SharePoint Power User Beginner Tutorial Office

SharePoint Power User Beginner Tutorial Office Trish Conner-Cato: um, fish Connor Cato. This is the SharePoint 2019 site owner video course. This course is for site owners and or managers new to working within a SharePoint environment. Introductory level experience with SharePoint is recommended by the end of this course, you will learn how to do the following, create and navigate a team site, create an edit web page content in module one, we'll be working with sites specifically. We will work with site templates to create sites and learn how to navigate.

The site and manage site navigation. We will be working on creating teams, sites, project sites, and community sites. Module two. We'll see us focusing on page content. This module includes the creation of Wiki library pages, Ebony, a team site home page, and using web parts to display content. If you're enjoying these videos, please like, and subscribe. If you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors, please join our offsite community. The link is in the description as well as always..

If this course has exercise files, you'll find them in the video description below. Before we get into SharePoint itself, we're going to do a little background information via the slide deck. This won't take long. We'll be hands on really quickly. So since SharePoint is based on site architecture, I figured I'd put a little map up here, just so you see what we're talking about. So you can have a site collection and from those site collections, you can make your sub-sites and that's what we're going to be doing..

So in our case, let's say where sales, because most of the data we're going to be worked with is sales related. In some way, during this course, we wouldn't have our sales cycle election. And then we would have our sales site. And from our sales site, we can make sub-sites that contain document libraries, lists all of these kinds of things. That's what we're going to be doing during this course, particularly in module one, just want you to have a little background understanding of the site architecture..

So the first module is working with sites. All SharePoint contact is access through a site. So the site is a container for the list of libraries and other apps that you're adding to your site. And it's a starting point also for basic administration. The lessons in this module, we're going to be working with site temp. Creating a team site, a project site. We're also going to create any community site. We're going to learn about site navigation and how to manage it..

In the video description, you have the files that we're going to be using in this module. There are two Excel files, goals, and employee salaries, and there's a word document or sales by month. We'll be using the three of those in this particular module. If you want to go ahead and grab those findings from the video description and put them in a folder on your desktop, that would be great. You've heard me say that sites can contain lists and libraries. Well, these two terms are typically used interchangeably..

SharePoint Power User Beginner Tutorial

They are distinctive in SharePoint though. So Alyssa did use the store information formatted in rows and columns. You can add attachments to list settings. They can be created from scratch. They can be based on an Excel file. Based on an existing list or by using a list template, a library is used to store documents and files. So lists, store information, library, store documents, and files. So you can have a document library. You can have an asset library, which is used to store rich media.

Files like images and videos. And again, lift and library, you'll hear the terms used interchangeably, but in SharePoint they store different things. There are basically three types of sites in SharePoint team, project, and community. We'll be creating examples of all three during this course. So a team site is a place to work together with a group of people. A project site is more geared toward managing and collaborating on a specific project. It brings all the status, communication and artifacts relevant.

To the project into one place. And then a community site is more of a forum experience in SharePoint. You can categorize and cultivate discussions among a broad group of people across organizations in a company by using a community site. Now, when it comes to team site, When you're creating the team site, there are two different types that you can create a modern type and a classic type. So the difference between the two really is modern. You can work with office 365 groups. When you create a modern site, the homepage already has sections for news, quick links, site activity, and a document library you can use built in or customize.

Themes for branding with a modern site. The classic site does not work with office 365 groups. Originally, you could only use SharePoint groups. So the classic sites still has access to SharePoint groups, but not office 365 groups, the homepage and a classic site as web parts for announcements, calendar, and links, then used to use site themes, alternate CSS, and master pages for branding in the classic site, we'll be working with the modern team site. When we get in and get started at this point, hopefully you'll have the two.

XL files from the video description and the word file that I referenced before. And you were in SharePoint and on a site from which you can create a sub site. So now will online what I'm going to call my parents site in SharePoint, my trust training site, and we're going to create our sub site. Our team site based off of this site. So before we do that, though, we need to activate a couple of features. So in the upper right hand corner, I'm going to have you click on the settings gear..

And when you click on the settings gear, you're going to click on site information. Now you'll see down here, there's a link where it says view all sites settings. That's where we're going to go on the left side of site settings. We're going to look under site collection administration, and we're going to go to site collection features. We need to enable a couple of features or activate a couple of features to make this course flow. Well, sometimes the features could be activated already. Otherwise you're going to have to go in and activate them..

    So these are in alphabetical order. The first feature we want to activate, we're going to scroll down until

    We see SharePoint and we want the SharePoint server standard site collection features to be activated. So you're going to click on the activate button to the right of it. And it did take a moment, but it will activate it for you. And then you'll see if you scroll back down to that setting SharePoint server standard site collection features. You'll see that the active button is now orange..

    We have one more that we need to activate. We're going to continue to scroll down until we see video and rich media, and we're going to activate that feature as well. And once that feature is active, I always, I'm still in the habit of going down and making sure that the button is orange and it says active. We can scroll back up to the top and you have, I call these breadcrumbs. If I want it to go back to site settings, I could use the breadcrumb here, or I'm going to use the quick launch and just go back to my home page for right now..

    Now, once that's done, we're ready to create our sub site. So we can go to site contents on the quick launch bar. That's where I normally do this and you'll see it has contents and it has sub sites. We're going to click the new drop down and select sub site. Now we're going to give our site a name by giving it a title and we'll call this shear point video course as its title..

    And the description is not required. But we'll just put in a description, we'll say used during, learn it video course, the website address, it gives you the URL. Most of the URL. So my U R L ends with my Trish training site. This is a sub site of that site. I have some privacy blocks here, so you're not able to see my domain and we're going to click in the box to the right, and we're just going to call it SharePoint course, all one word..

    So that will be the actual URL to the site that we're creating. We're going to leave the language as English. You can do the drop down there if you'd like and see all of the different languages available. You know, Microsoft products are used all over the world and with an Aleve, the template for a team site. So it's on the collaboration tab, right? That's where you find your team site, your project site, your community sites. And we're going to create instances of those throughout this course, but.

    Really I think in my opinion, they have teen site, no Microsoft 365 group and team site classic experience. I think it should just be team site, modern team site classic. We're going to leave it on the modern one, which currently says no, Microsoft 365 group. Again, those on the collaboration. You have two other 10 hours here. We're not going to address those during the course, but go ahead and click on enterprise and you'll see if you want it to create a document center or a.

    Record center of basic search center. You would use the enterprise tab and do it. Enterprise just gives you the SAP workflow site. We'll go back to collaboration and we'll make sure it's on team site. No, Microsoft 365 group. And you're going to continue to scroll down to see the rest of those new sub site settings. So now we're at the permissions area and we're going to use the same permissions as the parents site. In other words, we're inheriting permissions from in my case, truth.

    Training is my parent's site. Um, later on in this course, believe when we get to like module four, we'll be going over permissions and then we can disinherit them and create unique permissions as necessary. But for right now, we'll leave it on. You saying permissions as parents site in the navigation area, you can choose to display this site, your SharePoint course site on the quick launch, the left navigation of the parent's site. We'll toggle that to, yes, we don't need to display the site on the.

    Top link bar of the parent's site. So we'll toggle that one to no. And we don't want to inherit the top link bar from the parent's site. So in my Trish Trinity insight, if I had links to a bunch of other sites and the top link arm, I don't necessarily want those links to come down to this site. So we're going to leave that as a note and at the bottom, you're going to go ahead and click create your SharePoint video course site is created. It brings you to its home page, and you can go ahead and close next steps panel.

    On the right if it opened on your screen. So, as I said, in the introduction, the home page, the modern homepage

    Has sections for news activity, quick links and a built-in document library. So now you have your own sub site, your own SharePoint site, and this is what we're going to be using for parts of this course. When we get to module two, we'll modify our new team site homepage..

    But for right now, we're going to go ahead to the built in document library that comes automatically with the team site. So I'm going to use my quick launch on the left to go to doc. And it brings you into the empty document library. What we want to upload one of the files from the video description here. So we're going to upload the file called goals. It's an Excel file. So right up at the top, I'm going to click on the upload button.

    And I'm going to choose files. It's already in the directory where I saved the files for the video description. So the name of the final is gold. It's an Excel file. So I'm going to just double click it and it tells me it was uploading one item. It lets me know that goals is now available. If I want it to, I could send out a notification then to just close that box and you can see that it's sitting in the document library. So a couple of things about the document library that you should know, you can create documents right from in the library by clicking the new button..

    So you'll notice there's new buttons, lots of screens and SharePoint, and it typically contextual to the screen you're on. So adhere. I can create a new folder, word document, one note notebook, all kinds of things from the new dropdown. If I wanted to create the thing directly in SharePoint, I can do that. We went over upload already. You can upload files, which we did a folder or templates. You have the ability to edit in grid view, which we'll cover when we get to list..

    So on and so forth. You have a sync button there. You also have more actions where you can add a shortcut to one drive. You can explore it. You can automate this ties in with power automate. You can integrate with power apps, power automate, and power BI three other Microsoft programs. You can get alerts on this library and you'll learn about that a little bit later and alert. So if somebody uploads something new that you can control when you receive.

    The alerts and all of that right now, if we hover over the one document in our library, if we hover over the name of the document, we can open the document and Excel online that way. So why don't you go ahead and click on that link goals got XL S X, and then you can see that it's a table in Excel that has the years, the yearly goals and the monthly goals. We can get out of Excel online and go back to our SharePoint..

    There are several actions you can take with documents and the document library. So if you hover over goals to the right, you'll see a vertical ellipsis. If you hover over it, it says show actions that show actions. Menu has a lot of different things on it. So you can open the document in the browser or in the app. So if you have Excel on your computer, you can open it one or two ways there. Again, when you click the link to the document, it will automatically open it in Excel. In the browser, Excel online, you can preview the document. You can share a copy of link, manage the access..

    Again, we'll be dealing with permissions in a later module, you can download the document to your computer. You can delete it. You have your automate link there. So that links to power automate where you can request a sign off on a document or create other rules. You can rename it, pin it to the top. So if you have 30 documents in this library, this particular document will always be at the top of the list. You can move or copy it to one drive or a another SharePoint site from this list..

    You can get a history of the versions from here, you can set up alerts and you have a more section where you can get properties. You can attach it to a workflow, look at compliance details, check out the document, which we'll talk about a little bit later, and then you have details. So all your document management stuff is right from that show actions, menu, and SharePoint. You're not limited to the default document library. You can have as many document libraries as necessary..

    We're going to create another document library. And the scenario here would be that this default documents library, basically everybody on our team will have access to once we do permissions later in this course, the new document library that we're going to create is only going to be for management on our team. So we're going to have some more sensitive documents in that library that only managers will be able to view. So I usually go to site contents to create anything new. I'm going to go to site contents on the quick launch and at the.

    Top, you'll see your new button. Notice the things. These are all things that came with the template, the team template that we used, we haven't created any of. So now we're going to go to the new button, which is contextual to this screen, and we're going to choose document library, and we're going to name our document library management, and we'll put sensitive material as our description..

    We want it to show in the site navigation. So we'll be able to see it on a quick launch. And we won't have to go to site contents to find it whenever we need to access it. Go ahead and click create. And now we're going to upload same process we did before upload files. And we want to grab that employee salaries, Excel file to upload to this particular document library management..

    And I get rid of that notify your team. So something else that you should become familiar with in SharePoint, our library and list settings, we're in a document library. So if we go up to the settings gear in the upper right hand corner, you'll see in this list of options, we have library settings. If we were in a list, we would have lists settings. We're going to click on library. Settings, library settings are divided into groups..

    You have your general setup. Permissions and management communications. And then if you scroll down, you'll have columns and other stuff underneath, which we'll go over later on. But for right now, we want to look at some general settings. So let's say we named this document library. We named it management. If we wanted to change the name of it, we could go into lists, name, description, and navigation. Go ahead and click on that link..

    So you can see that you could change its name, its description and whether or not it shows on the quick launch. Uh, just a note about that, even if it's on the quick launch, if someone doesn't have permissions to it, they won't be able to access it. So you'll learn more about permissions in a later module. We can go ahead and cancel out of the screen and go into versioning settings. So versioning settings, give you some more control over your library. For example, content approval, specify whether you items or changes to exist..

    The item items should remain in a draft state until they have been approved. So if you turn that to yes, and someone uploads or creates a new item in the library, Or makes a change to existing items in the library. It would be in a draft state, meaning only the person that uploaded or made to change. And the approvers would be able to see it in the library until it is approved. One thing, if you scroll down to the bottom of versioning settings for this particular library, we want to require documents to be checked.

    Out before they can be edited. So once you do this, especially since it's sensitive material, only one person can have it checked out at a time. Other people can go and view the version that is up there, but otherwise they wouldn't be able to edit anything until whoever has it checked out, we'll check it in and then it's available to be checked out again by somebody else. So those are some settings you might want to get yourself familiar with if necessary for your organization. We can just go ahead and cancel out of versioning settings..

    If you no longer need a document library, you can under permission to management, you can delete it. We do not want to delete this document library, but it's pretty easy to get rid of things you no longer need for the site. And you can use your breadcrumb trail if you'd like. Or your quick launch to get back into the management document library. I like using my breadcrumb trail. So I'm going to just click on management up there and it takes.

    Me back now, just another note on document libraries, especially when it comes to when you first create them. And you're initially going to populate them with a lot of documents. If you're planning to require checking out of a document, don't do that setting until after you've uploaded all of the documents initially into your library. Otherwise you would have to check all of those documents. And so just kind of make a note of that..

    Now we're going to shift our focus from document libraries to lists. We're going to end up creating three lists in our SharePoint site. We're going to start by creating a list from blank. Then we're going to create a list based off an Excel file. And then we're going to create a list from an existing list. So to get started, we're going to start creating a list from blank. So I'm going to go over to my quick launch and click on site contents. Again, I'm going to click the new button at the top, and now you can.

    See by the way, your management document library and the list of site. We're going to click the new button and we are going to choose lists. You'll see the three methods that we're going to use, starting with a blank list from itself, from an existing list. Plus they have some lists templates that you may or may not be interested in using. We're going to click on blank list to get started..

    We'll see that name is the only required field. It has the red asterisk next to it. And we're going to name this list 2021 and then Q1 for quarter one sales 2021. Q1 sales is what we're going to name it. Description. We don't need to put a description in. We do want it to show insight navigation so we can get to it easily. And you're going to go ahead and click create. When you create a list in SharePoint, it gives you one.

    Column and it names it title. So we're going to address that now by changing the title column, we want it to be called associate. So what we're going to do is do the drop down arrow next to title hover over column settings and choose rename. And we're going to call it associate. And safe. Now we need to add some columns. So we need to add columns for January, February, and March..

    And what we're going to do here is you can click right where it says add column. And the column that we want is going to be a, let's see it's going to be number because the contents of the column is going to be numbers. So for January, we're going to have January's number. So we chose the number of data type there. So we're going to name this column, Jan, for January, we don't need a description because we chose number as the type. It gives us the number of data type. We want it to be formatted as currency..

    So I'm going to do the dollar sign underneath preview, and I'm going to change the decimal places from automatic to two. We're not going to do a default value or use a calculated value or anything else here. We can just do safe. So now you'll see that you have your January column. We want to create another column. So we want February. We'll do add column again, and then I'll have you guys after this one..

    I'll have you do March on your own. So we want a number column. We're going to name it fed for February, no description. We're going to give it the dollar sign format and two decimal places and safe. And go ahead, just as a challenge, create the March column on your own name it Mar. So we have renamed the title column to associate and created our January, February, and March columns to hold numbers that are.

    Formatted with the currency symbol and have two decimal places. So now it's time to populate this list and we're using that sales by month of word document. That was in the video description, or you can just take it from my screen as I'm doing the population on my screen. So the first thing we need to do is to the right of your new button, easiest way to do this, where you can do more than one record at a time is to edit in grid view..

    So I clicked edit in grid view, and now I can just use my tacky and go across and fill out the information. So it's a rating in the first associate box and that person we're just doing last names here, it's Johnson, and I'm doing my tab key to go over to January and notice. As soon as I tab, it gives me an add new item in the next row down. So for January, we're going to just put in 20,000, I'm not doing any punctuation..

    I'm just typing in the raw numbers and I'm going to press tab now, right now, it's not showing the dollar sign and the two decimal points because we're still in grid view editing this. So February's number 34,000 tab, March 20th, 2000. And now I'm going to tab again after the 22,000 and it takes me to the plus sign underneath and I'm going to tab one more time. So I'm now right underneath Johnson..

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