No-Code Revolution: Discover practical use cases with Make, Bubble and Makeitfuture - ID Card Make

No-Code Revolution: Discover practical use cases with Make, Bubble and Makeitfuture - ID Card Make So hello everyone welcome to the no code Revolution my name is Christina and I'm a partner manager of make today I'm very happy to be here with Theo partner manager of bubble Daniel Roost our app solution architect and our expert taru CEO and founder of our partner make it future so today we are introduce you to what is bubble what is make and how these two apps can interact and can create great use cases where tiio is going to Showcase how he has what he has.

No-Code Revolution: Discover practical use cases with Make, Bubble and Makeitfuture

Done and the power of these two combine Solutions so first we'll start with a brief introduction about what is bubble then about what is make then we'll make a deep dive on our on the app in make that we have about Bubble then t we'll continue with some practical use cases then if you are excited I want to join either of our partnership programs then you a we are going to speak about the two programs that we have and at the end we are going to have some time for.

Questions feel free to write in the chat any questions that you have during the webinar and at the end we are going to answer them so well I'm excited to be here and let's go to you it's all your it's all yours great thank you so much Christina hi everyone uh thanks so much for joining us today my name is Foo and I work on the Partnerships team at bubble where I manage uh our agency Partnerships um so.

I'd like to start by telling you a little bit about uh bubble to to give some context for the for the conversation today um so software development historically has been a timec consuming expensive and often risky process um and since uh 2012 which is when uh bubble as a company was started we've been on a path to re revolutionize have software has been developed by enabling teams to build powerful applications uh lightning fast.

And without code um so building apps is as complicated as ever uh the cost for talent tools and overall development is expensive and the need for profitability is at an all-time high um and the market condition especially in the past um you know 18 so month have shifted um and with the exper emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence people are looking for way to stay nimbl and maintain a Competitive Edge while continuing to innovate um and then a third uh interesting Trend to.

Note is that there's an overwhelming amount of software Solutions on the market uh and many offer overly robust features that feel unnecessary uh and are quite often expensive and so there's a unique opportunity for highly customized um C custom software um affordable and that can be built um faster right um and so that is where bubble comes in um as the only full stack nood platform what we aim to do is to bring nearly everything your team needs for application development in one.

Place um so we like to believe that bubble is as flexible as code itself with things like Pixel Perfect responsive UI in ux design a scalable and performant database with the ability to also Leverage your existing database if you do wish to do that um as well as Dynamic and expressive workflows to build complex web apps the ability to collaborate across agencies and teams in one place with live collaboration and Version Control um secure custom and entirely managed hosting and a fully extensible platform with custom code and pre-built API connectors uh that you can.

Leverage to connect to any external API um what we're aiming to do here is reduce Risk by saving time and resources through dramatically accelerating the software development process for your team and enabling even your non-technical people to build um and not just um enabling developers and Engineers uh so in some ways WR some things up you can think of bubble as an all-in-one engineering operations database infrastructure platform and support team uh we're always thinking in ways to improve the bubble platform uh.

Which in hand constantly improves our customers application and the experience with bubble too um and finally I'd like to talk a little bit about the the cost and speed advantages here uh so it's something that's often hard to estimate but uh when we surveyed um some of our bubble developers we found that you can develop an at rate about four to six times faster than traditional development meaning that you can do the work of six traditional developers with one bubble developer uh so a lot of speed advantages there um and in terms of cost.

Reduction uh what we've heard is that you can edce five to six time the cost with smaller teams and shorter development Cycles uh and enable folks with non technical backgrounds to contribute to the process as well um and just to give you a more concrete example uh I was recently uh speaking with someone PR Sal team who told me a very very cool customer story um about a large uh Technology and Manufacturing customers of ours uh and their experience leveraging bubble so far um so traditionally the way uh they have outsourced most of their application.

Development uh to a team of third party developers and before they were spending millions of dollars and over a year building a solution um and now Michel and Zac uh two technical PMS were able to reproduce the same tool with more robust functionality um for a fraction of the cost and in about six months and so for them their personal estimate is that they believe that it was Clos to 20x cost reduction uh from their previous development methods um so these are just some some examples of of cost.

That speed advantages um and now I'm excited to pass it on to Dan um to tell us a little bit about make all right hi guys so my name is Daniel and I will introduce make I will explain what it is maybe what it isn't uh then we will look at some stats and some usage patterns we see in our data of existing me users uh then we will look at some simple common scenarios and then I will pass the word over to tip bar who's going to some cool real use cases and a.

    Few very extreme make scenarios so let's go so um for those of you who don't know - ID Card Make

    Make yet um this is what we are so make is a no code for some loow code automation platform which allows you to automate your business processes uh also a lot of what Theo has said one minute ago uh it can be applied to make but while bubble is mainly like for abs development make can be the tool which.

    Makes data flows possible behind the scenes all right so as of today we have around 100K active organizations around the globe we are present in 180 countries uh out of the box make is supporting over, 1600 connectors so those are basically connectors to various apps various apis uh the great thing about me is that once you uh start using it there a very high chance you're are going to love it uh so our reviews uh on Independent review sites are quite high and we score consistently around 4.8 um some of you.

    May know that our mother company is called salonis it's a German company uh they are the leaders in process Mining and uh Pioneer of execution management but make on its own basically behaves like a standown company and while a lot of you may think that make is M like for Freelancers or maybe small and medium businesses uh we do have a lot of Enterprise grade customers like meta SoftBank and Spotify and that's one of the great things about make as well you.

    Know you can solve very simple problems maybe do one or two automations two scenarios but at the same time you can solve or you can put very complex automations which are affecting entire teams entire departments okay so enough about who we are let's let's think about what make can do so traditionally you know if you were to automate something you for the hire developers they would produce a.

    Piece of code uh then they would test it release it maybe you would F some bugs and then uh it would go back to development and uh the cycle would be rep repeated a few times until everyone gets it right now with make uh you can automate the same processes but you do it in a visual way so so when you think about your process you are basically converting it to this diagram and this conversion process is called scenario building and you basically build the automation as you think about your process and again the.

    Beautiful thing is that you don't really need to be a developer I'm a developer myself I did not study development or anything related to ID uh and yet you know I can still build very powerful uh scenarios with little bit of training so um you might be wondering so where does make really fit either in your organization or maybe if you are like integration company providing Services where does it fit in your customer's organization so as I kind of said you.

    Know make can be the glue between the apps so let's say you know if you need to send data from Monday to J then to Bubble or maybe from Greenhouse to Excel and to Salesforce and then to Bubble or maybe just from Monday to Salesforce you know make can be the glue between all the apps which your organization is using and you know I'd say that on average organizations are using around 100 apps and most of the time they should talk to each other these apps but they don't right because it's very hard to connect them maybe there are some native automations which come out of the.

    Box with those apps but they are not that great and you need something more flexible and again you know that's where may can solve your pain points so when we say the word make uh uh there is certain hierarchy to it all right so make is a platform which is hosting the apps and the apps are essentially the connectors so as I said we are currently supporting 1,600 connectors out of the box and those apps or those connectors they consist of modules which are basically representing endpoints of.

    Those apis and those endpoints do the API cost which you would expect so you know 99% of the time it's get search list create update delete uh there are also modules which allow you to do arbitrary API authorized score and of course we also need certain triggers so there are modules which will monitor regularly for certain events happening like a new object created or new record created or updated and then you also have web hook based triggers which listen for events in real time so.

    If I take one example and I I go with Google Sheets so Google Sheets would be one of the apps on the platform

    Alongside of 15 99 and these would be the modules or the endpoints you can use within the apps so add AR rrow update Arrow clear AR rrow delete AR rrow etc etc of course different apps will have different number of actions or triggers um and it's always uh depending on what the L the API itself allows us to build right so that's for the make hierarchy.

    Um it's very easy you know once once you start using make you will get it like within 20 minutes uh it's it's not really a rocket science okay so enough of generic talk about make itself but let's talk about Bubble app on make let's talk about the usage patterns about some common scenarios Etc so um currently the Bubble app on make uh has eight modules right so six here and two here and most of the.

    Modules allow you to deal with data things so you can create data things in bulk you can create or update single data thing delete a data thing search data things get a data thing also you can watch data things uh for for example for new records right you can also trigger workflows through make and you can also listen for events happening in your bubble app and then you know process this event in make and maybe send a notification somewhere else um so this is the app as of.

    Today and let's now talk about the patterns which we use so when I Was preparing for this webinar I was obviously analyzing the existing scenarios we have on the platform and I was able to identify these five patterns so apparently you know the number one and number two patterns these two they are responsible for I would say 85% of the traffic when it comes to the Bubble app but the three remaining ones are also very.

    Important um so the first uh common use case is that users really need to feed data into bubble from third party app so imagine you have a Google sheet or maybe a table table or database in MySQL or in bigquery and you need to push uh those records to bubble and that's you know why you would use make because it's super easy and super quick on the other hand sometimes uh not sometimes but a lot of times when you already have your databases in bubble you might want to export this data outside bubble and.

    That's what you could also use make for so sending data from Bubble to third party apps the opposite direction that can be easily done through make uh I've also noticed patterns where basically automations might start in bubble and end in bubble and there are certain Transformations happening in between so users are using mate just to shuffle data inside bubble and not really send it anywhere else which is very interesting uh then I've seen also use cases where people would uh trigger workflows in bubble through make based.

    On some external events usually received via web hook and then finally uh we have users who are monitoring for events in bubble and then you know pushing the data outside bubble or maybe sending some sort of notification to them or to their team Etc so these are the five usage patterns uh which which we were able to identify in in the data now let's talk about the apps which are most frequently used with bubble and on the first position we have Bubble itself you know sometimes it does happen.

    That the app itself is most commonly used with itself I know it sounds a bit weird but as I said you know we see a lot of automations which for example start in bubble then they have three bubble modules on along the way and that's it and no other app or maybe they have three uh bubble modules and then some external app so that's why in this case you know bubble is number one uh on our list um again it's a bit weird but you know we do see some we do see this happening.

    Occasionally with with certain apps now on the second position we see HTTP app so HTTP is basically Postman inside me and the question we frequently get so you have 1600 connectors but what if I need to connect to an API which is not supported so that's where you would use HTTP so here in this case for bubble we see that users are connecting uh to external apis which are not yet supported on make and if you are new to me you can imagine the HTTP app basically as Postman inside me it's it's very very similar um then we obviously.

    Have web hooks so when you are frequently monitoring for external events and you need to make certain changes based on them in bubble you would use web hooks uh then uh Google Sheets air table those are Usual Suspects they appear a lot across all apps pretty much uh then Google Drive then we have Discord app which is a bit surprising to me uh Google Docs slack for notifications right when something happens send a notification to my team hopspot cero jgpt the three email clients we have on.

    The platform so generic email app Gmail Outlook uh send grid and Microsoft Excel so this is the data it's about like one or two weeks old and these are the the most commonly used apps so if uh you are using bubble already and you are using one of these apps uh there is high chance that you know make could bring some value for you in automating in automating workflows uh between bubble and and your app um now when analyzing the scenarios.

    It's also important to look at how the automations start and how they end while this regarding what's happening in the middle right so every single time and you build automation on make it always has to have at least like two modules otherwise itate doesn't make too much sense so um this is what I analyzed here and I've highlighted a few uh instances where we see that the automations would for example start with a web Hooks app and then they would end with web hooks response for example and then there would be something in the.

    Middle happening in bubble right and those are usually instances where users use bubble as database and they kind of query it uh to retrieve data from it and then uh push it back to the to the app asking for it right so you can have a web hook web hook receiver here and then something retrieving being retrieved from bubble and then responding back to uh to that uh app which made the original request uh similarly you could receive a web.

    Hook event and then post it to another HTTP endpoint to http app right then we have instances where users are receiving events on web books and then writing something to our table etc etc so uh it's not always that the automations on make would start or end in bubble that's my message here you know it can be really that you need to quickly get some data from bubble and you know create a webook response to the requesting app and that's also what make is great for.

    But other than these use cases with no Bubble at the beginning and at the end you know we are seeing for example that users will start in bubble and they will push something to hub spot or they will listen for events in bubble and push notifications to SL or they will you know listen for new records in air table and push them to Bubble uh those are common use cases but I really want to highlight that it's not always about having the Bubble app at the beginning or at the end and now to give you some inspiration again if you are new to to make uh what.

    Are the common scenarios and keep in mind that when we look for commonalities It's usually the easiest scenarios because there is very high chance that multiple users will use the same combination of modules and this is what data always confirms so what we see in our data you know as as the most common scenarios is for example something like this you know we can search for data things and you can create or update a data thing in a different database or you can search for data things and you can trigger a workflow from that or you can watch for events happening in bubble.

    And write a new row to Google Sheets when you know certain events are happening which are important to you or you can search for data things in bubble regularly and then again write it to Google Sheets or maybe you can listen for events happening outside bubble and then from that external event you can trigger a workflow in bubble I can see this being super useful or maybe you can listen for external events we have hooks again and then you will just create a new data thing in bubble so there is a lot of a lot of uh unique combinations which can.

    Happen and now uh the barer will put it to perspective and he will show you some of his real use cases which he has built for his clients so tiberio the floor is yours yeah hello everybody um this is tiberio let me just SEC um thanks for the invitation to present here thanks to make and bubble uh I'm I'm tiberio I'm the CEO of make.

    It future uh to give you a bit a bit of perspective about us uh we are a no code and AI agency we started as a make partner in 2019 and we are now uh around 25 people doing um Automation and no code web applications and AI applications uh in the no code space uh we we our main key platform that we work with is make and bubble U most we've learned very fast when we started that with with.

    Doing automations a lot of times you need a an interface and sometimes you need an interface that needs um some user access setup so that's that's when we also started using bubble and we discovered very fast that um Bubble and make work very well together it's very fast to to develop and iterate in both flat platforms so we believe it works very well um between this very easy and very fast to work with these platforms uh we're working with a lot of small customers but we're working as.

    Well with bigger and Enterprise customers as well um okay so uh a bit about uh make and bubble how these these two platforms work together how we at at the make it future we use these platforms uh together okay both of these platform like bubble has their own API connect so a lot of times you find already like apps uh that already have a plugin for bubble but that you don't really have all the apps the same way or.

    100 1,600 app as make on the on the on the other side make has you can create like a simple interface like with an HT some HTML and JavaScript with make and and feed that to a link but if you need user access you need more complex things that's where bubble comes in place right so for sure what make brings to Bubble it's 1,600 Integrations it's very fast to iterate on that uh and to create in in integration logic if you need to go to to search for uh different things then.

    Then go to different platforms two three four five platforms sometimes and I I'll show you some examples it's very easy to do that and and send that that information back to bubble and you can very fastly TR trade on those scenarios and duplicate those scenarios and things like that which which make makes it very fast to to uh figure out the way you want to do certain things and last but not least as as Daniel was also showing data manipulation sometimes could be a way to to use make and bubble together on the other side what bubble brings on.

    Top to make is um this is it's it's a user interface right so a lot of times when you do an automation you want to collect data from the user so you need the interface for um per application it it brings very good user access management with bubble it's fairly easy to have reg user registration in place uh a user management with roles and things like that where you segregate the access for different things uh it gives you.

    Control sometimes for your scenarios or for your platform you very easy to to create some simple interface where you add some buttons you add some logic and then you can start scenarios manually or for for some specific actions that you want and of course data entry right you want to collect data from the user like a form sometimes a very complex form that can be done with with with creating that interface in that in bubble and sending that towards make for processing so to give you some example that we've done between these two platforms um I have here uh one of our.

    Apps that we recently finished it's called clean cat and know it's a web platform uh special special credit for cleaning companies um so a cleaning company can can subscribe for this platform they get a quotation system so they you can go with like an iPad go to a to a building see how many rooms they have what type of floor they have those rooms how big the rooms are in square meters and then you the the user gets like a quotation uh and a lot of that those processes in the back are created.

    Between so the the data input and and the the interface is in bubble but in the case of this user they wanted a simple way that where for every quotation that was created they have um a Google document uh a Google Drive document which they can after that manipulate edit so we figured out that it will be a much easier way instead of rebuilding an an file editor inside bubble from scratch we said why not just integrate with make we create the file.

    That directly um into Google Drive and then we share that with the with the end user right and every time there's a quotation there's that file generated with make and I'll show you an example of that in in a second also when when we create those different customer folders we create different customer folders inside that Google Drive um structure uh so everything that's created will go there as well once those um quotations.

    Are created the the and user wanted an integration with hopspot so all the different contacts companies deals are also synchronized directly towards hopspot and same towards their um invoicing system which is visma for they were coming from another app to the to their own app so a very valuable thing was exporting their data from their existing system uh we.

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