WordPress Intermediate Tutorial - ID Card Make

WordPress Intermediate Tutorial - ID Card Make Trish Conner-Cato: Welcome to LearnIt Training. The exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Hello everyone. My name is Trish Connor Cato. Welcome to the WordPress video course. This course is for anyone new to WordPress or who is self taught on the product. Each category would make a good candidate for this course. No prior WordPress knowledge is needed. No prior web development or programming skills are required. This course is designed for non technical users..

WordPress Intermediate Tutorial

Who are more interested in content management and search engine optimization than the technical aspects of website creation. Module four will see us learning about pages, using the media library, and how to import and export content. Our fifth module will focus on plugins. We'll learn what they are, how to install them, and we'll cover the must have pack of plugins. You should know that I do have files in the video description that we will be using during this course..

So you may want to pause the video, download those files, and put them in the same folder somewhere on your computer for easy access. Looking to support our channel and get a great deal? Become a member today to unlock ad free videos. That's right, your favorite courses without a single ad. Interested in a specific video? Purchase one of our ad free courses individually. Looking for even more? Gain access to exams, certificates, and exclusive content at learnitanytime. com. More information can be found in the video description below..

In our fourth module, we're going to be learning a little bit more about pages. media, and how to import and export content to and from your WordPress sites. We have three lessons in this module. We're going to start with pages. Then you'll learn how to add items to the media library. And then we'll move on to importing and exporting content. Now there is a file in the video description called Useful Links. It's a Word document. You want to have that open while we're going through this module..

And also in the video description, there's a folder named Images for Website. And you should go ahead and have that folder opened as well. And now we're going to add another page. So I'm on the pages screen. And I'm going to use the add new link at the top of the screen this time. And I should mention is that right pane is not expanded when you come in here or open..

You can always click the gear. To show or hide it. The title of this page is going to be Articles. And then I'm going to just use my down arrow to get underneath that title. And I'm going to type Northern California dash Inspiring Garden Ideas for All Gardeners..

And then I'm going to just select that text. And that little toolbar pops up and on it, it has the link icon, or you could do control K just like you can in like word or, you know, the office programs to get to a hyperlink. So I'm going to click the link icon. And now what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring up that useful links document so I can show you how to get the actual URL..

So in that word document, that first link, I'm going to right click on it and I'm going to choose edit hyperlink. And at the bottom, the actual address, the URL is selected. The text to display is at the top. And since that's already selected, I'm going to do control C to copy that URL. I can cancel out of here and then I'm going to paste that URL. In that search box on the page..

And once you paste it, you press enter. And now it changed that text into the actual link. Now, that is a placeholder right there. If you click on that placeholder that looks like a hyperlink, it opens that screen again. And you want to select, you want to toggle open in new tab, so that if a user on a page accesses that link, it opens that link in a new tab on their browser. And now I've clicked at the end of that link placeholder, and I'm going to press enter..

And the next thing we're going to type is a winter vegetable garden in Northern California. Same process. We're going to select it, the text. We're going to go ahead and click on link or control K, go to your word document and right click on that link and edit it. You're going to copy the URL and you can cancel that edit hyperlink box, paste it in, press enter..

Click on it. and toggle open in new tab. So the third one, I'm going to have you do on your own and you have what you're going to type in the link in the word document. And then you can get to the actual URL and copy and paste it in here. And when you're done, your screen should look like mine. When I click on that last link, I went ahead and toggled open in new tab, and we're going to go ahead and publish this page..

I went ahead and accessed the View Page link. You'll notice since we added another page, when we created our menu for this theme, we told it to add new pages to the menu, so it did that automatically for that primary menu. It has articles up there now. And these are actual links. On this page that I can select and go to the articles and I can get this to show, you can see that it opened on a new tab..

    So I'm going to just go ahead and close that article. - ID Card Make

    And I'm going to just use the clock to get back to my WordPress interface. And I'm going to go back to pages for a moment. So we can see our articles page is there listed. With all of our other pages. And the one thing is, you know, you have those options, edit, quick edit, trash, view, and blaze..

    Blaze is an advertising plugin, I guess. And so it comes out of the box and I've had some blaze messages on the screen before that I closed. And it allows you to advertise on wordpress. com and Tumblr in just a few clicks. It turns your site content into clean, compelling ads that run across their network of blogs. Now, something else I want to show you since we're here on pages,.

    You'll notice that it says we have four pages, three published, one draft, no cornerstone content. Cornerstone content ties in with your SEO plugin if you were using it. In this case, the one that comes out of the box is Yoast. And so what does that mean? Cornerstone content consists of the best, most important articles on your site. The pages or posts you want to rank highest in the search engines. So, it correlates with your SEO and you can actually mark things as cornerstone.

    Content when you're using an SEO plugin. The other thing I want to talk about on this screen are these icons over on the right. So when I hover over the first icon, kind of looks like a traffic light, that would be your SEO score. And so we haven't done anything with SEO, when I hover over that red circle, it says focus keyphrase not set. So that also has to do with your search engine optimization..

    The next one that looks like a feather, or it's like a quill of a pen, right, that's your readability score. And so when you hover over any of the green circles there, you'll see good. That blog post, it's not available. The blog post page, it says not available. As well as that draft privacy policy page. And then you have two icons. One has an upward pointing arrow on the left. And if you hover over that one, it says, Number of outgoing.

    Internal links in this post. And it says, See Yoast columns text in the help tab for more info. So again, deals with SEO, right? We don't have any outgoing internal links. in the post. And because we don't have Yoast enabled, we're not showing any outgoing number. So this first one is number of outgoing internal links. And the second one is the number of internal links. And so, just some SEO information that you can see right there from this screen..

    So now we're going to start adding some files to our media library. And I have this slide here and it shows you what types of image, audio, video files that you can add in WordPress. You can also add PDFs and Adobe Photoshop documents. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. And at the bottom of the slide, um, the images that we have in the files for the video description and that images for website folder, I.

    Got all of those from openverse. org. So I put a link to that website there. Um, you can also access openverse from within wordpress. org, but it's an extensive library of free stock photos. It's images and audio. It's all part of creative content and which means it's free and legal for you to use. Now we're ready to upload images to our media library. So on the left sidebar, I'm simply going to hover over media and choose add new,.

    And you can see that you can select the files that it take you to your file explorer, or you can drop files to upload. which I prefer to do. So all of these files are in that images for website folder in the files for the video description. So as you can see, I've selected all of the files in that folder. And I've moved that folder to my other screen, and I'm just clicking and holding, and notice it tells me how many files I have selected, which is 14. And it's copying them in here, so they'll still be in that images for website folder..

    And I'm gonna just let go. And it starts uploading them.

    It lets you know the maximum upload file size, right above where it's uploading those files. And now when you go to your library, you will see the 14 images. And they show up in the library in the order that you uploaded them with the last one being the first one. So whichever order they were uploaded. And you notice it went through the uploading process and then it crunched.

    The image and then it went to the next image and uploaded it and kept repeating that process until they were all uploaded. So one of the things I like to do When we first have our images upload is I like to assign captions to them and I do it out of the gate. Now I can do it as I use them, but I'm in the habit of doing them as soon as I upload them. So I don't have to worry about it later when I do utilize them on pages or posts or even on categories..

    The other thing is in your media library. It defaults to showing all media items. As you can see, that's a drop down, so if you just wanted to see images, if you had a mix of items, you can filter by just those items, and also by date here. You can also search for items in here. So, in the search box, If I type in basil and press enter, it shows me that one item and I'm going to do the X to the right of the search box to clear that and get my full list of items back again. So I'm going to select the first item and it opens up the attachment.

    Detail screen tells you when it was uploaded, who it was uploaded by. Information about the file. And you can, it comes with a caption, right? And again, I got these from Openverse. So I'm gonna just remove that caption. And I'm gonna type in Tomatoes on the Vine. I can leave the title the way it is. And I like to put alternative text in so that anyone who's visually disabled,.

    A screen reader will read what it says for this picture on the screen. So I'm gonna just put the same thing, tomatoes on the vine, for alt text. And if you scroll all the way to the bottom on the right, you can view the attachment page, edit more details, or delete the image permanently. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the right arrow in the upper right corner to get to the next image so I don't have to go through each of them. And for this, the alt text is going to be Time Plant..

    We'll leave the title and the caption is just going to be Time. I'm going to move to the next one. Alt text is going to be Strawberry Plant and the caption is going to just be Strawberry. So, go through. The rest of these images and assign you should be able to tell from the title what it is if I encounter any that don't Have a title I will let you know what they are and you're gonna just put in alt text and a caption for.

    These a Couple that I want to point out the question mark I'm not giving it a caption and when you get to the red yellow and orange bell peppers Notice there's a scroll bar in the caption. So you want to scroll down and that information that's in there about what kind of camera it was taken with, you're going to delete that out of the caption. And when you're done with your alt text and captioning, you can do that X in the upper right hand corner to get back to your media library..

    Now let's go start using some of our images. We'll start on pages. And we're going to edit our About Me page, and we're going to see what a featured image looks like on this page. Now, on the right side, I'm going to scroll down and you'll see the featured image section. Not all theme templates allow for featured images. So I'm going to go ahead and click right there where it says set featured image..

    And it's going to take me to my media library. But there's another tab up there. If the file isn't already in my media tab library, I can go to upload files and upload them. And the image we're going to use. Is this backyard garden image, the one that looks like a house is in it. So I'm gonna select that image. And you'll notice on the right, it has our alt text, our caption. We could do it now as we're using it. And down at the bottom, if you scroll through, you'll see the description..

    You have the URL to the image, and you can copy that URL. And there's a blue button, set featured image. And that's what I'm going to do. So now what I'd like to do is preview the page in the upper right. And I always like to preview in a new tab. And you'll notice where the caption shows on the featured image is right underneath the image. So we're using that placeholder spot, the featured image spot, which is built into the themes template to be in that position for this particular image..

    And now I've come out of the preview, I'm back on my edit page, and I'm going to update this page. I decide to keep that image where it shows on the page. And now I'm going to go back to View Pages. Let's go to our Posts section on the left sidebar. And we are going to edit the What Grows in My Garden post. And for this post, we're going to add a couple of galleries and also a single image..

    So, what we're going to do is hover in between Vegetables in the first paragraph. That's where I want you to hover. And when you get the plus sign there to add a block, we're gonna select gallery. And then on the gallery screen, we're gonna select media library. So we're gonna select our tomatoes on the vine. And we're gonna go down and grab our cherry tomatoes. And our peppers. So we have three things selected..

    In the lower right, you'll see that it says create a new gallery. And if you accidentally selected something, you can clear the items down here at the bottom. So I'm going to go ahead and create a new gallery. And at this point you can drag and drop to rearrange everything. So I'm going to just click on my peppers and I'm going to put them in the first position..

    And in the lower right, insert gallery. So you'll see the gallery of the three photos on the page. Notice that the captions in the gallery are actually on the image, whereas with the featured image, it shows up below. We're gonna scroll down on this page, we're not quite done. We're gonna hover in between herbs and its paragraph and add another gallery block from our media library..

    So we're going to start by clicking on the first herb. It's thyme. And then we're going to select our rosemary. Next one is oregano, mint, cilantro. And I think, yeah, if you scroll down, You'll find the basal and then create a new gallery gives you the opportunity to organize them So I am gonna actually.

    Put these in alphabetical order just because I can and it actually satisfies my OCD so I have them organized to my satisfaction and I'm gonna go ahead and insert the gallery And then last but not least, we're gonna add a single image because I'm only growing strawberries. So I'm hovering between fruit and its paragraph. And I'm gonna add just the image block here. Go to my media library..

    And I'm gonna grab the strawberries that are The plant, not the ones in the basket, and select. So the individual image block also puts the caption beneath the image. And so we have two galleries and an image on this page, this post. And we can go ahead and preview it. And it's definitely giving this post a lot more visual interest..

    And now back on the edit page, I'm going to go ahead and update that post. So before we add images to our About My Garden sticky post, let's go back to our media library for a moment. And so on that post, I want to use the basket. of peppers and the basket of strawberries. And at this point, it would be nice to have a basket of herbs to also show on that post in a gallery format. So what we're going to do here is I'm going to show.

    You how to get to open verse. And how easy it is to grab these, uh, creative content files. So I'm just on a new browser tab, and I'm gonna just type openverse. org, it already comes up for me. And all I have to do is click in search for content. And I'm going to type in basket of herbs and press enter. And so it comes up with all these different image files of baskets of herbs..

    And I think I am going to select this herb basket. You can select whichever herb, ooh, I like this one too. This is like shopping for me, right? I'm going to go ahead and select the herb basket that looks like this. And I'm going to choose get this image, and it takes me over to Flickr, and on Flickr I can just click the download this photo button. I'm going to pick the original size there. And it just downloads it as a JPEG in my Downloads folder..

    And I'm gonna close that Flickr window. While I'm here, I'm gonna go back up to the top. I'm gonna do X to clear the basket of herbs search. And I'm gonna see if there's a better basket of strawberries. Just checking. And I see one that I like better than the one that I originally picked. So this first one on mine is what I'm going to select..

    I'm going to get the image and download it. Original size. And while I'm here, I'm going to go ahead and close that Flickr window. And I'm going to do one more search here. And it's just going to be for garden tools. Notice there's audio files on here. And I'm kinda looking for something like this, gardening tools in a watering.

    Can, something with some interest. I actually collect watering cans, so this one will suit me nicely. And I'm gonna go ahead and get it. So, three files. To add to our media library, I'm going to go ahead and close Flickr, and I'm also going to close the Openverse tab. And I'm back in my media library now, and I want to get rid of the strawberries in the basket that we originally had from the files in the video description..

    I just clicked on it, and in the lower right corner, I'm gonna delete that permanently, and confirm that deletion. And then up at the top of the screen, I'm gonna add new. I'm gonna just select files this time, make my way to my downloads, and I'm just gonna grab those three files. Now, what I'd normally do is rename them, so, move them to a different location and rename them. But we'll see their images. So I'm going to just select the three of them and open.

    And let it upload and crunch them. And once they're in the media library, I'm going to select the, um, garden tools one, and I'm going to give it alt text garden tools in a watering can to describe it. I'm going to change the title here to gardening tools. And the caption is gardening tools. And then I am going to go to the back image..

    And here is my new basket of strawberries. And back one more. And that should be our basket of herbs. And then I can go ahead and close that window. So we have our new basket of strawberries. A basket of herbs and some garden tools. Let's go back to our post page. And now we are going to add a gallery to about my garden sticky post..

    So I'm going to go ahead and edit that. And I am going to hover between the two paragraphs and add the gallery block there. And I can go to my media library. I am going to add the watering can there. And I'm also going to select the basket of herbs, the strawberries, and then go down and select the basket of peppers and create a new gallery..

    And then go ahead and insert that gallery. And notice that the vegetables in the basket, it's like in its own row here. Uh, the pictures as wide as the three above it. Let's go ahead and update this post. And then I'm going to use the link to view the post and it's not bad. I mean, if I want it to, I could go ahead and fiddle with the.

    Size from the media library. And so, I'm back in my post, and I'm gonna go to view post. And then I'm gonna go back to my media library. There are some editing capabilities in the library. I'm gonna select that basket of vegetables, the wide one. And I can edit the image from the link right underneath the image. So, I could scale the image, if I wanted to, right? I could crop the image. Rotate it, flip it, so on and so forth. And if you look at the question mark to the right of scale image,.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ3cOmnW80k
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