Which Path has More Financial Risk : Power BI Employee or Consultant (The Answer May Surprise You)

Which Path has More Financial Risk : Power BI Employee or Consultant (The Answer May Surprise You) Let's face it being a power bi consultant carries far more financial risk than being an employee or does it i'm going to cover three.

Which Path has More Financial Risk : Power BI Employee or Consultant (The Answer May Surprise You)

Factors which you may not have considered and if you have been thinking about creating a side income or a full-time income as a power bi.

Consultant but the fear of the financial risk is holding you back then make sure to watch this video till the end i'm always saying microsoft mvp.

And best-selling power bi author and not only have i helped companies all over the world as a power bi consultant i also train and coach.

Others to become power bi consultants let's start at the top and let's start with the obvious isn't it obvious that being an employee is safer than.

Being a consultant i mean it's a no-brainer right who can argue with that as an employee you are going to have a steady income whereas as a consultant you're in.

For a bumpy ride right now if these two options were stocks which one would you invest in the steady safe bet or the bumpy ride now of course if you.

Realize that here we're not comparing apples to apples the potential to earn money is far higher as a consultant than as an.

Employee now the graph shown here is not based on real data but what i'm about to show you is 100 real data in fact this is actually a screenshot from an excel file that i've.

Used over the years to track my performance reviews the rating and the salary increase and let's start with the good news i have been an.

Above average performer for what it's worth my average rating has been 3.9 and i have gotten awards and kudos and promotions through my career but what did it.

All amount to well if you look at the salary increase the average pay increase over the years has been a whopping three percent of annually.

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    Now that is barely and just about

    Barely keeping ahead of the inflation rate so that is the life of a consultant kind of stuck in that performance review.

    Cycle let's switch that to a life of a consultant now these are some of the amazing members in a group and guess what in their life there are.

    No performance reviews your business will go where you drive it and here are some of the results that our members have been seeing and you can see they've had some.

    Tremendous results but it's not all about the money and that is why this next one is my favorite i can earn as much but only work half as much.

    And spend the rest of the time with my family now this comes from one of our members whom you have met on our channel can you guess who it is if you would.

    Like to join this amazing group of power bi consultants insider training and coaching program then just click in the corner or down in the description below.

    So i hope this gave you a new perspective to look at things let's continue on to a second factor and sticking with the stock analogy we're going to be talking more about.

    Stock investment so what would you say is the best practice for investing in stocks is it a good idea to put all of your money into a single stock now granted you.

    Could hit on an amazon if you're really lucky but you could also end up with an enron now of course we all know that that is an extremely.

    Unwise unsafe risky strategy

    And the right thing to do is to diversify your investment and income right so diversify and.

    Invest in different scenarios now if that applies to stock market why shouldn't it apply to her career as well is it safer to put all of her eggs in.

    One basket as an employee where our income and our future prospects are all tied to one company all eggs in the same basket.

    Or is it safer less riskier financially to be more diversified now of course if you look at the life of a consultant not only are they diversified in the sense that their income is coming from.

    Multiple clients but often over the years consultants build multiple revenue streams in addition to consulting and they also build passive income stream now all.

    Of that doesn't happen on day one but that is available to you on this path so just like stock investing consulting can diversify your portfolio and avoid.

    The risk of putting all of your eggs in one basket and that brings us to our last factor and we really have to ask the question.

    Which is really the riskiest path of all it may feel like a risk to try something new to take the road less traveled but as i realized in 2008 when i lost my job in the financial meltdown.

    And as many of us have discovered during the kobe 19 pandemic the biggest risk of all is to be standing still in a world that is changing and is.

    Changing fast you can either stay in your comfort zone till the change comes to you or you can be the change you want to see in the world.

    In our power bi consultant program we believe that you should be able to do what you love and get really really good at it make an impact.

    And use your skills to help others and create a life by design if you're interested to learn more.

    Just click on the link in the corner or in the description below until next time power on my friends you.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continuetomake videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RoNPUBt2e0
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