Corona Virus - Symptoms and measures *FREE Download* printable and sharing format Office

Corona Virus - Symptoms and measures *FREE Download* printable and sharing format Office hi guys welcome back to poppin grammar today we will not be having any tutorials on how to make any infographics or any features on.

PowerPoint today I have made a small presentation on the hot topic of today which is coronavirus this is small presentation which talks about the few symptoms and preventive measures as for.

Google so the reason I made this is the intention is to make a PPT that you can take your team's through in any of your meetings it's in the PPT format it's like a presentation so you can take your.

Dreams to that and you can also share this presentation as a PPT or you can make a video of the same and share it with your teams I will be showing you how to make a video at the end of the.

Tutorial here and you can also take a printout of this presentation or the respective slides and place it on your workstations or in your workplace however that works so that is the reason.

I have made this presentation hope that helps you so let's go ahead and see how the presentation is actually looking like so if you see these this is the slide which shows the symptoms of the.

Corona Virus - Symptoms and measures *FREE Download* printable and sharing format

Virus which is sore throat cough shortness of breath fever headache and pneumonia so these are the symptoms you can take your things through or you can take a printout of this slide as well.

You can paste it in your workplace or send it on any groups that you might have on your whatsapp or any social media then the next slide here talks about the preventive measures so it says.

Wash hands regularly with in with soap for these 20 seconds avoid shaking hands avoid crowded places in close contact with people so these are dependent preventive.

Measures and the symptoms which I have taken from Google I have no assurance about this but this is as per the norms of w-h-o and what are the different things that are available on social.

Media right now so it's just a presentation to help you circulate this with your teams and with your family and your friends so that we can help them keep keep them safe from this deadly.

Virus so the other one is when C sneezing please make sure you cover your mouth avoiding okay sing about touching your mouth nose and eyes when you get in where you touch any objects and last but.

    Not the least is please make sure you

    Sanitize your workstations make sure you sterilize in scientist your mobile phones with the isopropyl alcohol the disinfectant which is available in the.

    Market so that's it guys so you know you can go ahead and take the printout of this or circulate this as a PPT or video so let's go ahead and see how do we make a video for this particular.

    Slide so it's good to recording and say exports to video okay let's make a full HD video let me click on create video then save it let me save it on the desktop here so here if you see it is.

    Creating a video video has been created when you open the video so that's it guys thank you for watching.

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