FINALLY! Properly Present Your Power BI Dashboard in PowerPoint (keep the interactivity)

FINALLY! Properly Present Your Power BI Dashboard in PowerPoint (keep the interactivity) So you've worked hard on your power bi report you've sliced and dice the data you've added bookmarks Custom Tool tips it's super interactive your boss loves it but one day your boss comes to your.

Office and asks you we need to present your super cool dashboard to Senior Management you know how they can be we need a single PowerPoint presentation no switching between applications that have.

Zero patience for this stuff yeah those meetings are nerve-wracking now you know that you can easily export a power bi report to PowerPoint it's quite convenient but you lose the.

Interactivity you only get a static image of the visuals it would be so much easier to answer questions with filter and drill through functionalities like the way you have it in power bi plus.

You'll have to redo the slides the next time you have to present a report because those images aren't going to update themselves but the boss wants PowerPoint so PowerPoint it is a strange.

Thing happens when you go to export your report in power bi service you notice that PowerPoint now has an additional export option no longer just embed an image but also embed live data could.

FINALLY! Properly Present Your Power BI Dashboard in PowerPoint (keep the interactivity)

This be the solution to your problem [Music] well let's give this a try let's try and embed live data in PowerPoint and see if it's really live just to make sure it's.

Clear where I am right now I'm in power bi service okay so I'm in I've created this dashboard that's interactive here I have filters for years I've added different buttons for.

The different pages so this gives me a product view a customer view online versus store sales and so on and I want to export this to PowerPoint and keep all this interactivity will this help me.

Do that when I click on embed live data in PowerPoint notice it's still in preview I get these options it asks me whether I want to include the currently selected data filters I have an option.

To copy this link or I can open this directly in PowerPoint in which case it's going to create a new PowerPoint presentation so for now let's go ahead and try this out let's open this in.

PowerPoint yes we're going to click on open PowerPoint is opening and I get this information here which tells me this add-in comes from the office store and adds new capabilities to office if.

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    You trust it it will have access to the

    Contents of any document where this add-in is included well we have no choice we have to trust this add-in otherwise we wouldn't get this.

    Capability now my report is embedded in my PowerPoint slide now the reason this was super smooth for me is that my PowerPoint already got a new Option a new feature inside the insert Tab and is.

    Called Power bi if you don't have that yet you will be prompted to install an add-in you can do that directly from PowerPoint you can go to the insert tab under add-ins get add-ins just search.

    For Power bi you're going to see it right here that's the add-in that you need to add once you do that you get this power bi option here now the great thing is you can fully interact with.

    This so I'm not even in presentation mode yet and I have the ability to take a look at my tool tips and change my view as I need but as you can see only the current page so the page that we.

    Were on when we exported was embedded in this presentation any subsequent pages that you have you need to insert separately unless you included a page navigation in your report then the.

    Overview page is enough to move around the entire report inside a single slide because check this out when I click on products I jump to products customers online versus store sales I can jump.

    Around as I need buttons and bookmarks are fully operational now what if you already had a PowerPoint presentation and you wouldn't embed your power bi in there so here I have another.

    Presentation that I've already worked on and I've added different sections and different slides to it and on the bottom here I want to embed my power bi dashboard I know that management is.

    Going to have a lot of questions and

    This is going to give me a lot of flexibility to just jump here and drill down into my data within the same presentation let's go to insert and.

    Power bi we get a placeholder and the input bar here to paste and Report URL we need to grab that from Power bi service so let's go back there go to export PowerPoint embed live data and.

    Grab this report link I'm just going to click on copy here close that go back to my PowerPoint presentation and paste this in and then click on insert and it would insert it right here and you can.

    Add a title slide but I actually don't need that in there so I'm just going to remove this make this as big as I want you should fill up my slide and now I have my live report as a part of this.

    Presentation if I go in presentation mode because that's what I'm going to be in when I'm presenting to management this is how it's going to look I can select the different years I get my tool.

    Tips here visible so if management is wondering what happened to Electronics in March 2022 we can take a look at this here we can actually compare it to January 2022 when Electronics was doing.

    A lot better now let's say the CFO has a question about customers no problem we're just going to jump to the customers tab here we get the sales by different departments by different.

    Channels we can view it on a map or take a look at our top 10 customer locations now if you're wondering about Electronics we just select that we can see which states sold the most we even.

    Have the ability to use drill through so we can drill through here to customer details once we're done we can go back to our page if you want management to focus on a specific visual here so let's.

    Say I want to talk about the top 10 customer locations I want to make sure I have their attention I'm going to Spotlight this part so that they're not taking a look at the map I'm wondering.

    Why sales in Florida aren't doing so well I have the ability to sort descending Source ascending and let's just remove the spotlight on this another great thing you can do is the.

    Ability to use filters so with this selected I can adjust the filter it's currently showing the top 10 but we can adjust that to the top five press enter and this updates automatically if I want.

    To leave presentation mode no problem just use escape and I'm going to go back to my slide I'm going to go back to my overview page now this beats embedding Excel dashboards in PowerPoint.

    Presentations because a lot of the interactivity of excel dashboards can't be used when you're in presentation mode with this power bi add-in we get the interactivity in presentation mode but.

    Also when we're here in slide design mode so let's say CFO wants to know about the sales margin percentage of speaker accessories in 2022 don't sweat it you have your entire dashboard with.

    You we're just going to jump to products go to product margin let's go to 2022 Electronics audio audio accessories drill down to speaker accessories and we get the product margin by the different.

    Products right here now let's say they want a snapshot of this image we can do that just go here click on this arrow and show this as a saved image let's go and duplicate the slide so right Mouse.

    Click duplicate slide we have the saved image version here let's go to our original slide and just remove the stick Mark and we're back to our interactive dashboard.

    You can show and collapse the filter pane just like you can in power bi but you also have the ability down here under data options to hide the filter pane this removes it from view in the.

    Same place you can use refresh to get the latest data from Power bi and you also get the ability to reset this restores the original report view what this means is that reset doesn't reset.

    All the filters it just takes it back to the original filter context with which the report was exported now when you're interacting with the report in edit mode the changes are saved in PowerPoint but.

    They don't flow to power bi service now next to this data options here you have some add-in options you have the ability to clear your data and start all over again maybe with another report and you.

    Can learn some tips about this add-in if you wanted to delete this report from here you can just go here click that top arrow and press delete from here if you want more space on your report and you.

    Don't want to show that bottom Banner click on this drop down and it's going to hide it when you click on this link you get sent to your report in power bi service now there is some important.

    Information down here and that's when your data was last updated now one last note about sharing this presentation if you want them to be able to interact with your power bi report you have to.

    Make sure that the recipient has a power bi account and that they can access the report and they have access to the data set because you don't actually export the data you only create a connection to.

    Power bi so all the security permissions are retained and respected okay so next time you're asked to present your dashboard as a part of the PowerPoint presentation try this out do a dry run.

    Before your actual presentation just to make sure everything works out the way you want let me know in the comments what you think of this think you for being here thank you for watching and.

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