Webinar Top Strategies for Your E-commerce Customer Service: How to Survive Black Friday

Webinar Top Strategies for Your E-commerce Customer Service: How to Survive Black Friday All right so hey everybody my name is tamir and i'm from israel tel aviv and i've been working with integromat for the last three or so years and one of the things i've been focused in the last year or so is helping e-commerce websites automatically solve tickets and improve their customer experience even in cases where they have a lot of traffic or too much traffic.

Than they're used to in in in standard times and we're doing all of that through integromat and so the purpose of this webinar is to kind of give you uh some ideas of how you can automate business processes on integromat that are related to e-commerce and customer experience and customer service and so you want to start with a couple of.

Words about integromat yes thank you tamir can you hear me well yes okay cool that's perfect and first of all thank you for uh you know organize and also prepare all this amazing content for all of us and from my side i would like to introduce myself i'm zoe from integromat integration partner management team and i'm working closely with a lot of business partners and they are focusing on exactly similar.

Like tamir they are focusing on delivery delivering the business solutions on top of integrima to help you connect the dots to help you optimize uh you know your productivity and how you can uh switching and transfer data between different applications and help you to consult where is your business uh you know bottleneck and help you to improve your business and speaking for.

Integromat as a platform i believe uh many of you i i would assume all of you are using integrament that's why you're interested uh as you know integromat is an amazing platform right now we have over 1000 applications already integrated so it saves you a lot of development time to do the integration every single time and on top of that it's a very flexible tool not just communicating between two database but also allow you to really.

Achieve what is the best for your business module and uh so this is like a kind of a very generic generic information from the site more or less you i would assume everyone already know and right now we are doing this kind of a regular webinar with partners to provide you more specific and practical use cases and today we are very happy to have uh tamir here and that's all for my part i will hand it over to tamir.

Webinar Top Strategies for Your E-commerce Customer Service: How to Survive Black Friday

Cool thank you very much so i speak i'll speak about a bit about adelante my company we were founded in 2018 we work with the leading brands in israel and most of you are probably not from his israel so maybe the only one he would recognize is a multibody terminal x is the largest fashion retarder in israel and a couple.

More e-commerce platforms that are local to israel appear here and we are also an official partner for zendesk we usually do all of our work around zendesk help desk customers and zendesk workflows and so so that's pretty much about us in a nutshell and may the agenda for this webinar is.

First we are going to speak about the benefits of automated customer experience and why should you even do that and then we speak about common use cases i'll show two examples of how you can build an automated customer experience workflow that helps to solve tickets that helps to make the agents more efficient in their work and then we'll see another short example that will be kind of a diy you could build it yourself how you can solve.

Automate and solve duplicate tickets in zendesk by using integromat and then in the end if anybody has questions and we'll have some spare time for the questions and answers uh so first let's let's speak about the benefits of automating the customer experience and what are even the benefits so to start off i want to show you a case study from one of our customers.

They've been working with us for a couple of months but we went live with the most automations around the middle of august and by the middle of november end of november uh we essentially automated 83 000 tickets and we saved about four thousand three hundred and four for 400 000 sorry 304 minutes which equaled to a about seven uh.

Seven seven thousand uh in a bit hours and that equals to about um 10 it equals in time to the amount of work of 10 customer service agents and we realized a savings of about 100 thousand and one hundred and eight thousand a dollars over this period of uh four months.

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    And so that's pretty substantial for them and obviously they are a high - Make Automate

    Volume business they get about 100 000 tickets per month and but the savings that they've realized are very substantial and all of them if your partners that's pretty much good news all of them were realized by workflows and scenarios that were built on top of uh integrament uh so what are the immediate benefits of.

    Automating your customer experience so first you can automatically solve many types of simple tickets simple tickets means tickets that are like order status i want a coupon code i want to return i want to return an item i want to exchange an item all of those are tickets that do not require any um specialized care from a customer service agent and usually if you get people the right answer the first time they're just.

    Be satisfied with that and move on the second thing is you could decrease your first response time and the time to resolution and which means your agents are saving time and you increase the revenue and repeating repeated customers so obviously if a chatbot is responding to a customer or if there is an automation that works in the background and responds immediately to customer requests then obviously the first.

    Response times and the time to resolution they go down significantly and if that works across the business in multiple ticket subjects in multiple uh let's say channels so could be the phone could be the chat could be the um the contact us form it allows you to decrease the first response time across all channels and.

    Generally have more satisfies and increase the lifetime value of a customer and it also saves the agent from having to answer all those demoralizing tickets they like it's very tiring to everyday answer 10 or 20 or 50 tickets of when will i receive my package tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow so it's kind of like very repetitive it causes a lot of stuff churn and people that work in customer service.

    Or customer experience might be familiar with that and you need to hire you need to train and then they leave and you need to onboard new agents every time you need to plan for the peak seasons so it's a lot of variance in terms of the hiring and the employees and automation helps decreasing that variance and decrease the effort that you need to put into hiring and training a new employees and obviously you can provide support 24.

    Hours on every channel and scale the support quickly when you need it and not be affected essentially by those peak seasons and so now let's go a bit into e-commerce and look at specific use cases and why you should even automate them and so pretty straightforward use cases in e-commerce are order status tickets where is my order where is my package and it can cut like people call people.

    Email people chat and just ask when will i receive my package a lot of the times we see that the people that are uh writing in their package is actually arriving on time their packet they are within the estimated delivery and they still just want to ask to for the reassurance of them getting their delivery on time of making sure that it's progressing and so they contact support and ask for for.

    The delivery for delivery update and some of you might say okay but they have a tracker on the website they could uh go to and and ask for and and get the order status from there which is a really good point the problem is that a lot of people just don't use it they see the tracker they know it's there and they still want to contact their support and so that's one very common e-commerce use case and the other one is sending invoices a lot of the times and.

    Customers can't find their invoices they want to get it again to get them again and then instead of

    A having an agent pull this out from your back-end system from your crm wherever you keep your invoices you can use integromat and send the response with the invoice back to the customer and the third use case is coupon codes that could be birthday coupon codes for example if you have a member to a membership club and you want to provide them with coupon codes on their on their.

    Birthday dates then you can use integromat to a generate a coupon code when a customer is uh contacting you and verify that their birthday is actually in there in the in the month and that they are contacting you in and send them the coupon code and solve the tickets and the other use case is duplicate tickets which means when people send you two emails and one after the other or they.

    Send you an email and this and your whatsapp or they send you an email and then they call or they started chat then what they're doing is create duplicate requests and in the best case the customer service agents identify that and they close the one of the tickets and just answer a single ticket but in many cases we see that company that customer service agents and companies are answering the two tickets or they're answering.

    More than two tickets for the same age for the same user for the same customer sometimes it's actually different agents that are answering so could be john and jenna there are two agents they don't really see what the other person is doing or they don't really see the duplicate tickets from that user and they answer the same question twice sometimes they answer differently so that's another cause of errors of confusion and confusions in the.

    Customer service department and obviously we have returns and exchanges and one quite unique use case uh is transferring calls from a phone to messaging so imagine you're getting lots of phone calls and you want to transfer them over to a messaging platform like whatsapp or facebook messenger or sms apple business chat wherever you use which whichever messaging channel that you use.

    To communicate with your customers is probably more efficient than a voice call or phone call and it allows the customers not to wait on hold but to get service on their time it allows a customer service agent to answer two or three customers at the same time instead of being in a one-on-one conversation on the phone so messaging is a lot of a lot of the time the preferred channels and the preferred channel for millennials for.

    Younger people that want to get service on demand messaging also allows you to incorporate bots and allows you to automate more parts of the conversation than than you can do on the phone usually and so another thing that you could do is just offer people that don't want to wait on hold and to press one and transfer to a messaging session so we'll see how we do that in a bit.

    And so what what are the steps to actually automate regardless of what use case you want to solve and you have four main steps that you need to to carry out one is to connect all your data sources using integromat so for example if you're an e-commerce store using shopify and you're using zendesk as your a help desk you want to connect shopify.

    To integromat and then pull the information from shopify so you can send it over to zendesk that's a fairly simple example but you could also have different data sources like the shipping carriers and as we said shopify you could have a backend system or like we said in the birthday coupon codes you could have like a membership system and so you have all different and separate data sources that you want to connect to each other through integromat so you can build the workflow.

    And then move on to step number two which is planning your scenario workflow so if an order is arriving on time what should the response be if an order is arriving is is late what should we do if an order is late by two days do we do something different than if an order is laid by a week so that's something you build on integromat and uh you plan the scenario logic in in integromat to send the right response to the customer eventually.

    And the third step that you need to do is deploy that automation or that scenario on various channels so for for the automation to be effective you need to reach um you need to be connected to as many customer service requests as you can so you want to be able to run it on the phone you want to run it on the live chat you want to run into what's up on facebook messenger on emails and on contact forms and so you get as many tickets going through your automation as as possible.

    And then finally you have to close the loop in your help desk and platform and respond to the customer so imagine that someone contacts you for an order status you want to go to shopify you want to pull out their order details and their tracking number you want to send this to you're going to get the the delivery information from fedex or ups or usps and then imagine their deliveries on time you want to send them a message to.

    The channel that they contact you let's say for example the email channel that their package is on time they ordered yesterday it's going to arrive in a week here's the tracking link and that they should contact you in case they have any other issues and then just solve the the tickets and so why would you actually invest in in doing that so the first reason is that most e-commerce support tickets are relatively simple so if you look at.

    Other fields like subs companies or i know fintech and that kind of stuff tickets can be fairly complex for example if someone is contacting an accounting software they usually want to do more than just canceling invoice they want to cancel an invoice and refund they want to cancel an invoice that after they already issued the other invoice in in later date so.

    It could get complex fairly quickly whereas in e-commerce it's very straightforward if someone is contacting you about an order status they want to know there are other examples that's most of the time that's it and that means it's not really a skills issue it's it's not like you need to get very um highly trained uh customer service agents you need to invest a lot of time in training them on this.

    Specific things that are related to your product it's mainly a volume issue like people usually companies usually get too many tickets than they can handle and that's a very good place to bring in automation when it's just a volume issue of low level low value tickets that don't necessarily need a very highly or highly trained agent.

    And so and the bottom line is the automation can really solve all those simple tickets as good as a human agent but just do it 100 times faster and 100 times more more efficient like we saw in the in the case study and a lot of the time people say to us that their customers prefer to speak to a person even if there is a wait time and while it might be true it seems that according to research most.

    Of the customers just want an answer obviously if they can't get an answer they rather speaking to a person than like hammering their head against the bot that doesn't really understand them but most of the customers really are looking for an answer they aren't looking for a person to respond to them or they aren't looking to have a long phone conversation they just look for they just want an answer or a solution for their problem and if you can provide that through automation.

    Then you have you've met their needs essentially so now let's go into the more technical part of the of the webinar and let's look at a couple of examples so the first example is the order status automation and so if we look at uh let's have a look at how it works and then we can see that the blueprints so you can see this is a.

    Facebook messenger uh chat and a customer contact the facebook bot and we ask for an email to identify them and then a phone number to make sure it's really uh they're really who they say they are so we send them an otp code and then they still we ask them okay what are you contacting us about so you say order status and then once they say in order status what's your order number and then once we go the order number we.

    Go to the backend platforms we pull out all the information and about their order we send them their data the date the order ship the tracking link and the tracking number and then we actually saw they solve the ticket alone robert says you're not seeing my scream on second let's try again can you see it now.

    Robert is that good now great awesome let's do this again real quick and so you can see a customer is contacting a bot on facebook we ask them for the email and the phone number to verify their identity and then they contact us and they say they're conducting about an order status.

    They provide the order number and then we send them the details from the backend system we send them date the order shift the tracking number and the tracking link that they can use to follow up on their order and then we just solve the conversation and so how does this happen on integromat so the first step is for the account for us to get the ticket from xander's so what happens here is that we have a web book that.

    Comes in from zendesk and with the ticket information ticket id requesters like the stuff that we need and to start the automation and then we go to woocommerce and we search for the um for the order of that customer uh and in case we found it we go through several steps of data processing and transforming the the data into jsons and then we make an http call that triggers the this.

    Scenario the second scenario and the second scenario processes that was a bit more processing of the data make sure that we are responding to a customer that actually has an active order that is waiting to be delivered and then it goes to aftership and for those of you that are not familiar after ship is kind of an aggregator of.

    Delivery providers so you give them the tracking number and the name of your delivery company and they connect to about 800 or 900 and delivery companies around the world and to the api provide you the delivery status so that's a fairly easy way to make sure that you're getting the delivery status no matter and where your your customer is located no matter which com which shipping.

    Company you're using after ship will provide you with the proper delivery status for the for your packages and then we send the information back to zendesk we uh craft the response to the customer like you saw in the video and we just close in case the order is obviously on time we just solve the ticket in case the order is not on time.

    Sometimes what we do is uh send the coupon code so if an order is late by a day or two we want to give them a coupon code and so they took to a bit like count down the pressure and just go go on and solve the tickets if an order is late by a week or something that is uh considered a very large delay in delivery then we transfer that ticket to an agent so the agent can look into.

    What's wrong with this order but the bet and like the basic stuff is if the order is on time send them the information solve the ticket if the order is late send them a coupon code and solve the ticket and if the order is super late then that's the time to transfer the ticket to an agent so that's the the first example anybody got questions about that i'll move to the second one.

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