How Integromat Works

How Integromat Works Hi there and welcome to integromat my name is javier and in this video series i will walk you through the basic concepts of automation and explain how integromat works so you can start.

Building your own workflows in no time but first things first what is integromat well integromat is a powerful integration.

Platform that would allow you to connect different apps without having to write a single line of code we've built a canvas where you can easily drag and drop.

The apps or tools that you frequently use and connect them in just a few clicks so the example that you see on the screen is just a simple workflow between.

Two apps google forms and trello and let's suppose that we receive feedback from our users through a google form like this one.

In which we have some fields such as the topic of the issue a brief description some attachments and the user's email address and now we'd like to create a new ticket in our internal support.

How Integromat Works

System each time a user submits this form so in this example we will be using trello to store and manage our support tickets all right so let me create a new.

Form submission here so i've just filled out this form with some example values and now i'm gonna hit submit so our form submission has been recorded.

Successfully and now let's jump back into our integromat account and see the scenario running so now let's run this automation once to see the end result and i'm gonna click here first of all.

And choose where to start and i'm gonna select manually this will collect the latest response and this is the one we just submitted so i'm going to click ok.

And now i'm going to click on the run once button to run this automation so as you can see integromat has successfully sent the data from the.

Google form i just submitted to this trello so now let's take a look at our trello board and see if it's there there it is.

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    And this is what automation is all about - Make Automate

    It's just moving data from one place to another automatically okay i know what you might be thinking i.

    Don't want to be clicking on the run once button every time to kick off my workflow and you're absolutely right we're just doing this run once button action to test that our scenario is.

    Working as expected and once we're sure that our automation is working it is time to activate it this means that integromat will run your scenario based.

    On the scheduling settings you've selected so to check out the scheduling settings you just click here on this clock icon and then this.

    Scheduling settings window will pop up and as you can see our scenario will run every 15 minutes so this means that integromat will ping the google form servers for any changes and if it finds.

    A new record that just come in it will kick off this automation every 15 minutes now that we reviewed the scheduling settings.

    And the scenario when we test it out it runs smoothly then our last step is to activate it so we're going ahead and click here this button.

    And now our automation is activated all alright so that's all for now we've covered how integromat works on a high level and in future videos we will show you in detail.

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