Webinar Automated Document Generation Using Integromat with Stepan Doktor and Sebastian Mertens

Webinar Automated Document Generation Using Integromat with Stepan Doktor and Sebastian Mertens Uh again guys thank you everyone for coming to our webinar and i'm valeria and i'm in charge of um i'm charging of the business development uh integration partners in integra mod today it's our duo of the partners webinars japan and sebastian and we are so excited about this i'm pretty sure that you will learn so much new here and we hope these learnings will be of value to you and your businesses our.

Speakers is stephan doctor he is ceo of five zero solution and sebastian he is c he is ceo of we make future and as well he is co-founder of this uh they will speak about automated documents generation using integra mod our webinar will be maximum one hour please all the time like mute yourself during this webinar if you will have some question please feel free to put in the chat box or we have as well the question box here and.

Stephan and sebastian can address them after the presentation also if someone cannot join us in this time we are recording this webinar and we will put later to our social media youtube um i think that we can start right now so sebastian and sipan uh the four is yours hey yeah thank you vlaria yeah i'm sorry for this technical issues uh yeah hello everyone like i'm step one doctor i'm still five years solutions and uh like.

Really happy to that you attended over already and today uh me and sebastian we would like to tell you a bit about automating automated dollar command generation using that grammar uh well really i'm sure that like you all had use cases where you needed to generate some documents all and you will have them in the future today we would like just with sebastian to show basically like two really great use cases uh how we did the document generation and also we would like to.

Show you how we are like doing document generation in general so this is our agenda uh like we changed a bit the the structure like just for the webinar of sebastian just to make it a bit nicer uh and because we have really so much so much things to tell you and there is not so much time in 40 minutes so uh today sebastian will start with basically with like his use case and he will tell you about generating documents using microsoft word and about his use case.

And then he will give me the uh he will i will tell you about other methods like how to use google slides google search and also about my use case of generating documents okay yeah so this is our small agenda and yeah so now i give the word to sebastian sebastian up the stage on screen and i just give a short intro i'm sebastian thanks for hosting me today um yeah stefan and valera thank you for the.

Webinar Automated Document Generation Using Integromat with Stepan Doktor and Sebastian Mertens

Intro i'm really happy to be here too and yeah step on set floor is mine um on folder we make future and i'm going to show you what we've been doing with document generation over the last year actually it's uh pretty young cases it is one case we presented that the integro account that actually got us a pretty big enterprise deal and i think it shows the scalability of document generation so let me share my screen let me walk you through that will share my whole desktop so it's easier for you to see.

Okay um first case i want to present you is today upman apnen is a client of us in berlin based and they're gonna be the first digital company that does landlord management okay just imagine you having a tenant or you're having a house and you want to rent that out and of course somebody needs to manage that if a class breaks or if something happens or somebody moves in or out somebody has to manage that and you don't find really digital ways to do that in europe at.

Least and therefore they want to digitalize this whole economy system and of course clients and landlords and tenants they all need one thing they need to sign a contract to really start that customer journey so the process i'm going to show you now i first walk you through the document and then i'll show you the magic behind it so this whole document you can see here is fully automatically generated with.

Integromat and you're gonna see one really cool thing here it is this is german for um eigenvalue it is basically the tenants or the houses which can be totally flexible arise just imagine you are a landlord and you're owning more than one tenant you're owning more than one estate you're maybe owning a block of houses etc so it has to be pretty flexible about how many.

Tenants you get in there about how many landlords you maybe have to like sub landlords you have to manage etc etc etc so this page can basically be up to a hundred we set a little maximum there so it cannot be endlessly full otherwise the document would be super long and we had other issues but that's not for for now um and you can automate all this flexibility with integromat and of course document generation and you're going to see that in a second is not only about the document it is always.

About data has to go from a to b and what i will show you is of course i will go deep dive into how to really generate that document but it has to have some starting point so let's get into that use case well this is basically the contract generating form we use the wordpress for that you can use whatever you want to use you can use a google form you can use a cognito form i see alex sirota is on on the call so you can use formstack or some.

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    It doesn't matter you can use any form tool we decided to go for in that case for an mvp for a wordpress form where - Make Automate

    You can automatically pre-fill all these fields i cannot show you that because we only have real client data for that but you can imagine everything in here if it is filled out in the crm in hubspot correctly the agent has to do one click in hubspot he clicks the form and it directly pre-populates the whole form and pushes everything into the contract and of course you guys probably.

    Want to see well how do we generate that contract from hubspot automatically that it pushes out that pdf we just saw in the beginning so basically we call it the process number nine is the deal splitting process because here and you probably saw that all these tenants and all these estates has to go in many many many many different forms and deals etc etc so this is the whole thing above this is where we get all the.

    Data we go over all the deals in hubspot we grab all the tenants we grab all the banking information crap all the client information and we later use it down here to generate a pretty nice looking word template with docupallet you could and i will show you that in a second but it has less scalability do that with microsoft word if you don't want to use a helping tool like docupilot so as i said just right now you can do.

    That with microsoft word and you can do that with google and to check the uganda back so what is upman really doing there i'm not gonna share my full screen i just leave it like that because i will just jump in another tab well upman is about to save from five hours down to five seconds just imagine you're working at a crm and you have to get all the deal informations and you have a client maybe.

    With 25 tenants and you have to get okay berlin street number one munich street number five you have to get all of that out the crm you have to fill that in what i just showed you in here by hand you have to copy that table you have to pre-populate that you have to move it over move it over move it over so and they have pretty big landlords they're managing what they needed to do is they.

    Needed five hours from the first typing into hubspot typing it over to word and they didn't have a real database well that's another problem but we solved that too and what we just do is we take all that data and this is what i wanted to show you here we take all that data of hubspot and push it into docky pilot well you could do that with word as i said too so their case is really from five hours with one click and hotspot on one link.

    Pre-populating the whole form filling checking if the form works well the form is not filled out correctly probably more than five seconds but in best case it is down to five seconds and the process cost of course the process cost is insanely low now and their conversion time and their contract conversion because clients don't need to wait for their conversion everybody knows that if you want to buy a car and you want to buy the car now and maybe the next day we're like ah why did i buy that like or.

    With an iphone or something like that so in these specific cases when you can push out a contract faster your conversion time is higher so the and the key takeaways the benefits here for this document generation is that the contract creation is way easier with antagonize because you can as you can see again i show you you take all these deal informations all these company informations everything.

    You have here you push that super easy over integromat into a template and well the design is now for scale you can it doesn't matter if you produce one contract a day or hundreds a day it really doesn't matter as i said before the conversion is faster and key takeaway here is just ask a salesperson hey do you like to copy things over from a to b they're like yeah sure that's my i really like that job no they're probably.

    Not they're going to say like yeah i really don't want to copy that over i just want to press a button and i just

    Want to make my life easier and that's the way how to do that you can easily do that with integromat or it doesn't matter if it's a salesforce pipedrive or sap system or oracle you can get that of all these systems and push it into your word google doc or docusign or document so as well as the sales time is reduced and the best thing about automation is that you not only can save time.

    And that you can save money or raise conversion you can do one thing and this is a good example for them just imagine the mathematical statistically variations about that thing what some person have to think about and if you flexible arise that you can do what i will show you here in the next thing the word and offer automation with complex text and over 1 million different combinations.

    Just imagine somebody has to build a contract by hand this is now another case a new client different client different case i think upman everybody understood so just imagine you are doing really high key sales on a really complex topic where you need to fit the perfect customized contract so in this case you probably have and i show you that you have that we have that an air table you probably have like these combinations like text files and things like that.

    It's like written in here it's in german in english you have to like really really really go over all these things and how to really get that done how to really easily combinate all these different texts and files and you could of course use some students you could use some interns but you could also use integroman it's probably cheaper on scales more so the way to do.

    That and i will show you this with that scenario oh no i'm sorry give me one sec okay i gotta jump here i'm sorry it's that one um what we do here is we use again same principle we use a web hook well the web will come from could come from any to form tool where they combinate these things together and then we do a lot of mapping and parsing and let me just go in here because you have to do a lot of.

    These things for example here this is the power of integromat just imagine somebody has to go and grab all these different text and fields files replace replace replace replace map map map everybody does that every day in their brain and everybody does it in their daily work but if you can really structure it down and if you can build like a decision tree mathematically it's called position tree thinking designing and if you can do that.

    You can automate that so even if you say like maybe well this project is a bit bigger but the contract or maybe the texts they won't change that much and if you have the text an air table or in any other database you can use google sheets you can use an sql it doesn't matter you can with integromat grab that text match it against the form and push it super super easy into word file and this is what we did here and i'm going to show you now the outcome of that.

    That's basically the outcome so and you can see this is a pretty long contract and everything in here is automatically generated every piece of text is different depending on the need of the client and it is fully automatically generated so this is the case for a larger corporation you could imagine and i just gave the intro on that what you could do with google and what you can do with microsoft so in this specific case.

    Um i'm gonna just give you one more intro on that just imagine you have a working contract and you have these variables in here so these variables and this is super cool about antagonmet are super easy to replace you just do these mustache and you go here and you can easily map them down and replace them and that's all the magic and you can see that it is basically three modules that automate a fully hr contract.

    You can use the same principle without database that's why i wanted to show you then it gets way way less complex than with doing it with a database okay these are two really cool cases about how to automate a lot with contracts and documents it is independent if you do that with google or with word to complete the full picture you can do the same let me jump back you see now this is the microsoft word module you do the same with the brackets in microsoft.

    Word as well as in google it doesn't matter where you are based if you're based on office 365 or on g suite or nowadays called google workplace so what are the key takeaways for these two cases you save time and money the it costs just imagine you would implement that is expensive custom software the time to market.

    For a startup company or for an enterprise is now really really low because they can just use these cases within tigroman with google docs with all the other tools around there you win clients faster because you're sending out customized contracts and you're still pretty flexible as i said before you just go in the scenario you replace one thing you change it you change it in the air table you change it maybe in the text file in integromat and it generates automatically now with the changes so the flexibility in these.

    Tools within taggerman is super high i'm coming from coding if i would hard code it literally nobody's gonna change it okay so the success criteria here and that's now like it's not that easy of course but if you have a clear path and if you want to know like what is the success criteria for really good automation project when it comes to automation of contracts is you need to have clear document requirements for.

    Text and custom fields if you don't have a client that says well i know how my contract should look like don't do it you need to really really have a clear understanding about what is the outcome what are the variations you might need to calculate the variations because this tries at the end of the day your costs and the client investment of course and this is one thing we learned about a lot of poc with a lot of.

    Clients you have to have test data and you have to have test accounts okay so if you don't have one of these things don't do it you really really need to push in and you cannot imagine how often we push in this process this is something where we create something about cabone i want to show you because it's now not that often used it's okay it's like once a week twice a week maybe but when we developed that process i remember mark had one day where he literally tested 1 000 calls.

    And checked like do the doctor do these documents really look okay which are coming out there so really test things please before you go fully live on document generation and well and this is also everybody who works in projects you have to have close alignment and a really good open communication with the client it's like hey maybe your idea of replacing in a replaced text thing text string is not possible you have to.

    Tell them and maybe you need to find and tweak on another solution because at the end of the day i can guarantee you contract automation even if it's super complex is possible and as you can see it can look really really nice like this one and how did we do it we had first a pdf we rebuilt that in word we populate that we now have everything pixel perfect and as you can see we send things out we are docusign and it is fully automatically.

    When the client signed it of course repopulated into hubspot and that's a perfect case for a client okay that's my use case about how to really automate your documents in these specific cases so it is easy if you start easy you can scale up you're going to learn fast within taggleman and now of course i showed you some paid tools on that and i know integromat is an easy entry tool so my giveaway for the webinar today is.

    An easy and hacky way how to generate your documents a free way to convert them into pdf via google or microsoft i'm going to show you that it is the principle here what we did here so let me zoom out a bit the first thing you do is you go here and you say okay here we have download the file so you put your file on google drive then you upload the file which you just got here map the wearables in there.

    Then you use that file and you upload it again to google and then you download the file again of google as a pdf so this is a super cheap it costs you nothing way how to generate with these free tools because they're freeing and taro mad and their google provides a free tool microsoft provides that words template tool for free so this is an easy way how to really automatically generate from google docs you could replace that.

    With google docs at word file a pdf automatically that's my giveaway for you guys if you have questions always feel free to ask and i'm thankful for being here and i think step on now it's your turn oh yeah yeah thank you sebastian i really like amazing use case and i think like uh not really much people notice that there is a really hard part in your document generation it's how to do multiple pages it's like that's that's yeah i mean i i always have troubles with like i mean that's.

    Really hard part no like it's not hard to make multiple pages but it's hard to make them nice right one by one so like really great so yeah really great use case and yeah the button is totally correct that everybody like everybody generates documents and i will sure start sharing my screen and i hope this use case you like either so.

    Yeah so my use case will be about generating uh reports okay so like this is a really maybe not so often use case like my business is a consulting company from singapore we did really much great things for them for her basically but this use case i mean really it's changed how they do business uh first of all uh like just imagine you are you're doing workshops right and for example you want as this company signs up they have about like 10 15 sometimes.

    100 team members that want to attend to that workshop and you need to like basically gather send them all the surveys the survey sometimes has like 12 15 sometimes 100 questions they all need to fill in the surveys uh then you need to gather all the data you need to make really complex calculations you need to design the report right and then basically you need to do the workshop itself so like sometimes like we we calculated it took her about 12 hours.

    To do all of that things like sending reminders but i think really at some point it was even more so now everything is like fully everything automated like if you still have some um checkpoints you know so because it's the system is still in beta so we have some checkpoints to check if the system works fine right but basically it's just really just to check and just click button to continue the automation right so now it's fully automated right so and i will show you how we did that basically there are two versions of the system right now.

    For two different use cases one use case is for basically the surveys itself and the second one is for a workshop so in the first use case we used basically like bubble as a uh as a front end right just to build up forms to build out the surveys etc uh then we used google sheets on google slides basically for easy calculations and for generating the templates itself so it's basically free and then we of course use.

    Integromat to combine all that logic right right so to make this make everything work and the second use case is like is uh i think we'll move further with uh that logic further uh because like in the second use case it's really similar it's just we use as a database here table instead of using directly bubbles database uh why we decided to use that because like in that case it's even faster to set up these systems because you don't need to basically to build an.

    Admin for uh the customer itself right so it's much faster so let's start okay very set yeah here it is so the first use case like this is this is the final report right so as you can see this is really nice nicely designed everything is charts and everything and all these charts is like is fully automated uh this basically this uh.

    Report can it doesn't matter how much like attendees you have you can have the server you can have 100 survey attendees you can have 1000 you can doesn't matter this report is fully automatically generated so this is this is where everything starts this is the basically the form itself right uh no not this uh this is another sign of form where they just sign up to sign up their companies is fill in all that how many team members they have then we send all that reminder emails to send.

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