Power Apps in SharePoint Pages Power Apps List Connected Web Parts

Power Apps in SharePoint Pages Power Apps List Connected Web Parts Hello everyone reza here in this video i will show you how we can add power apps in sharepoint pages as web parts i will cover both the types of powerapps standalone sharepoint based power apps.

And sharepoint list form customized based power apps we will add them in modern sharepoint pages and also create scenarios around connected web parts with these types of power apps so let's.

Check it out in action in a modern sharepoint communication or team site for lists and libraries.

We can leverage power apps either to customize the form experience or to create a standalone power app that can be accessed through the powerapps mobile app.

For this modern sharepoint site i will go ahead and create a list i'll leverage the issue tracker microsoft list template and create a list.

In the ribbon experience for the list we have the option to integrate it with powerapps i will create a standalone powerapp by leveraging the create an app option.

Power Apps in SharePoint Pages Power Apps List Connected Web Parts

Here i can enter the name of my powerapp and click create this will go ahead and create a simple three screen power app experience which will allow us to see all the items in.

That sharepoint list create read update and delete items here is the three screen app i can preview this add an issue.

Fill out the details of the issue and submit the items that i am creating through the powerapp will be added directly to that specific sharepoint list.

The power app is a stand alone power app so i can access it from the mobile experience so users can interact with the data of the list however in the sharepoint list if i was.

To create a new record or edit existing records the form experience that will launch would still be the standard sharepoint form experience.

I'll create another list i'll pick the content scheduler list template and create the list for this list.

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    For the integrate powerapps option

    I will select customize forms this will customize the list form experience only by leveraging power apps.

    The app will be a single screen app that will have a special object that is called sharepoint integration that has the context of the item that the user will select in that sharepoint.

    List in the form experience i can select the fields from my sharepoint list that i would like to showcase on the form.

    Add those fields maybe change the theme and once i'm done customizing my form i will save and publish this customized form experience to.

    Sharepoint back to my sharepoint list if i was to create a new item my customized form experience by leveraging powerapps will load directly inside that.

    List context there is no standalone mobile app for this i can fill in the details of the form here click save.

    And that information will be recorded in my sharepoint list i can select the item which will launch the form experience once again and show the details in view mode.

    I can click on edit to make updates to my list item now once we have leveraged powerapps and connected it to our list or libraries either using the customized form.

    Experience or the standalone experience there are various scenarios in which you would like to leverage them in sharepoint pages.

    I'll create a new page

    In a modern sharepoint page we have the ability to add web parts one of the web parts is power apps.

    I'll go ahead and add this web part to my modern page all this web part expects is the app web link or the id of the app to grab the app id for our standalone powerapp that.

    We created i will head over to make.powerapps.com and here is my it issue tracker power app i will head over to three ellipses.

    And go to details here i have the web link and i have the app id copy this app id and paste that app id right here.

    My power app will play directly in the context of the modern sharepoint page right at the bottom and this is a tough one to spot there is this little circular option.

    Which allows you to change the size of this web part this power app was built with the mobile experience in mind.

    And that is why the dimensions of this app adheres to the mobile experience now i'll take an example of a powerapp that's created with the tablet dimensions.

    Change the id of the app i can change the size i will republish and here is my leave request powerapp.

    That is added as a web part in a modern sharepoint page if you've built a standalone power app keeping responsive design principles in mind.

    Here i have a help desk power app that is responsive in nature i can set my web part with on my web page and publish a modern sharepoint page itself is.

    Responsive in nature so if i was to reduce the width of this page you will observe how that webpart width also shrinks and along with that since my app is responsive.

    It is automatically repositioning the elements on the screen now to add power apps that are customized by leveraging the list form experience.

    These apps will not show up in make.powerapps.com so how do we grab the id of that app to add that information in the powerapps webpart.

    For the list form customized experiences if i head back to customize forms which will take me back to the powerapp studio experience if i go to file.

    There is an option for me to go and see all versions this will redirect me to make.powerapps.com where i can see all the versions of my app.

    I can switch to details and grab the id of the app i will plug that id in here and we have our list form customized powerapp in action right here.

    However there are challenges these run in the context of the sharepoint list experience i have the option to select the context of the item so it shows me the data.

    Related to that item and then i can make modifications to it in the case of the web part that i added i have no option to select the context of the item.

    And it always shows the first item that is in my sharepoint list plus i don't see any buttons here to submit the updates that i make in this form experience.

    I will edit my modern web page for the section in which this web part is placed i'll change the layout of the section.

    To one third right my powerapps webpart i'll place it on the right hand side and in the left hand side section i will add.

    A list and that would be my content scheduler list i'll republish this page so right here the user can make a.

    Selection these two web parts are not connected to each other to create connections between web parts the web part must support that feature.

    For example the list web part if i was to edit its properties you will observe it has the ability for dynamic filtering wherein i can filter the items of this list.

    Based on an item that i selected in another list or library that is added to the same page but if we look at the powerapps web part it does not have the option for dynamic.

    Filtering so i will go ahead and delete the powerapps webpart there is another web part here called embed.

    Which allows me to embed code and that code will be in the form of an iframe and that iframe could load my power app right on the top right hand corner i.

    Have more options here i can connect to a source the source is another list or library on this page i have my content scheduler list.

    I can connect to that list so when the user makes a selection in the content scheduler web part that selected item context will be available in the embed webpart.

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