Adding Action Modules

Adding Action Modules Hey there and welcome back let's do a quick recap so we created a scheduled trigger to collect all the responses of our google form.

Every day at 9am and we want to send all these new responses to our trello board because this is the tool that we've decided to use to manage our customer support.

Tickets all good so the next step in every automation is to add an action module in this case we're gonna use trello so we're gonna find for the trello app.

And now we need to find the suitable action or event that we want to happen in our example we need to create a new trello card each time we received a new.

Response in our google form survey so we're going to choose create a new card as the action module now we need to enable a new trello connection and give access to integromar.

To manage our travel account you can always check what type of permissions you're authorizing in here in this screen after reviewing them you click on allow.

Adding Action Modules

And wait for integromat to connect to the app once the connection is established then it's time to configure the action module this process will be slightly different.

Depending on the app you're using but the logic is the same for other modules so bear with me first of all note that the fields in both text are mandatory so therefore we need to fill them in order.

To configure the action module so we're going to start by clicking here and choose select from the drop down options.

This means that we like to choose the trello board we want to send the new responses to and in this case it's customer support system.

Now for the list field i'm gonna switch to trello one second to explain what we need here as you can see my trello board has four columns or sections that represents the stages of my hypothetical.

Customer support system so we have new tickets then assigned when someone from support team owns that ticket contacted as the name suggests when.

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    And unsolved when the customer issue is sorted out now let's switch back to integromat and complete the field that we're.

    Missing as you recall my idea is to send the new responses from the google form to trello so therefore i'm going to choose new ticket.

    Because this is the area or the section that i want to store all these new responses that i received from the google form services so let's continue with the other.

    Sections and in this case we're going to leave the labels and members untouched and let's focus on the most crucial part of any automation and that's mapping.

    And mapping is the process of linking data from the previous module to the one that you're working on so in our case we need to decide what information we want to display in our action module.

    Which is trello and since we are using the create a new card module as you can see we can only tweak two elements in here the card name and the description.

    When we click on the car name notice that the dialog box now contains some of the information from the google forms module like row number spreadsheet id sheet.

    Timestamp and so forth now it really comes down to what we actually need to display in trello and in this example i think it makes sense to have the email address.

    Plus the topic of the issue that the users are encountering so for the car name i'm gonna use what's your email address click on that then backspace i'm gonna add a hyphen here.

    Just to make some separation and the

    Last one would be choose the topic so that's for the card name now let's switch to description and i'm gonna just select describe the issue you're.

    Encountering here and that's it we've just configured our action module now let's press ok and save the changes so in the next section i'll show you how.

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