Webinar Triggers & Functions - ID Card Make

Webinar Triggers & Functions - ID Card Make So uh one more time um my name is Victoria and today we are going to talk about triggers and functions I will start with the triggers I will explain you uh what is the main difference between instant trigger and scheduled one and it will take only like 5-10 minutes and then we will move to functions and during this the function um we are going to talk about text functions different type of data types.

Webinar Triggers & Functions

Also how to build the conditional logic and something like that and how you can how can you you use it in your scenarios so I'm going to share my screen and the second so can you see it yeah is good yeah it works so uh let's talk about triggers so I trigger is something that runs your scenario that starts your scenario and.

Uh make uh has two type of triggers the first one is an instant one and the second one is scheduled so on an example of a type form so this is a service that collects different type of like a Google forms or something like a Phone responses it collects different type of responses and uh you can just recall it from the type form and process them in make so how you can distinguish between instant trigger and the scheduled one you can see uh we have two modules and.

Uh just write uh near this watch response module you can see the label instant so meaning once you use it and you put it here you will see the lighting bolt uh assigned so this means that this is an instant trigger it will run uh instantly when you receive the form response and on the other hand we have a schedule trigger uh this how it looks like we you can see the clock sign.

And you're able to to do some schedule uh there are a lot of like schedule and role you can use so it's quite powerful almost like all scheduling features here and uh what else you can set up here so you can set up the limit you can specify the limit this is the maximum number of items that will be returned in one run so for example if I have uh 10 um if I have here like a limit of 10 and I received for example like 20 new.

Responses so uh during the one round it will load only 10 uh responses that I will participate them oh I just choose something uh so also what else you can choose you can choose where to start your scheduled uh trigger uh you can start just from now and on so it will load only newly created and updated items uh you can also specify the date uh for example like one month old and also you can load all of the.

Responses meaning for example you want to process all of them so you just put it like all and you can process uh you can also choose manually so depending on the module um I will just choose another form so you can see you can choose it manually um you can choose uh so in this window there will be loaded a different type of newly created items and you can choose between them uh from which point you.

Want to Stack so for example if you choose the last one so this one and the next newly will be loaded to your uh to a scenario like this so on the other hand we Let's uh talk back about the instant drinker so the instantly the logic behind the instant finger is just a web Hook and the difference between custom webhook and this one for example that Mike will create the swap hook uh just for you you don't need to make anything.

Extra you just can select the same like form and you will see the uh URL so if you know how the web works it's um it's easy for you to understand but if not just remember that the webhook is Mike generates some URL for you like this and one something one day something new happening in type form the type form will call this link this URL and it will say send some type of data for example a new form response so sometimes make.

Already attached to this webhook automatically for you and you will see these notes here but sometimes it's like that you need to do it by yourself so if you are copy paste uh this link and you are going to settings and you are creating your web hook so um speaking about operation consuming it's in most cases it's better to use a web hook uh because uh once you are using the schedule trigger and imagine that you set up the scheduling like to.

Run um for two weeks every 15 minutes and you do you don't have any newly created items in type form so in this uh scenario in this situation every run even if there is nothing in a type form uh or one operation will be consumed uh for example so so now I have like three bundles uh but one more time I have nothing there but you can see that one operation is consumed already so imagine if you put the scheduled like to run uh.

Every 15 minutes and there is nothing there uh still the operation will be consumed even if there is no new newly created or updated items so in this scenario it's better to use the web because if something your scenario can sleep nothing will be no operation will be concerned but if something's happening um the type form we'll call it the make to to run this scenario so uh I think that was all for triggers.

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    If you have any questions please put them in the Q a box and we will talk about it later after after the functions - ID Card Make

    So uh let's move to functions um I will just remove the modules and I have here so I preferred some testing data we'll just run it once so the data represent the order from some eShop imagine it so I have the order ID I have a contact email I have.

    Some payment method and this is a good example of different data types and uh I'm going to show you how you can use different functions with this data so um I also I will connect uh set variable module this is just for testing just to show you how how function works so all the functions you can find here we can have we have here General.

    Functions uh Mass functions text functions uh date time and arrays so um let's start with some general functions we also have some variables operators and keywords here and of course functions uh the first one variable execution ID is simple it just clicked on you some number I never use it but in case if you need to collect some statistics about your scenario or you need some unique unique.

    ID sure you can use it then we have functions so the first one is the parenthesis so this one is you can use it for example when you are doing some mathematical operations and you want just a group uh some numbers some expression then we have here the get function the get function it works with Collections and arrays for example.

    We can pick up some uh specific items from an array for example we have in our data array payment methods and I have a PayPal and a gift card so with the help of this function I can say that I want to take this gift card so I am just specifying uh the array and I want to specify the index uh the the order of the item the second one.

    So once I run it I will just receive a gift card so that's how you can use the get function of course you can use um with the get function some others for example on the last our webinar we discussed the get map function so you can check it and see how it works together then let's have a look on conditional functions we have here if if empty and switch so this is quite uh very similar if you are using Excel functions or some.

    Programming languages this is quite similar to that functions but a little bit different with the denotation um so let's check the IF function and let's say that um we have uh what else we have in our data we have in our data the uh total price and imagine if we want to find out the discount so let's say that I have a customer that spent uh 199 dollars and I.

    Want to give them uh give him discount like 10 percent so and if it's less than 100 dollars I want to give only a five percent discount yes so in this case I put it like this I need to provide some conditions some expression uh what I want to test so this will be current total price and uh so I'm saying that uh if uh my total price will be greater than 100 for example and for this case I need to choose the.

    Operator greater than and if it's true if it's yes I will provide 10 discount and if it's not then I will provide five percent discount yeah so this is very similar it's only like one if also you can provide some a nested effects expression for example uh like if the total price is greater than um like 200 I will provide 20.

    Uh but if it's not I can insert one more if expression inside of the else I would

    Say Loop to make it more complicated like this total price it will be more than 100 it will be 10 percent and like this and else it will be five percent so this is how you can Nest your.

    Expression so one more time if the total price is greater than 200 I will divide 20 else I if the total price is greater than 100 I will provide 10 and if it's not I will provide just five percent something like that and of course you can uh put them as many if as you want this is something similar that you have in programming if else logic so the next uh we have here is uh if empty this was quite useful if you don't.

    Know um which argument uh which property you are going to expect for example if something will be empty you can use you can replace it by another property uh for example in my data I do not have uh the company name in the building address so I would say uh okay I want to take the company name but if it's empty I will take the full name for example of my customer so easy I would just take.

    The if empty function I will check the company and if company name is empty I will just choose the full name like this and you can see that yes the the company was empty so it just took the uh full name of my customer so then we have here a switch.

    And switches I would say are the most complex for example you are testing some expression and you're expecting different type of result and for each of the result you can specify the values that you wanted to uh to achieve for example let's say that I have the country code this is uh for example here the US and I wanted to say okay if it's U.S so the country name will be United States for example.

    And if it's like a CZ this is a Czech Republic if it's the it's Germany it's not like a real use case you know but uh for just to show you how this switch function works it's I think it's it's fine so I'm taking the code of the country and I'm saying if it's U.S this is will be United States fsde it will be a Germany and if it's CZ it will be in Czech.

    Republic and so on you can also put something some default value for example nothing is matched and you can provide and put it like fans like this but this is not that use case and probably you will not uh use it like this but uh just to show you how the switch function works so we received the US and the United States uh also we have different modules um that can also do this job.

    Uh as function though for example we have a module switch and I will show just what is the main difference between functions and some uh regular modules so uh you remember like the this formula this function can be divided in this module and uh this one more time the input will be um the country code.

    And we can provide the case for example if it's us the output will be United States foreign but in this case when you are using the regular module you will consume one more one operation and then probably for example if you want to send an email um and an email for example like Hello uh we have a new.

    Customer phone and Country so in this case in case of the module you will use the output of the switch module but in case of a function you can you can just put it directly in in your Gmail module we'll just put something and so you can put it like this and that's all this quite uh I would say like a messy and sometimes it's not so user friendly especially if you have like a huge uh large function but it's.

    Nice that you will not consume any of like extra operation okay so let's move to some other functions so also we have here The Operators and I would say so like be careful do not use uh something like do not put um like the equal sign here for example like that always use uh The Operators because it's like the main mistake that people.

    Usually do especially if they want for example to multiply or to to add some numbers if you put it like this uh they make a real interpret this like a text as you can see here and if you want to make an addition you need to use the operator like this and it's um it's usually with everything that you can see here so do not use like the equality sign like this do not put.

    Anything uh manually and always be careful with the keyboards and with the operators uh so then we have some omit and big functions and this is more useful for if you have some Collections and you have like at least a collection that has uh many properties many keys and you want to pick up or you want to Omit some property for example let's uh try Epic and we have a collection here uh for example billing address and let's.

    Say that I want I don't want to take all this data I just want to pick up the uh first name um let's say I want to pick up the city and I want to pick up the uh ZIP code and you can see like it was like a huge collection it was like a username and the ID of the customer the full name but for me it um probably like in some situation.

    This information is fully enough and in another way you can use the omit function so you can omit uh different keys and everything else will be returned to your so let's move to the math function it's quite like easier if you have some numbers you can make some average number you can find the maximum a minimum you can round the number to find out the sum of the numbers for example to find the average number.

    Like this and you will see the the result then you can use the function parse number this is uh so it part the string can return some number for example there is some different some system except the comma as a separator some system they are accepting only dot so if you need to pass this number and to modify it you.

    Can you can use this function then we have the format number um so one more time it's just um uh format number in if if you need some decimal separating sort or if you want to uh to add some decimal points to the number uh that we have here some operators uh so one more time don't put it manually use the operators to use multiplication uh division mode uh some Edition and um.

    Something for maybe conditions like uh lower than lower than or equal and I think that's all for some misfunction so the main mistake that people always do this with these operations and also I will to show you how you can test them if actually eaten a number because sometimes you have taken some variable into you don't know if it's a text if it's a string of its number and what can you do you can use the for example.

    Average function and if you write some text inside you will receive an empty empty string so in this way you can check if it's a number or not because once you put for example um any number only one for sure you will receive some uh some results but it will not be empty as with some text uh you can also use variables here we have a pi and random number in case if.

    You want to generate just some random number and use it in different systems but I think it's pretty simple with mass functions so we can we can actually move on to uh to text functions so this is more complicated and more I would say useful uh to use different if you want to operate with the text if you receive something and you want to modify your text and to send to another system so again we have some uid I never use it and we have different.

    Functions so the first one we have a lens so this is quite easy um you can just um put something and find out what is the length of your text how many symbols it has uh then we have different modification in a something like to to put it like to lowercase to capitalize it uh to put your text in uppercase and this is quite.

    Also like quite a simple uh the only difference um I I think it could be a problem uh to understand what is capitalized and the staircase and let's just um uh check how it works because it's a little bit strange on the names so capitalize it converts only the first character in a text uh to a uppercase but in case if you have all uh characters in uppercase it will not do nothing uh if you want to do that like to convert your uppercase uh to.

    Meaning like one letter is uppercase and another is lowercase you need to use the staircase so you can also like check it so capitalize will always take the first letter up and let's see what do we have here so we can test um for example the contact email oh so yeah so you can see it just took the first slide and just make it uppercase.

    And um and the Stark case for example let's take something that we have in uppercase uh like the currency and you will see that we have is an uppercase fully but when I put it in Stark case it will put only one first letter to uppercase and the rest in lowercase okay so uh then we have ASCII function this.

    Is this will eliminate will remove all known as key characters uh that's quite useful if because sometimes a system systems will not accept uh some other characters and ask him so for example this so you have some uh check uh letters and this letters will be eliminated will be removed uh the replace function quite easy uh you can provide some text and replace it for example let's take the.

    The customer full name um what do we have here like this but uh Bob Dorman and we want to replace Bob uh with Joe for example and you can see how it was replaced then we have function Audrey so this will basically remove all.

    Space character at start and the end of the text this will not remove space characters inside attacks so be careful with that only at the start and at the time and at the end so again the uppercase quite simple so the substring this is very powerful function I use it a lot so this will actually like cut your text and turn a portion of the text so the ones that you defined so let's say and that for example I want to take uh.

    For my contact email I want to take only the mic.com I will show you later how you can make it dynamically but in this case I won't just show you how you can operate with the indexes so I have my contact email and I want to take only make.com so I need to uh to calculate the um the characters example one two three four five six seven eight and so I'm.

    Starting from eight and I'm finishing at 16. so I'm saying that I want to cut my string my email and take only make.com so I'm starting from the eighth character and I'm finishing just up till the end and you can see how it's How It Works uh so to make it Dynamic uh how to because usually you have like different emails different lengths of email so first of.

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