Stuck with a Technical Power BI Question Get Them Answered on TalkPowerBI Q&A LIVE Call

Stuck with a Technical Power BI Question Get Them Answered on TalkPowerBI Q&A LIVE Call Hello my friends we are about to kick off our top rbi q a tech edition in a whole new style starting this friday and i'm here to tell you about it so this.

Is the tech edition where you can get all of your power bi technical questions answered in a live interactive session on zoom and we're going to do it in a new.

Way so if you're stuck trying to make a dax measure work or your visuals are just not behaving and you're pulling your hair out or do you have any other power bi.

Technical question then this is the call for you and the new style that we're gonna run it in is that of course they're gonna be people asking questions but earlier.

It was just good old me trying my best to help everybody but now we're going to have a group of helpers and these are going to be some amazing members.

From our learn power bi program thank you so much for the folks who stepped up and so folks come on board they ask their questions they're gonna have five minutes which is gonna be plenty because.

Stuck with a Technical Power BI Question Get Them Answered on TalkPowerBI Q&A LIVE Call

We're gonna have some guidance around asking good questions and i'm gonna share more on that in a little bit so they present their question and.

One of the helpers says hey i can help you and bada bing bada boom we put them in a zoom breakout room where they can work directly with each other and the person can get.

The help they need and on we go the next person presents the question we're gonna do breakout room again with the next helper and keep going like that now for.

This and any of our upcoming events which are now exclusively run on zoom make sure to go to check out the upcoming events.

And register to join now this event though it's starting off as a beta so currently we are limiting the live call to learn power bi members only however anybody can submit their.

Questions and again with the steam of helpers we're hoping to be able to get to more questions and if your question is addressed we'll reach back to you.

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    And we'll let you know that hey here's a

    Solution here's how you can solve it or give you the guidance that you need now of course health provided is on a best effort basis.

    And no no don't share don't send us any sensitive data because any of the data files and screenshots may be shared publicly on youtube or other channels because.

    This is part of our future vision and what we are trying to move towards is trying to work together with our learn power bi members.

    To create new power bi content and we are super excited about this so stay tuned for that you're going to see more of that on our channel now if you do want to.

    Work in a private setting and want to be able to share your sensitive company data then i would strongly recommend you check out our consulting options at the.

    Link shown here and in the description now i did promise that i'm going to talk about that how can you ask good questions so that they get.

    Answered i'm sure it's frustrating when you go out and ask a question and just don't get the answer that you need for that i wrote a whole article on linkedin how to ask good.

    Power we have questions and get them answered and we're gonna put the link in the description hey since we're talking about linkedin just a reminder follow me on linkedin.

    Would love that so here we are folks about to run the talk barbie q a tech edition in a brand new style we're doing a whole bunch of other exciting events.

    Uh we just did a career edition q a

    Where i provided one-on-one career guidance to a lot of folks who came there with their questions.

    And and uh we are doing other unique events like that for example we another one we ran was modeling versus visualization so yep you can find all of that on. so go there submit your questions for the q a call and register for any other events that you would like to join us from.

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