Webinar Leveraging Facebook Lead Ads Data to Maximize Campaign Performance with Make - ID Card Make

Webinar Leveraging Facebook Lead Ads Data to Maximize Campaign Performance with Make - ID Card Make Hello everyone and thank you for joining us for making meta webinar today we are going to dive into the world of meta Technologies for advertisers and show you how we are make to turn valuable data into a powerful tool and boost your marketing campaign performance let's get started with introduction joining us today we have Omer hello mayor an ecosystem development manager at meta Omer brings us a wealth of knowledge and experience in meta.

Webinar Leveraging Facebook Lead Ads Data to Maximize Campaign Performance with Make

Technologies and in growing partnership with meta signal Partners we have of course Danielle with us here Solutions architect that make an amazing and Powerful expert in Integrations and automations who please find a way to make our life easier yeah automating it and of course myself my name is Ina and I'm strategic partnership manager at make I'm taking care about building and growing partnership with technology partners of make well guys let's check out our agenda it's quite packed today.

We have one hour ahead of us and myself and Omar will start with introduction to meta Technologies and make product and Daniel will follow with a practical part of our session and present you couple of use cases with Facebook lead out Facebook Converses API and Facebook audiences and I'm pretty sure you're excited to see number four yes guys it's a special quiz game for you where you will be able to win a prize beautiful price from uh make but what it will be.

Well here you will need to wait you will learn more about it in the end of our session so make sure you will stay with us pay attention and I can guarantee you that will be fun and of course we will wrap up our session with a q a live q a and you're welcome to submit actually your questions already now to q a zoom and it will be monitored and we will make sure we will answer all your questions by the end of the session so now let's learn more about meta Technologies over umair.

Thank you so much Ina let me just open up by saying it's a real privilege and honor to represent meta in this one-of-a-kind webinar of how to leverage Facebook lead ads data to maximize your campaign performance so I'm Omar bakarak I'm an ecosystem development manager um on my day-to-day I manage signals partners acrossimia partners for us are third-party companies that consumes our API and build amazing products upon.

Make is one of our most strategic partner and it's great to be here and talk about this great and healthy partnership um and in the next slide I'd like to talk a bit about how you know how the relationship between data privacy and users have changed over the years now I love this slide it's so colorful colorful and Vivid but it actually kind of States something that has changed dramatically if I might say um in the past users have been used to.

Search for products but on lately recent years actually products are finding people so when you visit your feed a brand might find you and reach out to you with an interesting offer whether that would be a sponsored or an organic one and kind of show you what's the value for you and that's exactly what we see in the industry um search has become less with intent but more with Discovery.

Brands are being more proactive brands are the ones that are initiating initiating the communication with users and not the opposite but you know let's talk a bit about the internet there are every day on a daily basis between five four to five billion daily active users but there's one thing in common for every user out there everyone wants to feel special everyone.

Wants to feel unique everyone wants to feel that this offer is super personalized to me and the connective tissue of all of that is actually data data drives personalized experiences and and we see a revolution happening in data recently on the next slide I want to talk a bit about how data is surfaced meaning how data is streamlined across different channels.

Um and there's a there's a shift in the industry from relying on cookies and on browser and on client-side technology and shifting to a server-side approach and this is exactly the approach that we have taken in meta um we've we released our conversions API um almost two years ago um as a secure Channel driven by server side server to server connection and the whole idea here is to kind of remove the.

Friction with cookies and Supply really secure channels to advertisers and to Partners so in this slide you can see on the top top part of the slide you can see the traditional client side web 2 server Channel where events and data flow across a channel that is actually facilitated from the browser and the main identify identification piece or what actually helps us to match.

Events to an active profile is the cookie now cookies have been here for quite a long time um they were invented in the mid 90s um to actually improve the user and login experience so if you let's take an example just to emphasize that so when you log into your I know Amazon account for example you after a long time you're required to supply your email and password um let's say you shop and you disconnect and after an hour when you want to log.

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    In again um you know magic happens and you're automatically logged in you're not - ID Card Make

    Required to supply those details again that's because a cookie is stored on the browser now this has been kind of a way to store data and and share it through the client side but this is change we're moving to a more secured approach and you can see at the bottom side of of this slide you can see actually a channel where we're kind of sending data.

    Across a server side and this is something we see in the industry and and later in this webinar Daniel will showcase how you can facilitate lead ads and conversions API and conversion leads all of those channels are driven from a server side to really improve your Leader's campaign optimization um we talked a bit about how data fuels the customer journey and we talked about how you know personalized experiences are powered by data and this is a great.

    Slide that showcases how the customer Journey looks like from a lens of a customer um and and I'd like to you know briefly um cover each step here um and I just want to say the really cool part here and that's the reason we're all gathered here to hear about automation um every piece of this funnel can be fully automated via make we're gonna double down in this webinar on lead ads.

    Um and optimization but every piece here can be really easily automated uh by the power of make so Discovery we talked about Discovery customers um customer find the product but we talked about a revolution that brands are finding customers um I'll I'm going to use uh the automotive vertical here because I think it's a nice example and a nice segue to the demo that Daniel is going to kind of uh present afterwards.

    Um so let's say that I'm a car agency and I've recently kind of started to build my brand in Facebook or Instagram and I find an interesting audience to kind of engage with or kind of to even to kind of prompt an offer or let the user know that I have something that might be valuable for the users remember it's all about what's the value I mean if I'm a user I want to know what's in it for me right so this is a huge responsibility on the brand to engage with a user and offer something.

    That is valuable for the user so Discovery um you know brands are finding users but the cool part is that let's say that the automotive wants to re-engage with a customer that left details through a lead at campaigns okay um and let's say that the customer started the flow but didn't finish the funnel meaning he started or she started by filling in you know the first two or three Fields but then for some reason got distracted and I don't know.

    Done something else so the brand can re-engage with the customer using for example business messaging okay using a WhatsApp channel the brand could reach out to the customer and say hey you know I've seen that you started engaging or started like you know kind of interacting uh with us uh why won't you finish you know the journey here even maybe prompting or giving something back I don't know a 10 discount okay so.

    This is exactly what engagement is all about and the customer acquisition is where the customer you know are going through the whole funnel they leave the details so the whole kind of lead ads campaign flow is finished and that's where the brand has kind of a 360 view of the customer um and because it's a lead that campaigns and this is like something really to call out here where when you have ddot's campaign on on Facebook or Instagram um you have the the form pre-populated.

    With the customer information parameters that that the customer has in their Facebook profile so the friction of kind of dropping from the funnel or not completing the funnel is minimized so this is why it's really easy or more easier to facilitate those campaigns and really acquire the information of customers so this is exactly what leadouts campaigns and customer acquisition is all about by the way again an important note here can be easily automated by make okay and now we are 5 to the fourth last but not least.

    Stage the Holy Grail conversion so let's talk a bit about what conversion is so with Automotive

    Um I would say two years ago you wouldn't kind of have the option to finish an online funnel by buying a car on a website right traditionally um usually uh customers would leave their details for a test drive the car agency would reach out after um you know that a test drive would happen and then if the customer is pleased they would go physically to the.

    Agency and and purchase the car uh you know on a brick and mortar Branch now here there's a bit of disruption in that industry we see actually websites and apps that offer you know a complete and a holistic funnel on the web which is quite amazing but let's say that in this case we're two years back there isn't an option so conversion might be by leaving details on the lead art forms that would be like an online conversion so the way that businesses can pass.

    Conversions to us is actually through conversions API and conversion leads just as a reminder a secure server to server channel that enables businesses to pass conversions and meaningful business events so this is where conversion takes place of course that there is also a post-conversion phase but we're only kind of touching now the really four main principle parts of the funnel so just to sum up.

    Um you know relationship between data privacy and users is evolving um brands are finding products and not the opposite today um the whole customer journey is driven by data and you know meaningful and personalized experiences are powered by data and the customer Journey from Discovery all the way to conversion can be really fully automated with a couple of clicks by the power of make I'm going to hand it over now to my.

    Colleague Daniel thank you so much for listening foreign can Empower its users well as you may know make is a visual automation platform that allows you and your company to automate anything from small to complex workflow and systems and actually requires zero coding expertise you can simply connect apps and systems together in few clicks and scale your business faster than ever and I would.

    Love to mention as well some important data and milestone in our product and Company history well make or as you may know it formally integromat was launched in 2016. currently we have over 500 000 users across 180 countries and on May you can choose from a connect to over 1 600 different apps and very cool fact we have pair one app in average 15 different endpoints so very very exciting and a lot to wield with make so actually make it here for you to empower.

    Everyone to innovate Without Limits and it's important here to mention our product key values that actually matter to our users it's of course Simplicity of visual and user-friendly interface where you can build and automate at the speed of your ideas actually any workflow could be built and make with unlimited steps and unlimited amount of apps in it so super exciting and in make of course you have an ability to create and launch your workflow in minutes.

    Or hours not in days or weeks super cool and mean Fast Times value for both business users and experienced programmers and of course on make you can find unlimited amount of use cases across all Industries processes and roles and the cool stuff as I mentioned before we have plenty of apps to choose from and build your workflow with but of course if you need more application or Services you are welcome to use make.

    HTTP connector to connect to almost any available publicly available API so super exciting and actually talking about make technology or meta technology here currently we have 15 applications from Meta Family available on my egg and we are also dedicated to constantly grow the amount of connectors we have from meta technology and the cool fact is that for the past two quarters we add almost like five new connectors to meta.

    Such as Facebook catalogs Facebook ads campaign manager WhatsApp business cloud and the freshest one the newest one Facebook conversion leads it was actually added just this Monday it's already available on make so make sure you will try it we have a fully beautiful documentation with a video guide in it and actually during our live demo Daniel will be explaining you the difference between Facebook conversion leads and Facebook conversions API so I.

    Think it's enough talking let's automate and let's kick off our live demo overview Daniel thanks Ina so before I actually dive into scenarios and automations I want to mention two things the first one is that as Ina mentioned there will be a little competition at the end where you can win something and we will ask you one question about the upcoming content I will be discussing and the second thing before we dive into the scenarios which.

    I want to discuss is your workflow so probably right now when you are running your lead as campaigns on Facebook AKA campaigns generating leads via lead forms you probably have your live campaigns where you drafted your copy you edit your banner you designed your form then you generate leads and then you are probably still optimizing towards cost per lead and then you simply count leads and based on these two factors you kind of decide whether your campaign is good or whether it's doing bad right.

    But the thing is that with this simple workflow you are not really utilizing all the data which you have about your leads to create as many signals as possible which can be sent back to Facebook so if you use make and Facebook together in the right way you can actually upgrade your workflow significantly and it can look something like this so at the very beginning you would still have your live campaigns which you will be controlling and those campaigns will be still generating leads like they are today but it's getting different right now.

    With make you can use the lead data like emails phone numbers Etc to build audiences on Facebook you can also use Facebook conversions API to upload the information about the actual conversion back to Facebook so you for example see that your campaign generated 100 leads and maybe there was 10 purchases out of those 100 leads and you can see that directly in Facebook web interface and then as Ina mentioned with Facebook conversion leads you can actually upload.

    The lead statuses which your leads are going through in your CRM and then you can tell Facebook to optimize towards specific lead status so instead of optimizing towards all Elites in general where majority of them is probably not going to be not going to be that great right you can decide to optimize for example for lead switch signed contract or for leads which are about to sign a contract or for leads which were qualified all right so any reasonable.

    Event which you think is good for your business you can have Facebook campaigns optimize towards that event and that's what I will be showing you today we will cover all these four challenges and once we do that we are going to have basically this self-fulfilling machine where your campaigns will be generating leads and data about the leads and then we will be reusing the the data for your future campaigns right so you can build audiences to build look-alike campaigns in future.

    You can use those audiences for retargeting etc etc so I'm gonna escape the presentation now and finally it's it's make time right we are going to look at make so when you first time log into Mac you are going to see something similar to this obviously because I've been here for a while I do have some active automations AKA scenarios running in make and that's what I see here in the middle here at the top I see my current consumption for the current billing cycle and in make we basically bill you.

    Based on operations and features you are using and you can buy a lot of operations and not that many features or many features and not that many operations it's very flexible and that consumption is being seen here basically any scenario run any action we charge you basically we charge credits for that and you are buying the credits from us it's pretty straightforward I'm not going to be talking about all the menu items here because it's just not that important at the moment but I will focus on two things obviously we are going to.

    Be talking about automations or scenarios but before we go there I want to talk about templates so templates are pre-built scenarios which are there for you so you don't even have to build those automations yourself if you just don't feel like it and you can use something which already exists so when we look for example at templates which are available for Facebook lead ads app on make we can see there are probably hundreds and hundreds of scenarios or templates pre-built for you so for.

    Example when you want to send your leads from Facebook to merchium there is a template for it so you would enter it you would check it out you see the description here and then when you press this green button there will be a little wizard taking you step by step through the configuration and it's very easy like we are a little really talking about minutes to get this set up right but let's say you know you want to try you wanna get your hands dirty and you.

    Want to build some scenarios and you want to understand how it actually works so for today's webinar I've prepared three scenarios here I see all my scenarios across my entire make account but in this folder I've organized it and I have the three scenarios and the first scenario will be ingesting deletes from Facebook the second scenario will be processing conversion uploads through Facebook conversions API and the third scenario will be dealing with audience uploads and with Facebook conversion leads which we've recently introduced.

    Before I dive into the actual scenarios let's look at our CRM so for our CRM I'm using a very simple spreadsheet I know it's not technically acrm but hey everyone understands the spreadsheets and that's why we chose it but keep in mind that when you try this in real life and you actually have a CRM and by the way we support probably over 100 crms on make the principles which I will be showing are kind of similar but instead of using Google Sheets app you will be using.

    Your CRM app okay so whenever a new lead is submitted on Facebook the first step will be basically to store the lead immediately into my CRM so for example my sales people can go and qualify the lead they can sign up the person for something Etc we can even say that this is the car agency which Omar mentioned and they are collecting leads for in-person visits to the dealerships so let's look at the first scenario the first scenario is going to be very simple uh so as I said the automations.

    Are chord scenarios and this is the scenario Builder where the scenarios are built I've already pre-built this before I started uh this webinar of course so I don't have to build it here on scratch but this is how it looks uh in order to generate a fake lead on Facebook it's actually not that easy okay and I'm going to show you how you can do it if you are ever building these scenarios so first of all I'm gonna start.

    Listening for New Leads normally you would not have to like enable the scenario it would be just running silently in the background actively listening for the leads and then on Facebook you could probably generate an ad preview so this is an ad preview which I generated and then there is this letter more button and here you can fill out your personal details but the thing is that this does not always work and it's always better to generate fake leads via lead ads testing tool which is available after you log into your Facebook account and.

    Then you select your page and the form delete ads form which you are using in your campaigns to simulate the actual submission and that's what I'm going to do now so I'm using my test form and I'm gonna preview it and we are asking just for these basic Fields right first name last name company job title of course I am the CEO my fake work email and my fake phone number and when I press the next button I will receive delete into make and it.

    Should appear into my in my CRM okay so let's submit it now delete will submit it now make is listening it call delete right it created Euro in my CM it also sent me a notification on slack so let's start with the simple thing but it's like because when new lead arrives I want to be notified immediately right so I then so I can take action so when I go to my slack to my testing Channel we can see that at 5 27 PM I got the lead so.

    Clearly it worked and it's telling me the name which is my name the company name the email and link to my CRM when I go to the CRM I can see that the neuro appeared here with this new lead status and we can also stop and talk about the columns briefly because we have obviously date time of delete creation the company name the domain name which I did not submit through the form so it had to be calculated somehow right then we have first name last name your title email phone number Etc and then we also store delete ID which was.

    Provided by Facebook and delete was generated and we will get back to that lead ID importance in a bit and you know as your sales people or maybe even yourself are working through the leads the lead can go through different statuses so let's say this lead was great and you know I bought a car right that's the ultimate conversion at some point you know I signed a contract and that's the signal for me to somehow tell Facebook that you know Daniel bought the car and Facebook should know about it.

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