How to Get Promoted Faster (Without Having to Work 80-hour Weeks!) #TalkPowerBI

How to Get Promoted Faster (Without Having to Work 80-hour Weeks!) #TalkPowerBI You want to get promoted faster you have the power bi skills but is that enough oh you work hard but so do others how can you get promoted faster without having to work adr weeks how can you get promoted faster without having to sacrifice family personal life and maybe even your own health for career gain our guest speaker shows us the three key drivers that you need to get promoted faster and.

Tells us how we can control and influence these drivers he peels back the curtain showing us how the game of promotion is actually played and best of all gives us a playbook so we can play this game better this is the playbook that i wish i had and could have saved me from so much struggle throughout my career i'm really happy to share this with you and present to you our guest speaker overall singh or aka make sure to follow or connect with him on linkedin.

Link is in the description below so the audience gave this a rating of 4.6 out of 5 and here is what they had to say awesome event kirk d tremendously valuable danby and i'm going to read out a bit of robert's feedback and he said my biggest takeaway was about personal branding and the two sides of hard work and he goes on to say that this was a real eye-opener so my friends make sure to watch till still the end enjoy this recording of our live talk power bi event.

To join us for future live events just go to today's session we're going to talk about how can you get promoted faster but what's the point if you have to work 80 hour weeks so let's see is there another way right or do you have to just out work out hustle everybody else is that is that the way you crawl up that career ladder so that's our topic and we have our special guest aviro ak singh a few requests here again for.

Chat make sure to change the chat to send it to all attendees that way it's a party you do have a separate question box as well we most likely will take questions only at the end but if you have career focused questions or if you have questions about the topic that you know you're going to see the presentation then put that in the q a box so that that's separate and we're going to look through the questions and make sure to answer that and and and we love being on zoom because we can.

Do something exciting if you have a career question we can unmute you and and and bring you on and have a real conversation uh so we can guide you so that's that and of course you can always go to to check our upcoming events with that let's get started on how to get promoted faster without having to work 80 r weeks so let me introduce my speaker if you haven't guessed so already we are brothers and yeah that's a picture of us from uh.

How to Get Promoted Faster (Without Having to Work 80-hour Weeks!) #TalkPowerBI

Well childhood and uh well you know so my full name is avicio singh and now i go by avi and that's my brother avril singh he goes by ak but that's not the reason why he's here the reason why he's here is this so i'm just going to bring up his linkedin profile since that's going to be the easiest so he has worked across multiple industries but any company any industry has stepped in he's always.

Had a phenomenal rise to the top right it's it's just been incredible if you look at his history i mean he's gotten promoted at uh at a record place at any company he's right i mean he's outpaced his peers his colleagues and he's gotten a promotion almost every year or every other year and he's he already at quite a young age he's a vice president and he's just one step away from the c-suite the.

Next step in his career ladder would be a chief marketing officer so he's here to share that magic secret with us but of course what i also admire about uh aviro is that um you know he didn't he didn't spend adr weeks right i mean that's not that's not the way he goes to the top i mean he has a family he's got two kids he spends time there he's taking vacations he's been in mexico japan kenya and yeah he lives a full life.

And going back to work he's always been inspired to kind of mentor others and help others and and you know sometimes you see somebody's rise to the top and and and they're like you know stepping over others to get there but obviously story was quite the opposite i mean he he's never burned his bridges in fact most times when he's talked about when he's leaving a job he has talked about how people cry right and so because yeah they they he.

Builds that community builds up following he really mentors and coaches people so so yeah that's it and again he has mentored people kind of one-on-one privately but i wanted to bring him on this stage so that he can share that with all of us here today so hopefully you are excited so let's uh switch gears so i'm gonna stop share um so i'll really yeah go ahead show your screen and take us through the exciting stuff showing up for.

Everybody yep looks good excellent well first of all thank you so much for the warm introduction i know you're related but it's still welcome and it is such a pleasure to be with all of you i have followed this community so closely and it is inspiring to see the work that happens in the groups that many of you lead and certainly the conversations that happen at this forum so it is a particular pleasure to be a guest here and i'll try to do.

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    Justice to this topic before we get started i'm going to do just a few things that are only necessitated

    Because we live in an over litigious society so just a quick disclaimer i hate to do these always when i start these things but if you hear something here you apply or you misapply then the two hobbies avi and ak are not to be a responsible reliable for that and with humility i will say that this.

    Is an extremely vast topic there's so many swim lanes you can get in it is nearly impossible to do justice in one session so in addition to that we are looking to learn from all of you as well so if there are comments along the way please do keep sharing if something has worked for you okay this is this is definitely a two-way street you want to keep it engaging but with that uh let me start by just framing a few things so that we have some swim lanes that we can explore and focus on a little bit today on this fast topic.

    And to get us started why don't you start putting into the chat why it is that you wish to get promoted uh why might that be important to you so again all panelists and attendees uh not not just the panelists and put those in chat so that we can see why you might be interested in that yeah yeah i'm certainly keen to see everybody's responses too and and i hope it's not the case for you where you have never thought about it and i don't know maybe there is somebody.

    And if that's so would love to hear that too like oh i never thought about it right um actually that may have been true for me for a big part of my career oh man that i i feel slightly ashamed of that now so 15 plus years i was in corporate america and i know i was always jogging for promotion but maybe maybe for a long time i didn't quite know or think why i know as i got later into my career i did start to ask that question really really hard i was like why why is that uh so let's see ross is saying i don't.

    Feel i'm being paid what i'm worth that makes sense kirk is saying not so much wanting a promotion as to grow in influence within the community that that definitely makes sense ian is saying boost my work morale yeah i know i struggle with that i mean a lot of times you go through the work and yeah you go through the animal performance reviews and they give you that uh whatever meets expectations you know and they're like oh god right it's like.

    Is there is there all there is to it srinivasan is saying self motivation and satisfaction yeah so maybe it's not an external thing maybe it's not not about outside it's like you want to prove to yourself that hey i can improve myself and so forth great folks yeah let's let's hear from a few more of you come on yeah we definitely want to have it interactive we want to pull you in on the con conversation meps is saying be in position to make decisions instead of being a follower ouch that that gets that definitely.

    Touches a nerve with the power bi crowd because often we see the potential of this tool but we don't have don't have the you know kind of the uh again that that position to make that decision uh dimitar is saying because i make uh because i make management's decision easier and smoother so great so i think we did hear quite a few different perspective and and guys thanks for sharing and i'm glad you're not in the boat that i was which was not thinking like why do we need a.

    Promotion i've been asking that question of yourself is important so thanks for sharing that perspective uh carry on that was extremely helpful for me as well and uh many of the things that i was thinking about as we think about chasing a promotion there are definitely many things that come to mind and money is certainly up there and we're not going to sit here and judge anyone who's only chasing a promotion for money that's what floats your boat and that's what enables whatever it is that you're looking to accomplish in life good for you and as far as getting paid a just wage for the work that you're putting in.

    Somebody mentioned that comment i think that's outstanding but i also heard a little bit along this other theme which is you either want to be a leader and you want to lead people and you derive some satisfaction out of that or you get more fulfillment that way because when you are in a leadership position you find that you are able to influence those decisions and especially in medium to big side organizations that can be so key and ultimately we want to put points on the board we want.

    To win we want to do stuff but to do that you need a certain amount of authority you need a certain amount

    Of influence in organizations unfortunately in most organizations with today's cultures it still comes with your formal title so again taking responsibility of a team driving influence whatever it might be that is a bucket the fuel that drives us that this is what avi was just talking about uh with someone as far as hey it's not about the external world this is about internal affirmation it is.

    The fuel that drives me the recognition internally that i am adding value and that value is creating something out there in the world out there in society and uh that is the ultimate place really i think uh those of us who might be at the self-actualization plane i'm not there yet now we're close but it should be about that sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with creating more value for others and again these are on very different planes but just a few buckets there are i am.

    Sure many other buckets this is by no means an exhaustive list but a few thoughts as uh we can consider and ponder this topic today so how about a faster promotion right we can talk about those 80 hour work weeks and we can talk about many of those things that we have in the playbook and again you see the asteroids because everyone's situation is unique and it is impossible to narrate some path that will work for everybody but there are some common themes that.

    Tie us together usually we can find some of those commonalities and focus on okay if this is the broad situation what do we do so that that's what this is about so what does that have to do with watering a plant well there are certain things here that can be influenced in a limited way and there is something that can be influenced in a significant way so the soil the environment that the plant is in less you can do with that now the advanced gardeners among you and.

    I am a tenacious gardener we'll talk about soil remediation what not but the soil is the soil for the most part especially if you're doing something on scale right you're not going to just transplant soil you can't change that the nature of the plant can't change that you can't put an apple tree somewhere and expect that it'll give you bananas right so limited things to influence those factors but how much you water it you can influence that every day you can influence that what fertilizer to use how to take care of that plant we can.

    Influence that heck of a lot more than those other two factors and that's what it comes to boils down to when it comes to careers well there are certain elements like the type of organization that you work in that's the type of organization you're working could you jump ship and go somewhere and that's the talk for another day because promotions often come with championship but we won't touch that here as far as an organization that you're in you kind of have to deal with the factors right organizations rarely especially.

    The larger ones rarely change their color very quickly and even if you're in a smaller organization typically the smaller team will govern the culture and unless you have turnover that small team is going to set the bar there as far as how things are going to go and then when uh when we think about the boss and leadership style that's another one right uh often we talk about you can be in one of the best companies and if your boss and your boss's boss.

    Are jerks then your experience is going to be horrendous no matter how good the company is so your immediate neighborhood absolutely has significant influence your immediate boss has a lot of influence depending on who they are definitely between your boss and their boss they're controlling a lot of the destiny in established organizations but this is where you come in what you can do your personal branding your personal efforts to advance your case and how you position yourself for promotion so we'll talk about some of these factors and because we want to make it a.

    Discussion i'm going to go through some of these quickly but keep the chats going and avi will catch me up on questions we'll address these as the slides and here so meritocracy versus bureaucracy i've worked in both many bureaucracies there are literally checklists you cannot get promoted from this band to that band until you have checked a few boxes have served in a certain position have taken certain trainings and classes there are organizations like that the organizations who go by tenure.

    You cannot get promoted without that and then you have meritocracies it's a beautiful world right you get recognized for the value you create but the key is you can advance faster in both of these types of environments by focusing on your branding by focusing on the things that you control another big piece small versus large smaller organizations again the value you create much easier to have that noticed large organizations you might be.

    Killing yourself working those 80-hour weeks somebody else is getting the credit for that often happens you have to go out of your way you have to think about strategies that work for you to showcase yourself to make sure that you shine through that crowd and set yourself apart so people see yes there is an emerging leader there harder in larger organizations growing versus declining stagnant when you talk about luck right and many times it's just these dynamics.

    I met so many people who happened to be at the right place at the right time and this company was ready for a big takeoff right and as they took off they just got promotion after promotion after promotion because they had a reliable person and they were like as we are growing we are going to keep giving this person more responsibility you can still get promoted faster in a stagnant organization it's tougher though right it's tough when you've got all these fat gaps you are vice president senior vice.

    President and whoever else all nice and cozy it's a steady business it's a mature business maybe it's a cash cow not much changes we don't mess with too many things right and everybody makes a little bit of a bonus at the end of the year as long as you throw the line you'll be fine right you can be a lifer increasingly that's going away but there are still many industries where especially in developed economies the market's stepped out right.

    So i i work for hershey's how much more candy and chocolate can be fed to americans not that much not that that much of a growth market right technology industries healthcare many other industries growth industries we talked about the boss piece and this this is one that is so critical right is your boss on the left end of that spectrum where they're that nurturing person who's actively thinking about your growth actively thinking about how you are.

    Going to develop and go to your next step and talking to you to understand what it is that you want out of life and if you are confused investing time and guiding you so you figure out what it is that perhaps you are looking for in life that's an extreme idea and i doubt that beyond a few percentage of supervisors managers and bosses out there in the world are on that end of the spectrum usually the reality is something in the middle now on the right hand side i'm just trying to remember what i was.

    Trying to depict there are two yes if uh if your boss is a jerk and we unfortunately find more of these types out there completely self-centered just want to make sure they look good they could care less what happens to you they owe you that annual evaluation that meet these expectations piece that avi was saying happy to give you whatever you're looking for to the extent that it doesn't inconvenience them maybe so all kinds of people out there but.

    Usually they tend to be on that right hand side of the spectrum so you got to watch out for yourself right that's why you're investing time in yourself being on this session so with that let's uh let's interact a little bit more uh how many of you feel out there that you have a boss that might care about your promotion and it doesn't even have to be your promotion cares about your growth your development yeah exactly man this was a trip down memory lane so of course i was thinking about my 15 plus years in corporate.

    America and uh and yeah yeah so folks did we definitely want to hear what kind of boss you have right now and i i think i'll i'll agree with avril here that i've had a lot of bosses and yes some were phenomenal i mean some were so good that i would use the line that i would follow them over the edge of a cliff they were that good and they were incredible but of course um you know that was a good part but the.

    Bad part was that well nothing ever lasts i guess but yeah you know i would be there around and either they would switch jobs or i would switch jobs or something would happen reorgan then i moved on so that was that was very few though only one or two really and uh somewhere meh and somewhere actively bad like they were they were making my life hell so let's see so kirk is saying he's lucky to have a great boss that's awesome dan is saying.

    Absolutely my boss is my superpower okay she fiercely supports my growth that is great that is great kapana is saying um the boss does support but her boss doesn't yeah that can be an interesting dynamic where maybe your immediate manager is good but but the one above isn't so yeah let's folks let's hear from some more of you and and meanwhile maybe i'll i'll you know reminisce a little bit more about so i know there was a time at microsoft when.

    I got hired into a position and and and yeah so avril was talking about the control you have over soil and planning yes you can change jobs and i did and i was really happy with my manager he was this great guy leo perez from argentina yeah just good energy really nice chap and uh and he hired me and he was focused on my growth but i think just a few months into the job uh he comes in and says hey guys i'm leaving i'm heading back to texas to be.

    Closer to my family and everything changed and then we got this person who just he was just a head scratcher like nobody could figure out like what's he doing who's he trying to help is he he's he wasn't even trying to help himself but i had this line that i kept saying to myself just so i could get through that period and i said to myself that good employees outlast bad managers and in that particular instance i was.

    Lucky that that came out to be true although i'm not sure if that's always true that was just a hope that i was clinging on to uh great so uh let's see sanjeev was saying not really as long as our promotion suits their own career progress so yeah i've certainly experienced that where they kind of put themselves first and yeah if it's in mind then yeah ashwini is saying my boss does support my growth that's great i'm so happy to hear these folks.

    It's a little bit jealous to you uh i think it's john that's saying management supports me as i continue to learn new skills with power bi you know i i have a feeling that maybe we have a slightly skewed crowd so usually power bi folks are kind of the get go people they step up and and and do awesome stuff and and as in doing so they get support so so yeah it's kind of an interesting but let's see let's read a few more uh that was john gibbons earlier elena.

    Cantor is saying my boss is supporting me but we are all overloaded with work so we're exploring new stuff together that's good i suppose uh when it fits into the current job needs stephen is saying boss is supportive but at the same time sometimes has unrealistic expectations so i think a bit of the same here is like there's too much work and unrealistic expectations alex is saying unfortunately for me i've had one of those bad bosses and bought bosses to my boss for the last five years.

    Ouch had to resign and reinvent my career from from next month now that that definitely has to be challenging srinivas is saying mostly i've had damagers people who have damaged my career so uh yeah folks you've heard my experience you've heard uh all the other comments so yeah i'm i'm eager to hear from overall the rest of the journey uh where does this go that was so heartwarming to hear how many of you have supportive managers that gives me hope that overall slowly.

    But surely we are transforming from the place that we've been in to a place that is nurturing and as it should be that your manager your supervisor is not the boss they're your coach they're your supporter and they are there and one of the core accountabilities and responsibilities that they have is personal uh investment into you so you grow so personal branding very easy to say right uh invest in yourself and move forward there's a lot of nuance that goes into.

    It so let's talk about the context around the organization and the boss type we'll go back to some of the things that we have explored if you are in a large organization your branding becomes key and it starts with asking yourself what is your brand about not how good of a worker you are what is your brand about and when asked this question i can assure you after many decades of work i still could not answer it the first time somebody asked me that can you in one line say what you stand for.

    And you can draw from examples out there uh we'll use the most cliched nike right and what does nike stand for but you can also go to more niche brands right so if you think about a patagonia right if you think about a brand that even has limited appeal but there it has appeal it has fierce loyalty what are the aspects of that brand so you have to think about that the larger the organization having clarity as to what your brand is.

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