Multi Select Filters in Power Apps with Combo box, Checkboxes & No Delegation

Multi Select Filters in Power Apps with Combo box, Checkboxes & No Delegation Hello everyone raza here in this video i will show you how to create multi-select filters with powerapps galleries this keeping delegation in mind the filters will be created by leveraging a combo.

Box control a multi-select checkbox control experience and a multi-select button control experience and we will check this out with multiple data sources so let's get started with the.

Video we will start with microsoft dataverse as the data source i have a gallery that showcases data.

From my dataverse table one of the columns on this table is of data type choice it's called work task status and it has four choices.

I have a combo box that lists out all those work task statuses so if i would like to look at all the work tasks that are currently not started.

Or that are currently differed the gallery will filter to only showcase data for those statuses this multi-select filter can also be combined with other filters.

Multi Select Filters in Power Apps with Combo box, Checkboxes & No Delegation

Search based on the title of a task so if i search it will filter the tasks where the title of the task contains the word doc.

And the progress is either not started or differed this entire filtering mechanism supports delegation and that is the key when you're working.

With large data for my combo box control i would like its items property to be loaded based upon my choice column my choices are coming from a choice set.

Called work task status choices for the items property i will leverage choices of work task status choices so this will list out all those choices.

In my combo box now if there is no selection that is made i would like to showcase a specific text like all or all choices the combo box control has a property.

Called no selection text for this property i will enter the text all so if there is no selection the combo box shows all.

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    Currently the items property of my

    Gallery is my table which is work tasks to filter this i will use the filter function on my table.

    Where my column which is work task status is in.

    My combo box control dot selected items now if i preview my app currently the combo box is empty so it's.

    Not showcasing any data we will handle that shortly but if i was to go ahead and make a selection for example completed it showcases all.

    The tasks that are in completed status if i pick not started it will showcase all the tasks that are completed or not started and so and so forth however.

    We are getting a delegation warning the hazard symbol here clearly shows that there is a delegation warning and that this filter formula that we've put in place may not work for large data.

    Sets we can even see it in action right here in the formula itself with the two blue lines underneath the in function to fix this.

    If you head over to the settings of your app and go to upcoming features and search for delegation one of the features that is currently in.

    Preview is an option for enhanced delegation for microsoft dataverse i will go ahead and turn this on you will observe that there is no delegation warning with respect to the.

    In function here

    And if i preview my app the functionality works exactly the same as before for an empty combo box i would like to.

    Showcase all the results coming in from my dataverse table to do that i will make a change to the filter function i will add an or function.

    I will use the is blank function on my combo box dot selected items or it is.

    Empty or i will use my formula complete the or bracket format text.

    Let's check the app currently there is no selection that means it will showcase all the work tasks from my data were stable and as i start making my selections it.

    Will start filtering the data and if i have additional filters for example i have title to include that here since i wanted in an and condition.

    I will use the and function my first query is the combo box the second one would be where the text that is entered in that textbox control is in.

    The name column which holds the name of the task close the brackets for the and function and click format text show me all the tasks that are not.

    Started or completed and in here i'll search for the text doc and i get two results based on the.

    Combination of these filters that i have defined here i have a similar setup however the data here is coming from a sharepoint list.

    The sharepoint list has a column called progress this column is of type choice wherein i have all my statuses defined i have the combo box so the user can.

    Select the multiple statuses as those selections are made the gallery is being filtered and i can also combine it with multiple filters.

    And all of this without running into a delegation warning for the combo box control i will use the choices function on my.

    Sharepoint list and here i can pick my choice column which is called progress so if i preview it will list out all my choices and the.

    User can make the selections for the items property of the gallery we will filter this write our or condition which would be is blank.

    Combo box dot selected items is empty combo box dot selected items and then the progress column which is a choice column so progress dot value.

    Is in combo box dot selected items dot value.

    I will close the or function and close the filter function click format text let's preview the app the combo box is empty show all the.

    Items and as i start making the selections it will apply both of these filters now this does produce results however i am running once again into that.

    Delegation warning i can see the hazard symbol plus as i was writing that formula clearly has those blue lines which says that this will not work with large data.

    Sets so how do i go about writing a query wherein i have a multi-select filter kind of a scenario the delegation issue here is related to.

    The in function so the trick here is to use equals instead of in however if i'm using equals on a combo box filter where the user can make.

    Multiple selections and this selection is dynamic the user can select none or go all the way up to five typically for scenarios when we leverage.

    Choice columns we have a limited set of choices so the trick here is to change this formula as follows progress dot value is equal to.

    Combobox.selecteditems returns a table if i need an item at a particular index the formula that i would write is as follows last of.

    First n my combobox dot selected items i want the first item so i'll type one close the first hand function close the last function.

    Dot value so this will check if the progress value is equal to the first value that is selected in the.

    Combo box and since i have five choices all i have to do is repeat this five times and change the number.

    To the index position of my item that i want from the combobox control so i'll go from one all the way to 5 observe there's no delegation warning.

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