PowerPoint Advanced Tutorial

PowerPoint Advanced Tutorial Welcome to Learnit Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe! Hello and welcome to Microsoft PowerPoint advanced. You're learning with Mo Jones, IT professional and educator for our advanced course we have two modules. So module three and module four. For module three we'll take a look at how we can customize the PowerPoint environment..

PowerPoint Advanced Tutorial

We'll take a look at how we can customize design templates. It's all about the slide master. We'll save the design as a template. But we can either share or reuse over and over again. We'll also go ahead and take a look at creating infographics with smart art. No need to search the web for infographics, we can make our own. There's an extensive library of capabilities right here inside of Microsoft PowerPoint. Let's go ahead and dive in. Please open up the PowerPoint module three exercise file and come right back..

We'll dive right into customizing the PowerPoint environment. Looking to support our channel and get a great deal. Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right, your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more? Gain access to exams, certificates and exclusive content at. Learn at any Time.com. More information can be found in the video description below..

I currently have my model three practice file open here. And here we have a few slides. And here is lesson one custom sizing the environment. So one of the things I will do is we'll go ahead and create our own ribbon tab. And then we'll add our own commands to it. And then we'll also go ahead and set some global options. Just some useful options that may help us as well. In particular, what I would like to do is add some of these tools that will help me as I'm designing my presentation, such as the animation pane, the beloved eyedropper, the selection pane that helps us.

To organize objects on a slide, and of course, the slide master. So to do that right now, in order to get to the eyedropper, I could add it to my Quick Access toolbar. That's one thing that I can do. Or I need to be interacting with an object, and then I can go ahead and pull up the eyedropper from there as well. Or if I don't feel like clicking on the contextual tab, clicking on Shape Fill, and clicking on the eyedropper. Well, let's go ahead and add our own ribbon tab. We're going to right click on any one of these tabs,.

And just click on the option that says Customize the Ribbon. So I'll click on Customize the Ribbon. We get to this PowerPoint options dialog. And on the left we can see that we can customize the ribbon. Here are all the commands. Well at least the popular commands. I'm going to change this to all commands, so I'll change this to all commands. Now I can see all the commands that are in PowerPoint over here on the right. I can see that I have some, I can see the tabs that I have here..

So for example, here's the home tab. And the home tab has the clipboard command group paragraph so forth and so on. Well I want to create my own. As you can see I do have a couple of pre-made ones here as well. So for example I created a tab called My Designs. And let's see what that looks like here. So when I created this tab it comes with a tab and then a command group. And then I have my commands down here as well. I going to turn this on..

Let's see what this looks like here. And then we'll go ahead and recreate it. So if I enable that I'll go ahead and find it here on my ribbon. Here it is my designs. So now if I click on my designs I can quickly access the animation pane. I can turn on the eyedropper right away and apply a particular color to that content placeholder there. If I want to. And I can also turn on the selection pane. Take a look at all the different objects on my slide..

I can also access the slide master right from here as well. So that's what we can do. So let's go ahead and create our own. Let's go back to customize the ribbon here. And to do that the first thing we need to do is click on the new tab option here. So we'll click on new tab. So here is our new tab right here has a generic name new tab. It has a generic command group. Let's go ahead and rename both of those..

So for the new tab I'll click on rename. Maybe I'll call that design 24. Go ahead and press okay. And for the command group I'll rename that as well. I'll click on rename. You can also choose an icon if you want to go ahead and choose this here. And the displayed name is going to be called Design Tools. Go ahead and press okay. So I'm going to go have my design tab..

Here's my command group. The next thing for me to do is to go ahead and actually add commands to that particular command group. So I want to make sure I have design tools selected here. And I'll change the commands from popular commands to all commands. So now what I can do is I can type the letter E. This will bring me down to the E commands. I want to look for the eyedropper. Here it is. I'll add the eyedropper in there so we can see how this works. So here's level one,.

Which is the actual tab, level two, which is the command group. And then we have level three which is the actual command. So let's go ahead and add some more. I'm going to go ahead and add the slide master. So I'll type the letter S and I'll look for the slide master here. And again you can pretty much add any any command that you want. I'll just click on Slide Master. I'll also turn on the selection pane..

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    And here we go. I'll add that and I'll keep it simple I'll just add one more.

    I'll go back to the group and I'll add the animation pane. And I'm good to go. Here are my four commands. I'll press okay. And I'll go ahead and locate design 24. Here it is right here. And from here I can go ahead. And I could even create another command group name that.

    Add my own commands in here as well. I can keep going as well. So that's what we want to do. So go ahead and customize your ribbon. Go ahead and create a ribbon tab. Rename the command group. Go ahead and add some commands there as well. And come right back. Now that we are able to create our own tab. So here are my two tabs here. The next thing we can do is turn on some useful options. I'll go back here. I'll right click on any of these ribbon tabs.

    And I'll go back to customizing the ribbon. This brings me to the PowerPoint options dialog here. So I'll go back to the general here. And some of these are turned on by default. But I find these to be pretty helpful when you're designing your presentation. So the first tab here on the general tab I can see that I have some user interface options. Now if you're using two monitors, you may notice that when you move your application from one window to the next, you may have some appearance issues here as well. So you may want to go ahead and optimize for best appearance when you're using multiple displays..

    If you just kind of hover over the little information icon, it gives you some more information up here as well. All right. So you can toggle it back and forth, optimize for compatibility or optimize for best appearance. I like the mini toolbar on selection. This is pretty much whenever you highlight a chunk of text. It gives you the mini tool that allows you to do some quick formatting. A big part of designing in PowerPoint is live preview. So for example, before we apply a particular style or some type of feature,.

    We can get a preview just by hovering the mouse over it. So I'd like to leave that turned on there as well. For those of us who like to collapse the ribbon, remember we can always change the ribbon display options. I like to see the full ribbon, so I'm good to go. You may want to collapse the Microsoft search box. As you can see, I do have it over here. It is currently minimized and this allows me a little more room if I'm using my Quick Access toolbar. I have some more room over here to work with as well..

    So I can do that if I want to. I'll scroll down a little bit. Here's the PowerPoint designer. So when you're designing you're either using the A theme, you're using the slide master, or you're using the PowerPoint designer. I have it turned off right now because I'm going to be using the slide master to design my presentation as well. If we go down to the save and go down to the preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation, if you're using special fonts in your presentation, if you're a recipient does not have that particular.

    Font or set of fonts, they will not be displayed properly. So you may want to embed the fonts in the file so that even though they don't have those fonts installed, they will still be able to view them as well. So that's another nice option to be able to use. There. The other ones here. In terms of advanced when it comes to printing, we can print true type fonts as graphics. So that's another nice option there as well. And that we can use..

    And of course if we go to the Quick access toolbar here, just like how we can add any command to the the ribbon tab that we created. Here are the current commands that are on my Quick Access toolbar. But I do have access to the entire library. So if I change this to all commands, I can add any command to my quick access toolbar. And because I minimize the search box here, I have a lot of room over here to be able to add some of those commands as well..

    So those are just some options that may help you as you continue to create designs in PowerPoint. Let's move on to lesson two designing with the Slide Master. Now what is the slide master? Let's go ahead and take a look at the slide master to get there I need to go ahead and click on the view tab and get to the actual slide master. Once I'm there, I can do something like insert a layout. I can rename a layout.

    And I can insert content placeholders as well. Let's do something simple in the slide master.

    Let's go ahead and make universal changes to our entire presentation. For example, we often do this for each slide. Maybe we want to go ahead and change the title. Maybe we want to go ahead and do something like change the font. Now go for this one and change the color. And then go ahead and change the size. We go to our next slide. We do the same thing..

    Well we don't have to do that. Instead of going to every single slide and changing the formatting options for all of our title placeholders, we can do that in the slide master. So go ahead and undo all those changes or press Ctrl Z a few times here. Now back to normal. Let's head on over to the slide master. I'll click on the view tab. And once I'm on the view tab all the way to the far left, we'll see the slide master..

    Let's hover over the slide Master and see what it says. So Slide Master, it controls the look of your entire presentation, including colors, fonts, backgrounds, effects, and just about everything else. So I can insert a shape or a logo and it will show up on all of my slides automatically. Well, that sounds pretty good. Now go ahead and click on the slide master here. Now here we can notice that we have a different view. Now we are in the slide master view. We can see that we now have the slide master tab..

    And we have some command groups here that are specific to our slide master. Now important to note on the left we'll have different types of slides. What I want to do is scroll all the way to the top here. And you'll notice all the way at the very top, we'll notice that a slide is bigger than all of our other slides. So in fact, this is the actual slide master. The other slides that we see here. These are the different layouts. So here's the title and content layout..

    Here's the two content layout. Here's the comparison layout. So that's what that is. I'm going to go ahead and click on the actual slide master here. And let's just get a good understanding of how this works. So whatever changes I've made to this slide it's going to affect all of my slides regardless of what type of layout it is. So I'm just going to do something simple. I'll go ahead and I want all of my title slides to be a particular font color and size. So I'll go ahead and highlight these..

    I'll go back to the home tab and I'll go ahead and apply the formatting there. Once we apply the formatting we'll close the slide master and take a look and see how our slides have been updated. Okay I'll change this font here. I'm going to go with the Georgia font. Right. So here's Georgia and I want it to be that nice Georgia Blue. And I'll make it 40. And that's it..

    Now if you take a look you'll notice. Take a look at my different layouts. So here's the title slide. We can see that the title slide is already incorporating that formatting that I just applied. Here's the title and content slide layout. We can see it's also incorporating that format that I've made to the slide master. Let's go back to the slide Master. Let's go ahead and close the master view. This will put our presentation back to the original or normal view. And let's take a look to see if our slides were updated..

    And we can see that they were. So here's my title slide. Here's slide number two. So all of my slides now have that universal formatting for my title. Let's take a step further. Let's go back into the slide master. And let's see what else we can do here. Again I want to make sure I click on that very top slide here. And what I'm going to do is for all of my level I want to change my bullets actually. I want to highlight these five bullet levels here..

    And I'll go to the home tab. And instead of having those regular bullets, maybe I want something like hollow squares. So I'll go ahead and choose how squares. And for my level one item, maybe I want that to be, let's say orange. My level two items on the list. Maybe I want that to be. I'll go with purple. That's it. Let's go ahead and analyze our slides and see if it incorporates these formatting changes..

    I'll go back to the slide master. I'll click on Close Master View and look at that. All of my level one bullet points are orange. And it has the hollow squares here as well. If I go back to slide number two we can see all of those formatting changes have been applied here. The title Georgia 40 blue level one orange with the squares level two bullet items or list items purple with the other square as well..

    So those are some of the universal changes that we can make with the slide master. Now just one more thing to note. I'll go back into the slide master here. So I have two options. What I did initially is I chose the master slide. So this applies the formatting to every single slide. What if I only wanted to make some changes to my. Let's see if I hover over this one. So this is title and content. It's currently being used by slides 2 to 3 and 5 to 7..

    So if I wanted to format only this particular slide layout I can do that here as well. So for my third level here I'll go ahead and make this. let's see I'll make this green. Like that. It's only going to affect my title and content layout. So let's go back here. I'll close the master view. And so this is a let's see lesson one. This is a title and content. Let's add a third level item..

    And there you go. We can see that it's already. It's already green. If I go to a nother layout let's see. Do I have a two content layout in here. Well let's just insert a two content layout slide. Okay. So here's level one. Here's level two and here's level three. So we can see that level three item only applies to that particular type of slide..

    So we can either make universal changes to the entire presentation or to specific slides as well. Go ahead and make some simple changes in the slide master and preview it and come right back. Let's continue fun with the slide master. Well, what I want to do now is create a custom slide layout. If I click on New Slide here, here are the different layouts that are available based on the current theme that I'm using. Now, I don't have the particular layout that I'm looking for..

    Basically what I want is the three content layout. So I have title and content. I have two content. I want a slide that has three columns where I can easily express three concepts of three main keys or three main ideas here. So I don't have one. So what I can do is create my own layout. Let's go ahead and do that. I'll click on the view tab here and I'll click on the slide master..

    Now I have two options. I can either just kind of duplicate an existing slide and just make a basic update. Or I can insert a new layout. I'll keep it simple. I'll use it based on the two content layout here. So in the slide master I'll click on the two content layout. So we have two content here. But I want three. So what I'm going to do is duplicate the slide and just resize these placeholders..

    And place one here in the middle. So I'm going to right click on this layout. And I'll choose the duplicate layout option here. I can see it's duplicated. It's the exact replica of the one above. So on the duplicated layout I want to rename it first. So we'll duplicate it, rename it, and then we'll go ahead and format it. So I'll right click on it. I'll choose rename..

    I can also click right here to rename it. I'll right click I'll rename I'll call this one three content. I'll press rename. And I'm good to go. So now what I can do I can just go ahead and resize these. So I'll go ahead and grab the content placeholder on the left here. And I'm just going to resize it. I do have the footers down here in the bottom, so I'll make sure it's the same width as my footers.

    One on the right. I'll grab the resize handle and I'll snap it to that footer on the bottom right here. Now I have space in the middle to put a a bigger one. I can resize them, make them all the same size if I want to, but I'll just insert one here in the middle. So to do that I'll click on where it says insert placeholder. So under the master layout command group under the slide master I'll insert a placeholder..

    Now here are the different placeholders that we can insert the content. Basically we can add anything text picture chart, table, smart art media text is just for text only picture chart table. Well I want a content placeholder that can pretty much add anything. So I'll click on content. And just like a text box I have to draw it. So I'll go ahead and draw it here. We can always resize it later. Right now I just want to use those temporary guides to make sure they're the same height as the other two..

    And I'll snap this right here. And I think I like to go ahead and center align my title as well. So there we go. Let's go ahead and close the master view. Let's go ahead and insert this slide. And let's see what this slide layout looks like. So now how do I find it. If I click on new slide. I can see here is my three content layout. So pretty pretty cool. So now I can always use this slide layout whenever I want to..

    I'll go ahead and insert that here. And there it is. So I can add my title. And I have my content placeholder here on the left middle and on the right. So pretty. Pretty nice as well. Go ahead and create a three content layout. Go ahead and insert it into your presentation and come right back. Welcome back. Let's go ahead for lesson two. Let's go ahead and create a custom slide.

    That we can use over and over again. I'm going to head on over to my title slide. Now I did insert P image on my title slide. The reason I do that is because I want to gain some insights from the designer. So the designer really likes pictures. So if you add an image to your slide, you'll get some more vibrant looking options here as well. I'm not going to insert any of them. I just want to get some insights in terms of what is modern and what looks pretty cool..

    So we can see tends to put either big picture left, big picture right or even a big picture on the top, and then add our title and subtitle here as well. So these look pretty good. I'm going to go ahead and create an actual slide. Let's see see more designs. Now we can see how we actually break down this particular slide here. So how can we recreate a slide like this. This slide basically we have a picture. We have what looks like a.

    Either a shape or a text box. Here. We have a triangle shape down here as well. That's pretty much what these are. They're a combination of content placeholders, images and different types of shapes. Now when you create a custom slide in the slide master, when you're actually insert that slide, you will not be able to interact with the picture or any of the other objects that you insert on there. Let's go ahead and head on over to the slide master. I'll close the designer here. I'll click on the view tab..

    I'll go back to Slide Master. Now what I want to do is I want to go ahead and insert a layout. If I hover over, that tells me that I can add a custom layout to the master slide set. Once it's created, I can easily add slides that match the new layout to my presentation. Well, I'll go ahead and click on Insert Layout here. And we can see that it inserted a new layout for us. All it has on here is just the title. It's blank. We have the the footers down here as well..

    They custom message and page number in here. I'm going to rename this right away. Again I want this to be a custom title slide that I can reuse over and over again. So I'll right click on here and I'll rename this layout and I'll call this one title two. And there we go. So I'm going to I think what I will want is a big picture on the top. And then I want my title on the bottom right..

    And then my subtitle. Maybe I'll go ahead and add a logo over here as well. So that's what I'll do. So to do that I'll go ahead and click on the insert tab. I'll look for a stock image. And I want something related to learning. I know exactly the picture I want. So I'll scroll down. There it is. Nice chalkboard here. Beautiful colors that are in there. I'll go ahead and start that one..

    You can insert any picture you want. So this picture is actually very, very good. It actually takes up the entire slide. Sometimes you insert a picture and it's more fit to either align it to the left or to align it to the top. So I do want to what I'm going to do is crop this picture because I don't have any space down here. I do not want to overlay the text on it. So I'm going to cut out. I don't want to cut out the chairs that look really nice or cut out. Maybe I'll crop the bottom and just a little bit from the top here as well..

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