy My name is Dan I look after brand content and Communications here at make and we're really excited to have you join us today of course we're going to hear about some of the great very smart stuff that salonus is doing with LinkedIn and make to level up uh their goto Market approach but most importantly today we're going to focus on making sure you leave today's webinar with valuable insights and hopefully feeling very inspired to take some of what you've learned and put it to work in your own organization we've got two really great.

How Celonis leveraged LinkedIn and Make to accelerate their GTM strategy

Speakers with us today uh so we're going to introduce them uh to get us started first of all we have Christina who leads Performance Marketing at salonus Christina do you want to give us a quick intro to yourself and also tell us a little bit more about what salonis does for those of us who are are new to the organization sure hi Dan uh thank you so my name is Christina Bloyd and I'm heading the performance marketing team I've been in digital marketing now for more than 11 years and at Salon for more than three and Salon is really what's at.

The heart of that is that we help businesses fix their processes and what my team does more specifically is everything having to do with paid digital media as well as SEO amazing thank you Christina no doubt a very important part of the the journey that slus has been on and looking forward to hearing about how you and your team have been fueling that together with uh LinkedIn and with make uh we also have Andreas with us today who's an account director at LinkedIn I think it's fair to say to this audience that LinkedIn needs no introduction but.

Andreas tell us a little bit more about what you do at the organization sure thank you hi Dan hi Christina so my name is Andreas I work in LinkedIn as account director for the last two years helping Tech and software clients to like grow um through our platform finding new clients strengthening their brand and I've been working together with Christina over the last Christina and her team over the last two years U working together collaboratively to to grow solonus through through linkon very exciting.

Exciting to hear about the uh Journey you've been on together and like I said my name's Dan I'm going to be your moderator today and so we'll mostly be hearing from Christina and Andreas but just to give you a couple of words about make before we get started so make for those of you who aren't familiar with us is a visual automation platform that allows you to connect around 1,700 different apps you work with all of the time and it's incredibly powerful you can create automations in just a couple of clicks connecting apps that don't normally talk to each other to bridge.

Some of the Lost connections and unlock the hidden value that exists in some of your processes and workflows our customers tell us it makes them incredibly agile able to achieve things very fast that they wouldn't normally otherwise have been able to achieve and you'll see on the next slide that we serve more than 100,000 different active organ organizations today with a very very diverse range of customers from salonus which we're hearing about today all the way through to more traditional institutions like bny melon and Innovative Trailblazers like the uh.

Social influencer management platform jelly smack all right that's enough from me and about make just for now so like I said we're going to spend about 30 to 40 minutes hearing from Christina and Andreas today and we want to make sure there's plenty of time for any questions that you might have as well if do have questions as we go today you can go ahead and drop them in the Q&A section there's going to be a few of us answering those questions for you in the background today but if you do have one that's particularly juicy uh we'll put it to Christina and Andreas as we get.

Towards the end of the discussion all right Christina to give us a bit of context I think it's fair to say salonus has been on a real growth rocket ship over the past couple of years no doubt related to to your presence in the organization as well tell us a little bit more about that growth story absolutely so Salona started in 2011 and since then now today we have more than 3,000 employees and we've helped more than 5,000 Enterprise businesses uh and in our last valuation.

We were at $13 billion which actually makes us a Deca corn uh which is a new term which we're really proud of amazing very very exciting um and you know like I say I think you team has been an important part of that growth tell us a little bit more about your objectives and how have you organized the team branded the team talked about yourselves internally to to deliver against those objectives and and to play that such a big role in that growth absolutely so our wider team had a.

Rebranding last year where we went from demand generation team to GTM marketing and this was done for two reasons one of them was because we really wanted to make sure that we're aligned to the GTM strategy and goals and that were're really supporting that but also we felt that demand generation didn't fully Express the full funnel right so we really do want to be doing this full funnel marketing um and not only looking at demand generation or lead generation when it comes to those things so that was something that was really important.

For us in the rebranding of our wider team makes a lot of sense all right um and you know driving that growth uh obviously finding and engaging the Right audience is very important uh I think it's fair to say LinkedIn has played a really important role here tell us a little bit more about that absolutely LinkedIn is a key partner for us because as you can see these are the different uh campaigns that we have going on so we have Persona campaigns that are very much ICP driven and because of linkedin's Rich professional data and.

Their fog Graphics we can really make sure that we're reaching the right people same thing with our ABM playes we do everything from very specific one to one to one to many campaigns and we're able to do that because of Linkin and being able to know that we're reaching those right companies and then we have additional things like bombora or G2 which that intent data we can actually pull uh push right into uh LinkedIn and then we have our events which not are only in person but also virtual webinars which uh are great to also have.

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    Advertised in LinkedIn awesome yeah I think uh just goes to

    Show the the breadth and uh and sophistication of what you can achieve with LinkedIn Andreas I'd love to bring you in here a little bit and maybe just comment a bit on how salonist are using LinkedIn what do you see them doing that's particularly effective and and is there anything that maybe other folks on this uh webinar today should be thinking about that they could learn from what uh selus are doing certainly so I think.

    There's a couple of reasons why Christina team has been particularly successful I would say one would be that they like use all the target ticketing cap capabilities of LinkedIn that you already said they're using um the data that's available to them they um also like get data from the from their own sales team which is really important to collaborate with the sales team and continuously to see what works and what doesn't um they are very good at ABM targeting and retargeting but they also fully Embrace a full funnel strategy um leveraging all.

    The ad formats so not only going for um lead gen ads single image ads but they really use all the formats document ads video ads and even recently connected TV to like strengthen their their brand on other channels nice all right Christine it sounds like you're not you're not holding back very good um the the full funnel approach you've both talked about it obviously we we we took a quick look at that slide as well and it's clearly.

    Fundamental now I'm excited to hear about what you're doing all the way through the funnel but I'd love to start as someone who's interested in brown myself and that's my my normal uh wheelhouse I'd love to start at the beginning Christina tell us a little bit about what you're up to at the the brand awareness stage and at the the very beginning yeah I mean as a marketer I think it can be really hard to prove the value of brand or awareness campaigns because it doesn't have those those you know kpis that the executive team is looking for so you need really need to.

    Find the ways that you can actually measure that right what is the impact if you're investing in awareness and so on and that's where we've had a lot of success with LinkedIn and being able to have to leverage for example in platform brand lift testing B2B Edge uh program or even the neelen surveys have really helped us to be able to prove that value of that type of investment there okay yeah makes a lot of sense and I think Andreas there are some programs.

    That you've been working on together with Christina um which certainly uh I I'm very interested to hear more about myself as a as a brand guy would you mind telling us a little bit more about that of course not so there's like a couple of things that you can do if you want to try out like um brand lift measurement yourself so first of all what is a brand lift study like what how do you benefit from it so there's like three reasons why why you should do it a you get like a baseline um of your.

    Current brand awareness many companies are not even aware like how how is your brand currently perceived how many people know who you are um so you get a baseline from the control group basically telling you where you are currently uh secondly it helps you to test and learn because the brandli study also tells you how much impact did you have with your current campaign on these perception and then thirdly it helps you to optimize and like use the learnings.

    To like see okay what works and what doesn't to to achieve the results I want to get and uh improve your brand over time and there's like a lot of different metrics that you can like measure um I've brought like a little overview of like the the top um the top used ones and um there's more that you can choose from on the UN platform a measurement tool but these are like the more common ones sorted by like basically top funnel to further down the funnel so if if like.

    This is here like if some in the audience wants to test the the brand study for for the first time I would recommend um starting with something like ad recall or aided awareness which is more upper funnel and ask people like okay do you remember if you have seen an ad of this company or do you have um do you know have you heard of this company and then when you see traction there then you can go further down the funnel with add additional questions like brand familiarity or product consideration um um further down further.

    Down the road basically um and then thirdly Christina also mentioned B2B

    Edge which is like um our like Flagship program um with our um partner B2B Institute this is like a 12 month program with which we go through with uh Enterprise clients um where we go like in depth on like different parts of what a brand is and how you can improve it from a strategy module to like how to improve your creatives and using.

    Internal data and like then finally also how to measure the impact on a more um sophisticated level amazing Andreas you said obviously this one this B2B Edge program is more for your Enterprise clients but tell us a little bit more about just how we can we can leverage some of these and what the process looks like for for getting involved should we want to certainly so um the like normal on platform studies that Christina mentioned in the beginning um they are like free to use for everybody so I I.

    Can highly recommend it to to anyone already having running campaigns because it just gives you additional Insight um on how the budget that you're currently already spending um is impacting your your brand perception and your awareness levels and so on and yeah they really easy to set up also in the campaign manager tool so there's really no no downside um on on on doing so interesting we're going through a okr process at the moment so I'm wondering if maybe uh maybe there's going to be.

    Some useful juice here for me to to go back and show my boss down the line very good thank you um Christina um speaking as someone who might be interested in myself how's your experience being of these programs and and what's that Journey been like for you yeah I mean it's been super helpful because it's opened up a lot of conversations right once you start knowing what percentage of your audience actually is recalling your ads is actually familiar with your uh brand and so on you can really start shaping and testing out uh I I believe.

    So much in testing and experimenting um and then seeing how those results change so um as you can see here we use a lot of different ad formats we love document ads because because you can consume the information right in the platform or if you're using it for lead generation you can give a sneak peek of the PDF before they download it so this has worked really great for us or even like with the videos um I mean I think now so much.

    Everything that we're seeing videos are so engaging and people really love that type of content and you don't have to use these only in the top of funnel but you can also use them further down the line so that's also really great how versatile that is yeah I think speaking as a Brit seeing out about making a cup of tea is something that really resonates with me and no doubt no doubt will help your uh your next uh brand results so yeah absolutely um all right so we've talked a little bit about what's going on uh kind of earlier at the earlier stages um.

    But Christina maybe stepping through a bit further down the funnel can you walk us through sort of how this then plays out at kind of the demand and Lead gen stages absolutely so we started working with make almost two years ago now um and what we saw here is that we had a previous tool we couldn't trust it there were a lot of leads falling through the cracks every single month we had to comb through make sure that we weren't using.

    Them manually upload it also made it so that we couldn't activate as many campaigns and lead generation so we were bringing people to the website directly and that was also losing a lot of traffic and leads along the way so once we started working with make that helped us increase by 50% the amount of leads that were coming in and as a byproduct that also brought down our CPL drastically right so this was was really key to being able to get to those objectives that we were setting um at a at a company level and we really started.

    Small as you can see on the left this was our first scenarios for make were very uh easy you know just grabbing the leads from LinkedIn and pushing it into our CRM so very simple but as we grew we had more than a hundred different scenarios active so we worked with uh make and we saw how we could scale and even though this could look scary because there's lots of modules on the scenario on the right it's actually really simple for us because it's just one G sheet where we put all the information of the different scenarios and it grabs it and it populates to the.

    Right uh place so we're really happy to see how at the beginning it was really great to start in a more simple way but then as we grew uh we were able to scale also very easily amazing yeah I love seeing these scenarios that kind of how it how it started how it's going um and just seeing how mate can can scale and evolve and kind of grow with with different businesses needs so obviously looks like what you're doing here then is essentially taking um leads from multiple different places and rooting.

    Them to the right place uh with a with a make integration um amazing um and I mean yeah I think it's fair to say that lead rooting is a really common use case for how people use make and a lot of people will start with things uh with uh with integration similar to the ones that you see on the left hand side but being able to build in uh more sophisticated um uh use cases and more sophisticated scenarios depending on what you're trying to achieve I think is really of the useful things right that you can you can almost build.

    Infrastructure in any way that you envision which is is super helpful amazing well it sounds like the growth story has been pretty significant so far and you've been using uh a lot of different bits of technology and and things that are at your disposal but no doubt you don't want it to stop so what do the next steps look like Christina absolutely so in the next couple months we have a few different things planned on the road map to continue our partnership with make the first one has.

    To do with matched audiences so right now as I explained we do a lot of ABM uh targeting and we have to do manual uploads um each time it's not in real time as well as the different accounts move into different stages and so on so we're really excited to see how we can Implement matched audiences so that you know we can save manual time as well as having a lot more accurate uh targeting when it comes to the company so that's one thing that we're definitely working.

    On in the next couple months to see how we can Implement that and then secondly we're also looking into offline conversions as we know as we go into a cookist world uh with a chrome users in the next few months and so on uh offline conversions is definitely the future and so that's something that we're also really excited about we've done this with other platforms and we've seen a lot of success being able to leverage offline conversions and uh we know that.

    Soon we'll also be able to do uh use the conversion API so this is something that um I think is going to be invaluable and really bring us to the next level I just I want to come back to the conversion API in just a second I think it might be obvious to some of us or to to you certainly as a sort of a pro user but just to come back to matched audiences can you tell us a little bit for those of us who may be a little bit earlier in our journey um tell us a little bit why matched audiences are so important in your ABM.

    Approach yeah I mean at the end of the day where we're getting our information is from our serum right which are are our Target accounts which are the accounts we want to be targeting depending on the different campaigns and so on but it's very manual so I have to download them I have to upload them we have to be continuously trying to um keep those updated so at the end of the day having having it just completely synced would save us a lot of manual.

    Time as well as um being a lot more accurate with our targeting amazing yeah that makes a lot of sense so essentially kind of making sure you can Target the right folks in a much more structured um and sophisticated way correct awesome all right um so we touched a little bit on uh conversions uh on conversions API and again just sort of almost the same question but about conversions API for those of us who are learning a bit more.

    About it perhaps um I'm not sure if Andreas you want to jump in and tell us a little bit more about it yeah sure um so Christina already mentioned they already um using conversions online and offline but like now LinkedIn is also offering um a direct connection which um allows you to upload uh the marketing data from your server directly to Y to LinkedIn and like make your results like more.

    Measurable be it online conversions be it offline conversions you can di di directly corre connect LinkedIn with your uh source of Truth through like different connections um one of them uh will also be uh make uh in the future um in the next months this feature will also be released on on me I already heard uh which is really great because um capy has like a couple of different advantages so um as Christina said in a.

    Culous world like you have to improve your measurement as good as you can to really be able to still see the impact to be able to prove the impact that you do with your marketing budget and currently um a lot of software clients um are under extreme efficiency pressure so it is extra important that you are able to prove and see what are you doing with your marketing budget and where is it efficient or where there's might be uh there might be potential for um Improvement and um yeah so we also.

    Tested this uh in LinkedIn in 2023 we ran a beta test um so we saw I think a 31% increase in attributed conversions um and a 20% decrease in in cost per conversion so um definitely two good reasons to implement API uh conversion API um with LinkedIn amazing nice results there very good um all right um I think we sort of covered the key questions we wanted to.

    Delve into today in terms of the functionality and the journey uh that Christina you've been on with LinkedIn and make but maybe just to zoom out a little bit more and kind of reflect you've been with obviously in the the in the space for a fair while and with uh with solonus for a couple of years with for three years now how do you feel looking back on this journey if you think about where you started where you are now and and how things look how do you feel about it I mean very proud very proud of the.

    Team and uh another accom accomplishments we've been able to do through the Partnerships uh also very thankful you know we wouldn't have been able to get to those places alone so right uh so I think it's it's so important to to be able to be grateful for being able to implement all these things and and see the whole journey at the end of the of all of this yeah absolutely it makes sense.

    Right I think these things having having such a sophisticated and performance setup is never easily earned um so yeah I think you're right to feel proud uh certainly looking on uh myself and and snagging some inspiration here um all right well uh I think we're going to jump to Q&A in a second now feels like a good time to pause um what I might just do though first of all just uh or maybe to kick us off um in fact what I'll just say is if you do want to ask a question you can drop a question in the Q&A.

    Section we're going to come to them in just a moment so do feel free to drop a question in there if you have one but maybe uh maybe this is a question for both of you and maybe I'll start with you Andreas if you have any advice maybe for people on how to get started who are thinking about their next steps I think we're looking here at what Christina has has achieved with LinkedIn and and and there's some pretty sophisticated stuff here um where's where would you recommend someone thinks about getting started um sure so like looking back at what we talked about today I think one.

    So the importance of a full funnel strategy and like how to measure that right so I would say two key takeaways that anyone doing LinkedIn marketing here can can take home is to exper um experiment with different formats if you're not doing already you know if you have not done document ads so far you should try them out if you've never done video ads you should try them out and um if you think about branding like try to set up some sort of measurement as I said the on on platform measurement uh tool is available for free and then once.

    You see results there you can like go further down the road partner with companies like neelen which solonus is doing through Linkedin also but it's I think getting started on this is like the the most important step and then um it will develop um over time like it did with with solonus also makes sense very smart thank you Andreas Christina anything you would add to that or maybe very controversially choose to disagree with I don't know no.

    I mean I completely agree and you know room wasn't built in a day right so be patient go step by step and it took us you know two years to be able to get to where we're at now so definitely take it you know one step at a time all right well it's quite in the Q&A section I suspect you may have done a great job of answering uh the uh questions from our participants today but I do have a couple of questions I'm going to selfishly steal the microphone.

    Retain it for myself and ask a couple of questions of my own if that's all right but like I say the Q&A is open if anyone wants to ask something uh ah we have we do have a question from Anonymous atend actually so let's maybe jump into that so we have a question here uh asking how important lead magnets are when setting up a LinkedIn campaign I don't know if Andreas or Christin of you wants to jump in there I mean if we're talking about uh.

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