Engage with collaborative comments in cloud flows

Engage with collaborative comments in cloud flows - [Instructor] Power Automate Feature Overview: Engage with collaborative comments in cloud flows. New collaboration features in Power Automate will help multiple citizen developers.

Collaboratively work on the same flow simultaneously, just like we are used to doing in Office 365 applications. In this example, Lydia is creating an invoice processing flow and has a question on how to configure her next action..

Clicking on the ellipsis for this action opens a drop-down menu and Lydia can select Add New Comment to access the Comments pane on the right-hand side. Using the @ symbol, Lydia can search for her colleague, Alex,.

To send him a question directly from the Comments pane. If Alex does not have access to the flow, a pop-up will alert Lydia that she needs to share this flow with Alex so he can respond to the comment..

With one click, Lydia shares this flow with Alex and Power Automate notifies Alex by email that Lydia has shared access to this flow and there is a comment that requires his attention. The comment is now posted in the Comments pane.

And the text icon has been added to the action. A number will denote how many common threads are attached to an action. Alex, upon receiving the email, can simply click on the link within the email,.

Engage with collaborative comments in cloud flows

Which takes him directly to this specific flow. Responding to Lydia's comment. He can resolve, edit, or delete comments and comment threads just like within Office 365 applications. Alex resolves the thread.

And remains available to support Lydia as needed. When Lydia returns to her flow, she notices that her question has been answered. The comment is resolved and Alex is currently collaborating.

On the flow in real time. Teams can now build complex automations and apps more efficiently with seamless collaboration among developers and makers. Additional information about Power Automate.

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