Managing Up in a Hybrid Workforce Office

Managing Up in a Hybrid Workforce Office Where's carly headed off to today she's going on a surf trip down to baja california i believe nice all right you guys are live on youtube so there you go uh gunner thank you the hosts real sure thanks ben yeah and then we have uh participants dropping in as well so guys are live on youtube so there you go uh a little bit a little delay on this live.

Stream as well all right hey guys you guys are all set i'll monitor things on my side have a good one cool all right david i'm going to make you guys new york house cool.

Good morning everyone got a few people dropping in screen okay david are you just seeing the slide i am yes all right cool looks good okay good morning everybody everyone welcome um if you could enter in the chat where you're tuning in from today let's see where everybody's from this is a.

Global community uh here at learn it we teach all over the world so type in where you're where you're tuning in from today and we'd love to see that that's always really fun all right a lot of people from the us sf bay area new york conway cool new jersey cool last friday we had a meeting with one of our great instructors terry and we had.

People in mexico well actually i was tuning in for mexico but we had people from a couple different countries so that was awesome karachi all right we go our first international cool thank you guys for joining us today this is fun we love doing these on friday mornings okay david you ready to get things started yeah ready when you are 32.

All right yeah we're going to go ahead so hello everyone my name is gunner i'm excited to be filling in for carly this week um and today we're gonna be doing managing up in a hybrid workforce i'm on the customer success team here at learn it so it's great to see some clients and familiar faces tuning in to those of you that are new to learn it in the community welcome learn is a learning and development organization committed to helping.

Managing Up in a Hybrid Workforce

Us all learn the skills needed to thrive in today's ever-changing workplace so a bit about how this community program works so this is uh every other friday at 8 30 a.m pacific center on the theme increasing productivity in the hybrid workplace um that's a monthly theme uh this month's theme is boosting pro productivity um we do these.

Like i said every other friday and these are events that are based on learner's full-length workshops and led by a subject matter expert so this isn't the full class if you want to take the full class please reach out please join and we'll go a little bit more into depth i'll share a little bit more how to take advantage of the full program and offsite our community after this event without further ado i'm excited to introduce you to our speaker today david vincomo.

Thank you gunner appreciate that and and thank you for already sharing in the chat window uh tara thank you for clarifying so when i see iphone 13 that's that's you so i will um try to remember that uh so i say good morning but i think some of you are maybe an afternoon uh in new york and and i'm not sure where exactly what the time zone would be for karachi if i'm pronouncing that correctly faiza let me know if i'm close or if i'm.

Not let me know again right now we can only do chat so uh what what is your time zone where what is it for you is it morning good afternoon um but thank you for joining today i'm going to share slides in just a moment and as gunner just mentioned this is not the workshop but it's sort of enough to give you a little flavor of what the workshop is all about so i will share with you in a moment the actual agenda that we use in the workshop so you get a sense of everything that's covered at least at a high level in the workshop.

And then there's there's a couple topics that i want to touch on and there's at least one that i want to spend a little bit of time on today so it'll give you enough of an idea of what you would cover if you were taking the full workshop so that's my goal anyways do me a favor uh keep that chat window open throughout this session because oh thank you faiza yeah correct great i got it and it's at night time for you thank you for joining tonight maybe maybe dinner time for you um so i'll share the slides in just a moment.

But take a moment to just think about even though this is not the full workshop is there anything that you'd like me to touch on today is there any topic is there any concept is there any anything related to this topic of managing up in a hybrid workplace that you'd like to try to include in this discussion today just go ahead and add that to the chat window and i'll see what i can do to try to incorporate it into this very you know short sort of like a like a demo today happy to do that but let me go and share.

    My slides with everybody let me know if you're able to see them

    In just a moment all right here we go and gunner just let me know if okay it's looks like it's going to work let me know if you're able to see my confirm that you can see my intro slide here that look okay perfect and nothing's covering it up.

    You're not seeing any blocks or my notes covering up anything like that all right let me know if that happens as well okay yeah so again welcome everybody this is about managing up in a hybrid workplace and make sure that you're all here for the for that reason if you're here for something else stick around hopefully you'll you'll get something out of this i again appreciate you taking the time to join us you've already shared where you're joining us from and i'm seeing a few things in here now.

    Measuring productivity in hybrid both in terms of the work and ensuring people are thriving thank you gita i think i think that's something we're going to touch on today and if not let me know but we will at least touch on that my name is david bencomo i'm an instructor i like workshops like this because even though it's it's sort of a mini demo it helps us grow both personally and professionally so i hope you get something out of this even though it's not the full-blown workshop i come from the corporate world so i'm going to try to incorporate some of the.

    Lessons that i've learned in the workplace into this workshop so i'm inviting you all to do the same so as we go through at least one of the topics that we cover in the full workshop you know bring your experiences from the workplace what is it that you've learned that can help all of us learn from what you've experienced in the workplace as it relates to this particular topic so let's jump in i'm going to ask you to grab a piece of paper if you've got something handy if you don't no problem you can just give it some thought but if.

    You got some scratch paper uh paper and pencil i'm gonna give you just a quick minute to respond to this question okay so what is managing up mean to you just take a moment to either jot that down on paper or at least give it some thought and then open up your chat window and in fact leave the chat window open all day this is very different from our normal workshop where we can see each other and we can talk this is just chat so it's going to be a little different for me so.

    I want to i want to keep everybody engaged and i want to stay engaged so so definitely share anything that comes to your mind in the chat window answers to questions as well as questions of your own and any ideas as they come to you just drop them in the chat window and we'll see if we can't have a discussion at least through that but think about this question what does managing up mean to you so faiza thank you for that managing up in terms of employees is giving each one equal opportunity i like that and treating them.

    Ethically excellent definitely a part of managing up so this question isn't so much what's the definition it's what does it mean to you and that sounds like that's something important to you and i appreciate that keeping management on target deadlines excellent especially challenging when you're looking at this changing world that we're in virtual environment remotes autonomy i like that gita how do you have if you're looking for autonomy the right level of autonomy.

    Working with your manager because you may not have the autonomy that you want or maybe you don't want as much autonomy as you're being given so how can you get that uh right level of autonomy that works for you keep the team in one direction all really good stuff i have another question for you so you can continue giving me responses to that here's another one keeping the work force engaged and accountable excellent i think that's right on right at the core of what this is all about next question for you and take a moment to either jot this down or at least give it some thought and then please share.

    This as well in the chat window but what's the best example of managing up that you've seen so think about a good manager or a good colleague that you've had and what it what's an example that you've seen from them whether it's a behavior maybe something that you see often from them some attribute but what is it about them what is it that they do that really shows represents a great example of of.

    Managing up what have you seen give you a moment to think about that jot something down and then please share

    In the chat window team recognition um and i'm hoping i'm pronouncing this correctly um chanette let me know if i'm if i'm if i'm off on that but team recognition excellent how do you recognize teams especially when you are remote when you're hybrid challenging persuading management to move in the direction best for employees excellent um i i like that one i like the word.

    Persuading uh you uh constant communication excellent how do you how do you continue to communicate coming through the pandemic to today how is that different from before we've all sort of gone more remote effective communication influence structure team communication and encouragement and support i believe that's tara iphone 13 there excellent stuff really good feel free to continue to add to this list i'm going to save the chat when we're done because this really.

    Helps us sort of inform future workshops so this is really good content but you're all you're all hitting some really good areas here transparency throughout the organization excellent stuff so thank you for that great insight i want to share some statistics with you so this is a study that was done by mackenzie down in the corner you can see the reference to this but they did a study of of executives and.

    The workforce and i want to share first their overall recommendation so based on all the results that they got all the responses through their survey this was their recommendation it is that senior executives should pay more attention to managing up and horizontally now we're going to define what exactly managing up is you've already touched on it because i asked you the question earlier about what does it mean to you and you and you've started to define it but let's just be clear so that i can we.

    Can make sense of this data but managing up would be the opposite of down so managing down if you're a manager and you have direct reports people that report to you that's called managing down and then managing up is simply the opposite direction you're managing your manager now you don't you don't um your manager doesn't report to you but you can still manage them or influence i saw the word earlier persuade how do you do that effectively to get work done you know to be heard et cetera so managing up would be managing your direct.

    Your manager or who you report to and then horizontally would be managing your co-workers other members of your team again they may not report to you officially but how do you have influence how do you manage them effectively so the recommendation is um pay more attention to that and here's here's some percentages here 50 more important managing up is 50 more important than managing subordinates or managing direct reports or down and then the last stat i want to share is it's actually two times.

    Twice as important for your career for career success and if you're interested here's some some numbers about the survey take a moment to think about that and let me know again and keep that chat window open let me know if any of this surprises you if if you're surprised by these numbers or if they're sort of in line with what you thought when it comes to managing up how we should be thinking about it you know let me know do you think that we should be paying more attention to managing up than than.

    Down do you think that it would help your career if you focused more on managing up just let me know your thoughts in the chat window if you agree any surprises let me give you a moment to to take that in so today we're going to talk about managing up and again give you a little snippet of that so let me share with you the agenda for the full workshop and then i'll explain exactly what we're going to try to cover in this little mini demo but this is this is the agenda i see managing up.

    Makes you more valuable thank you you definitely and that's something we'll i think we'll touch on today so here's what we normally cover in the full workshop i also see i'm a bit surprised by the two times more important for queer growth um is it starlin if i'm pronouncing that correctly would you have expected that it would be you know more important but not quite that you know twice as important sounds like it sounds like it is surprising yeah definitely surprising.

    Three keys to managing up that's what we focus on in the full workshop and i think we'll have time to maybe cover all three today so to give you an idea of what that's about i'm also see i didn't think uh it would be that important and consider it as a factor to career growth excellent stuff but everything that we discuss is framed around these three keys to managing it that's why i want to try to i want to touch on each of them today i think we can squeeze it in hybrid impact on managing up so managing up it's something that if you believe in and now.

    We've looked at some stats where the the survey supports it that it's important it's something that's been important in the workplace already but now that we're in a hybrid situation we have more challenges so we're going to talk about how that impacts how that may make it more challenging to manage up effectively with this hybrid situation and i'm seeing more good responses here not necessarily a focal point um consider it as a factor for career growth abcs of meeting to manage that's an.

    Acronym and so each of those letters represents a different piece a b and c um representing three important things to incorporate when you're preparing to meet with your manager so meetings are important sometimes it feels like we have too many of them but they're really important especially when it's with your manager to set guidelines expectations etc but more challenging again in the workplace so this goes through how to do that effectively and and there's three pieces to that and the last is a little similar to that but it.

    Was something we call the ropes and the ropes is also an acronym r-o-p-e-s that represents what we can do to ensure that we have an effective agenda it's not a matter of just listing a couple things that we might want to talk about but it's being very clear on not only what we want to talk about but our objectives and quite a few other things that go into that so we'll again that's part of the bigger workshop but i wanted to share with you what we cover any questions any thoughts before we continue so anything there that you want.

    To see if we can't squeeze into this little demo but that's to give you an idea of what's covered in the full workshop so i think it's probably a good idea to clearly or at least come up with sort of a common understanding of managing up so i want to ask you this question similar to what i asked you earlier about what does it mean to you but what about a definition can can you share with me go ahead and open the chat window what is managing up how would you define it and.

    You know in simple terms that we can all understand what what is managing up and give you a moment to think about that and just jot down your responses in the chat window and share that with us what is managing up anybody want to take a shot at a definition here's a here's a really good one um taking more responsibilities collaborative meeting of the minds i like that um gita i liked your definition of managing your manager yes it is managing your manager and again not an official.

    Reporting relationship because you the you're the one that reports your manager but it is about managing your manager let me share a definition and this is not the only definition but it is a pretty good one it is the process of positioning so that's an interesting word positioning yourself in the workplace with your leader okay so i want to kind of go off of that particular definition and then share a little bit more about what what it is so.

    This definition here comes from kimberly kimberly cummings she's a career and leadership speaker and coach so she's got a lot of experience in this area but it is about position positioning yourself for moves so not just promotions but that would be one so positioning yourself for a promotion but also for lateral moves you may want to move across the organization maybe across your team maybe across the company it's about positioning yourself for new responsibilities maybe even a new role so all of those.

    Things whatever that means to you you want to be in a different place either a higher level a promotion lateral new roles that's part of managing up it's also about making your boss's job easier which in turn will hopefully make your job easier so there's other parts to this essentially it is managing your boss as i mentioned earlier it's about building a relationship with your boss that's a part of it being able to manage up effectively is about building a strong trusting.

    Relationship with your with your boss and finally i believe it's about advocating for yourself and for your work so that it's noticed it's recognized it's valued ensuring that it's valued that you're bringing that to the organization all right questions anything let me know if any of that's not clear or if you want to add anything to that feel free to drop it in the chat window okay let's also talk about why it's important so why is it so important to.

    To intentionally being very deliberate in in the way that you manage your manager managing up open up the chat window again and and let me know what your thoughts are why is it important and i've seen you touch on this already but why is it important to manage up what can it do for you why take the time to intentionally and thoughtfully manage up who has some ideas on that why manage up.

    Succession planning excellent thank you gita succession planning i'm hoping that your organization supports the idea of actively building succession plans in my organization that's what we did not only part of our goals and what we're going to accomplish for the organization are goals needed to include our succession plan who's next in line for my position and their position etc help you in your career excellent to.

    Keep up with the organization's culture that's a really good one culture keeping that in mind so managing up is about i'm going to give you what we have here on the slide it's about making everyone's job easier so it's about making your job easier it's about making your job the job for your manager easier for your team i want to share with you something that came from one of the participants in one of the classes that we've done one of the full workshops and her name is.

    Estella i can use her first name she said it's okay to share this if you do take any of our workshops including this one you have an opportunity to take a survey before you take the class that way we have an idea of why you're taking it and what you'd like to get out of it and then we can incorporate that in the workshop so i really appreciated what estella wrote in her comments and i'm going to read them because i think they're really helpful for us to see what she was trying to get out of class because i think i think it's helpful to know how.

    We've incorporated some of this stuff at least that was our goal but she was asking why are you taking the class and she says i'm hoping this class will help me to continue to develop a strong working relationship with my manager in the hybrid environment where my interactions with her are more limited okay she was asked is there anything in particular that you're interested in she says i want to learn key practices to make both my job and my manager's job easier she was asked what do you most want to.

    Get out of this workshop and her answer was i want to learn tools to help me better collaborate with and have meaningful interactions with my manager and then finally she was asked you know how would managing up help you better in your in you know do better in your work and she responded it would create the opportunity to work smarter more efficiently and be more productive as i lead my team so she was a leader and support my manager and the.

    Department overall so i share that with you because she really in my mind nailed what we're trying to accomplish in this workshop that's everything that we incorporated and so i hope that that that we're able to achieve all of that but managing up is is so important it's important when you have a new manager it's also important if you change teams but if you have been working on a team and you have a manager for many years for a long time it's it's not never too late you can.

    Always start taking on some of these practices it can really help you renew that relationship so think about that so it's not just if you're brand new with a manager you can apply some of these techniques to your existing relationship any questions any thoughts anything you want to add i see keeping alignment with org in the department goals and strategies excellent that's all part of managing up all right so i think we have time to jump into those three.

    Key um the three keys to managing up these are the essential keys so i want to share each of these three with you and then depending on how much time we have i'd like to go go a little bit into each of them so preparation is essential we note that up front for all three of these keys think about the time that you invest as an investment in your career it's just as important as the work you're doing today so i would add this to your to-do list.

    Alongside the work that you're already responsible for doing so here are those three keys starting with the first one let me just preface this this is very simple very simple very straightforward they may be things that you're already doing but they're so important that we want to make sure that we don't overlook them so we want to go ahead and note them even if it's something that you're already doing this is the first one knowing your manager and this is not just about knowing them professionally it's also about knowing them personally that's actually very important especially in this day and age especially with remote that's where.

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